Results for: Barack Obama Website

A Lawyer by Training, Obama Ignore Rules of Law
– The article tells how, a website owned by an Obama fundraiser who lives in China but has visited the Obama White House 11 … The Obama website, unlike those of most campaigns, doesn't ask for the three- or four-digit credit card verification number. … Barack Obama was a lecturer on constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School.…
Corruption: Exposing Barack Obama’s Illegal Foreign Campaign Money Loophole
– The GAI documents included the following email from Barack Obama to campaign supporters: IT ALL ADDS UP A … The Obama campaign’s official and main website,, sees 43 percent of its traffic coming from foreign IP addresses, according … A member of the Italian Radical Socialist movement and an administrator of their website reposts solicitations from the Obama campaign…
Rumors Swirl: How Bad Will The Obama Foreign Donor Scandal Be?
– Editor's UPDATE: Katie Pavlich has filed a report on documents TOWNHALL obtained regarding the breaking Obama campaign's foreign donor … allegations expected to go public Monday in a major magazine and national website story. … , we do know taxes and unsecured credit card transactions are about to cause a major headache for the Obama campaign.…
The Multitudinous Mitt
Barack Obama had a tough time in the debate because he was told he would be debating Mitt Romney, a self-described "severely conservative … His website page on spending omits any promise or plan to eliminate the deficit. … When Obama decided to stop their deportations, this Romney criticized the decision.…
Mark Levin's 'Ameritopia'
– Levin calls them the "masterminds" -- the latest and most prominent being President Barack Obama and his cadre of utopian elitists. … Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at…
New National Poll: Romney Gains, Obama Struggles
– Forty-six percent of Americans now hold an unfavorable view of Barack Obama.  … Along those lines, Obama leads every possible Republican opponent in hypothetical head-to-head matchups.  … The poll shows Romney with a nine-point lead over Obama on economic issues.…
Perry's Death by Debate
– Jon Fleischman, founder of the conservative website FlashReport, isn't laughing. … The Republican who wants to take on President Barack Obama has to perform, has to excel, has to be electable in November -- and has…
La Raza's Lobbyist in the White House
– When Barack Obama campaigned for president, he claimed "I am running to tell the lobbyists in Washington that their days of setting … Despite this promise, Obama hired over 50 lobbyists in his administration. … How does Obama account for this?…
For Whom Would America's Founders Vote for President?
– And leading the national charge is none other than our president, Barack Obama. … The Library of Congress' website notes, "It is no exaggeration to say that on Sundays in Washington during the administrations of Thomas … also before his run for the presidency, Newt stated categorically on the tour for his insightful book "To Save America" that the Obama
Redistricting California Style – Bad Idea Gone Bad (Part 3)
– Claypool, a career government employee and a self-described “progressive Democrat” and supporter of Barack Obama, should never have … Brown was completely unqualified for the assignment; on the Gibson, Dunn website, he is listed as an expert on securities law issues…
Pandering at the Pump
Obama became president. … But if John McCain preached that mantra, Obama has practiced it. … Republicans blame Obama for not attacking Iran at the same time they attack him for high gas prices.…
Vetting Obama: Leftists Take Steps To Prevent You From Learning Anything…ma_leftists_take_steps_to_prevent_you_from_learning_anything
Obama as a law student at Harvard. … The liberal website couldn't wait to recycle the Racer script. … Obama will wipe white people off the map … in his second term.…
'60s Radicals In Power Now
– President Barack Obama may characterize 1960s Weatherman radical Bill Ayres as just a man he knows from Chicago’s Hyde Park. … Surely Obama knew Wade Rathke, head of ACORN where Obama was employed, was an SDSer. … Was Obama unaware of Michael Klonsky’s radical SDS allegiance when Klonsky’s education blog was featured on Obama’s 2008 campaign website
Apologize Like You Mean It, Rush
– "You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh," Barack Obama admonished attendees at a White House summit in January 2009. … In a 12-sentence statement posted on his website Saturday, Limbaugh praised himself as a hardworking master of the absurd who never…
El Rushbo's Apology: Saving Conservatism, Not His Own Show
– But neither uproar from all quarters against Limbaugh’s language, nor the much-publicized phone call from President Obama to support … Why, then, did Limbaugh take the uncharacteristic step of posting a statement on his website declaring that he felt sorry about his … By seizing angry attention in the midst of a presidential campaign from issues on which Barack Obama looks painfully vulnerable, Rush…
Santorum's 'Snub' Was No Gaffe
– Commentators, not all of them Democrats, have been having a field day since GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum charged BarackObama with snobbery for pushing the idea that everyone needs a college education. … "President Obama once said he wants everybody in America to go to college," Santorum told an Americans for Prosperity forum in Troy…
Cigarettes and Compulsion
– Anti-smoking paternalists, a group that includes President Barack Obama, see this approach as necessary to counter the nonstop brainwashing … Obama noted he was one of the many smokers who started as teenagers. … out more about Steve Chapman, and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
Yet Another Assumption of Power
– Back to Barack Obama.  Why is he suddenly so interested in updating this act, by executive order, no less?  … The memo mentions that Obama personally issued this directive.  … In 2012, Obama assumed the power himself. …
Public Relations--A Public Fraud in Federal Agencies
– And most startling of all, as our nation moves ever closer to a Greece-style default, Barack Obama employs his considerable political … Nor is Team Obama required to “substantiate its claims”. … Barack Obama clearly thinks he can.…
Obama, Cameron to go to basketball game
– President Barack Obama, a well-known basketball fan, will treat British Prime Minister David Cameron to a little March Madness Tuesday … The leaders' trip to the game comes as Obama launched his new tournament "bracket challenge" on his campaign website.…
Douse the Flames, Mr. President!
Barack Obama's statement that the death of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy that cries out for a more thorough investigation was the right … More critically, where is President Obama? When Rep. … Where is the Obama of Tucson now?…
Mohamed Merah - Man of the West
– US President Barack Obama engaged in similarly outrageous libels when during his speech to the Muslim world in June 2009 he compared … The appellate court overturned a lower court's libel ruling against Internet activist Philippe Karsenty who wrote on his personal website
'Kony 2012' video draws support and criticism
– President Barack Obama sent 100 U.S. Army advisers to join the hunt last October. … One such resource, the LRA Crisis Tracker website launched in 2011, supplies verified information about the LRA's recent movements … According to the group's website, 95 percent of its leadership and staff on the ground are "Ugandans on the forefront of program design…
Pennsylvania Poll: Santorum 37, Romney...42
– And when it comes to matching up against Barack Obama in the fall only 24% of Republicans think Santorum would provide their best chance … that the team has an opportunity to return to their homes and spend time with family and friends," said a statement on Santorum's website
A Rock Star Revolution
– EXCLUSIVE April Townhall of Fame feature by Katie Pavlich: These days it’s hard to find a rock star who doesn’t support President BarackObama. … realizing what a great nation we are, because I think people have forgotten,” Fishman says in an interview posted on the band’s website
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