Results for: Barack Obama Website

Top 10 Reasons Not to Re-elect Obama (Part 2 of 3)
– Last week in Part 1, I began to list my Top 10 reasons not to re-elect President Obama. … In the over 500 promises Obama made during his campaign and presidency, even the pro-Obama PolitiFact website and their Obamameter … And leading the national charge is none other than our own president, Barack Obama.…
Eight Arguments You've Probably Heard Against Mitt Romney
– They will either re-elect President Barack Obama for another four-year term, or they will replace him with Governor Mitt Romney.  … A campaign ad from Barack Obama states that Romney does not make these exceptions.  … The Obama plan is quite different. …
De Pasquale’s Dozen with MD Senate Candidate Dan Bongino
– Bush and Barack Obama, Bongino retired in 2011 to run for Senate (see question 12 for who inspired him). … If you could give President Obama, Rep. … President Obama Does U-Turn & Claims "You Did Build That" 12.…
Thanks Al, But Next Time Invent the Internet
– So to win the Presidency, Barack Obama or Mitt Romney will need at least 270 electoral votes. … If you wish to play with your own outcome predictions, see the impressive website  … Obama and Mitt Romney. …
It’s an Obama world: Students learn to talk like Barack Obama
– Here is an excerpt from the lesson plan: “Give them a handout of one of the transcripts of Barack Obama speeches from … (You can use speeches by other people, there are thousands on the website, but I like the Barack Obama speeches as he has high energy … The next step: “Play the MP3 or video file for the Barack Obama speech you chose (also on American Rhetoric), and ask students…
After Romney's Birth Certificate Joke, Dems Play the Race Card
– Then make a donation of $3 or more to re-elect Barack Obama today." … But when Obama jokes about his birth certificate -- or even hawks birther-themed swag on his campaign website, it's all in good fun … Those ads charge that Obama raided Medicare to pay for Obamacare.…
Why Bill Clinton Is All Wet
Obama has presided. … Bush into Herbert Hoover and Barack Obama into Franklin Roosevelt. … But as Bill Clinton once said about another Obama claim, it's a "fairy tale."…
Job Creation Nation: America Faces Harsh Realities In 2013
– But President Obama has insisted that taxes should be raised on so-called “rich people” next year, and has refused to do what most … Obama supporters may get their wish in November, but it will come at a painful price – a price that all of us will pay. … Since the early days of his first presidential campaign in 2007, Barack Obama has been pouring fuel on the fires of resentment and…
Obama to ACORN: You've Got a Friend in Me
– The Washington Examiner has uncovered some video of then Senator and presidential candidate Barack Obama gushing over the criminal … TOP has used its website to solicit support for Mary Ann Perez, a Democrat running for state representative. … Because these groups are working to get President Obama re-elected, afterall, he has been very loyal to them.  …
Obama Camp on Foreign Policy Criticism: Have We Mentioned That Obama Killed Bin Laden?…licy_criticism_have_we_mentioned_that_obama_killed_bin_laden
Barack Obama simply is a glorious foreign policy wizard because he killed Bin Laden.  Period.  … Obama will somehow recognize the costs this failure have imposed. … Barack Obama has always been about promoting Barack Obama's interests above all else, and he's surrounded by people who think the same…
Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Admits Obama’s Blackness Trumps His Failed Record…us_chairman_admits_obamas_blackness_trumps_his_failed_record
– Emmanuel Cleaver admitted to the Root the CBC has been reluctant to criticize President Obama because he’s black. … I guess Cleaver also isn’t concerned black wealth has also plummeted under Obama. … Obama.…
Academic Liberalism Replaced with Leftism
– Cocoa, Fla., who didn’t realize that requiring her math students to identify their political party and sign a pledge to “Vote for BarackObama and Democrats up and down the ticket” was a no-no. … But that’s good for her, as she’ll have more time to work for, the Obama-Biden website from whence she printed out the…
Surprise: Video of Romney's '47 Percent' Remarks Mysteriously "Missing" Several Minutes…neys_47_percent_remarks_mysteriously_missing_several_minutes
– The video came to me as two separate files, and that is how we posted it on the website." … Under President Obama, we have a stagnant economy that fosters government dependency. … But it is a very different kind of help than what President Obama wants to provide.…
