Results for: they are all going to jail

Email, Hate Mail and Comments from Readers,_hate_mail_and_comments_from_readers
– If you are going to criticize people, you should at least base it on your own labor of a few keystrokes after links have been provided … I live in CA so I have to look outside for help. So I support candidates anywhere if they are true conservatives. … Just say "I hate all Democrats and everything they do is wrong" like the Infant that you are, and be done with it already -- every…
FROM THE STATES: N.M., La. & Ariz. evangelism/missions news,_la__ariz_evangelismmissions_news
– "I know we're not going to impact everybody, but we're going to impact somebody," Stein said. "That's the reason I do this." … They had long known "to live is Christ, and to die is gain," but they got to see how God vividly demonstrated the truth that Mike's … They have prayed with and for other cancer patients. All the while, they have shared the gospel with so many.…
Rebel, Rebel: Tim Tebow
– Well, it’s principally because Christophobic toads are afraid to turn the verbal guns they use to berate Christians on Muslims, that … Who are we to judge? … Oh, one more thing: This goes out to the obnoxious atheists who are spewing smack about Tebow’s devotion to God.…
Email, Hate Mail and Comments from Readers
– We’ve tried nothin’ and we’re all out of ideas. OWS has tried nothing at all constructive and they are all out of ideas. … If the Republicans do not self destruct (which they are fully capable of doing) Obama will be within a month of going as well. … In fact, he did not say at all why they should be jailed, though he made some veiled references to deals and lobbyists.…
BP Ledger, December 19 edition
Are you going to step up to the plate and do what you said you're going to do?'" … If you are not in his will, you're going to be miserable. … When Moss found out that she was going to meet all the Lady Tigers, she said: "This is going to be the high point in my life as far…
Most Ridiculous Lawsuit of 2011 Announced
– These suits range from the comical and absurd to the disturbing, but they all underscore a real problem – lawsuits hurt businesses, … A nearly-300 pound man is suing White Castle restaurants, saying that their booths are too tight to accommodate someone of his size … She is seeking at least $5 million; the restaurant says the games are legal and has asked a judge to dismiss the suit.…
PETA Wants Memorial to Cow Victims of 5/22
– You have to keep up appearances that you are interested in good government. … And there is nothing like sending both Republican and Democrat governors to jail to make the message clear.     … So they want drivers to act more responsibly while driving animals to their deaths?…
"Weeds" and Marijuana Chic
– This compares to six percent in 1992. There surely are multiple reasons to explain the increasing use of this drug. … She's an unstable hypocrite in a bad marriage who's "going to take it out on whoever happens to be standing in her way." … They ought to look in the mirror and wonder if they're the self-righteous people who are really screwed up and pushing evil.…
What Standards?
– One can't turn on the TV in primetime without being exposed to all sorts of sex (except the marital variety). … Palin should have stayed home to devote more time to her children, they say. … Styles may change, but standards don't, otherwise some elected officials would not still be going to jail for violating the law.…
Why I'm Voting for John McCain
They are beholden to trial lawyers, teachers unions and the ecological crazies. … After all, how would you like to have to wake up each day, knowing you are going to have to listen to the likes of Barbara Boxer, Robert … Although they tend to be secular in nature, they are strict fundamentalists when it comes to their candidates.…
Bankrupt Cities
– pension promises they have made to their employees. … Are you weary of worrying about the crisis du jour -- subprime mortgages and all that? … Pensions "are a perfect vehicle for procrastination; in the financial world, they are the most long-enduring promises that exist."…
Panic-Stricken Mother Faces Charges for not Aborting Child…7/panic-stricken_mother_faces_charges_for_not_aborting_child
– "It's going to be OK," he reassured the baby. "Help's on the way." … by up to one year in jail. … and are eager to identify her to ensure that she receives appropriate care."…
Why McCain Didn't Land His Punches
– He continues to intone "people are hurting, people are angry" as if to show that he's in touch. … Well, presidents have lots of power, but no president is ever going to be able to control or regulate greed. Sen. … McCain likes to punish those he considers corrupt -- notice how often he refers to former antagonists who are now "in jail."…
And Down the Stretch They Come!!
– some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest … they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion … Congressman Bob Ney went to jail in the Jack Abramoff scandal. And on and on. … In 2007 no one would have believed that Ohio was going to be seriously contested in the Presidential race.…
Obama, Powell and Popularity,_powell_and_popularity
– Among all the people who are now scrambling to get on the Obama bandwagon, none is likely to impress more people than Colin Powell … Like Ross Perot, Colin Powell once had such support from the American people that there was nothing to stop him from going all the … What is relevant here is that a New York Times reporter went to jail for refusing to tell who had revealed Ms.…
Americans—Don't Forget to Give Thanks—dont_forget_to_give_thanks
All happy people are grateful, and ungrateful people cannot be happy. … They seem to live to complain—“The economy is the pits, the president’s the pits,…in fact, you’re the pits!" … Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.…
Moral Vacuum in Illinois
– He boasted in a 2006 interview, 'Rather than try to get the legislature to pass something -- because we attempted to and they didn't … There are obvious takeaways from the Blagojevich scandal that pols were quick to pick up on. … But there are more lessons to learn, ones not so obvious.…
The High Cost of Favoritism
– Why would Leona Helmsley have risked going to jail for tax evasion, when she could easily have paid the taxes out of her vast fortune … What could have led him to take reckless chances that risked it all, whether in California or in Nevada? … , are just students who happen to play a game is belied in many ways.…
Ink by the Barrel, Graft by the Pound,_graft_by_the_pound
– Three of the past eight governors have spent time in jail or prison. Blagojevich would bring the number to four. … You