Indoctrinate U: Professor Forces Students to Pledge They Vote For Obama and Democrats…_forces_students_to_pledge_they_vote_for_obama_and_democrats
– A professor in Florida is under fire today after forcing her students to sign a pledge to vote for Barack Obama and Democrats. … A college professor has been placed on leave after she allegedly forced her class to sign a pledge to vote for President Obama … The pledge was printed by Sweet from, a voter registration website paid for by the Obama campaign.…
Obama Bent on Re-creating ‘The Grapes of Wrath’
– Chovanec writes, “President Barack Obama has held up China’s investments in green energy and high speed rail as examples of the … This is precisely the road Obama is offering to America, and worse. … What this means is that again, Obama is out of ideas, and doesn’t know how to fix the economy.…
Election 12: Obama & Romney on gay marriage
– NASHVILLE (BP) -- When future historians write about the 21st-century debate over gay marriage, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama will be … Obama voted against that federal marriage amendment as a U.S. senator, and once he was president he became the first sitting U.S. president … Today Baptist Press continues its series of articles examining Obama and Romney on the issues by looking at their actions and their…
Todd Akin: Conservative Champion
– This, of course, is the very land Barack Obama seeks to “fundamentally transform.” … On his own time, on his home computer, he wrote an article for a conservative website that defended the sanctity of natural marriage…
Obama Never Admits Green Failure
– If he succeeds in his run for a second term, President Obama doesn’t intend to tone down his efforts to push for green energy. … No, President Obama is not going to “cede.” He will not admit failure; he’ll do more. … As you read through the list below, think about the Obama administration’s attitude toward these projects.…
FIRST-PERSON: The great clarification: fuzzy fidelity and the rise of the nones…great_clarification_fuzzy_fidelity_and_the_rise_of_the_nones
– In the 2008 election, 75 percent of the unaffiliated voted for Barack Obama, while only 23 percent voted for John McCain. … This column first appeared at his website,…
The Second Debate - Pre-Game
– Pre-Game The pressure tonight is all on Barack Obama. … Because of the Denver debate, the bar for Obama is significantly higher tonight. … Romney has the advantage of having proven he can compete with - and defeat - Obama in a head-to-head match-up.…
Top 8 Most Unusual Candidates
– Think Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have polar opposite opinions? … I am the Vermin Supreme,” the candidate announced in a stump speech featured on Time Magazine’s website. … in his primary race – that incumbent being none other than President Barack Obama himself.…
Colorado Swings Towards Romney
– miles of rural, suburban and patches of urban Colorado reveal many Democrats with an interesting lack of enthusiasm for President BarackObama, despite all of the built-in support and demographic advantages at his fingertips. … If Romney wins here comfortably, that probably means a national win on the scale of George Bush in 2004, or even Obama in 2008, Trende…
American Jewry's Cherished Values
– But Obama doesn't. Take freedom of speech. Obama is the most hostile president to freedom of speech in recent memory. … But here, too, Obama fails to live up to liberal values of clean politics. … So what is it that drives over two-thirds of American Jews to support Obama?…
The Top 10 People, Places, & Phrases Liberals Have Called Racist During The 2012 Campaign…phrases_liberals_have_called_racist_during_the_2012_campaign
– Then the ad goes a step beyond, by saying, “but that’s Barack Obama,” that is, the kind of person who misleads and says things that … So far, Barack Obama has been involved in two elections that suggest that such racism is no longer operative. … Mitt, at long last, has secured his base," he added. 3) Calling Barack Obama "Cool" and/or opposing him in any way: Angela Rye…
Culture Challenge of the Week: Money Troubles
– How to Save Your Family: Choose Well During last week’s Presidential debate on the economy, Barack Obama got one thing right. … The Obama Administration chose to reward political cronies with billions of dollars for fruitless “green” energy projects (such as … He offers free tools on his website and sage advice in his courses.…
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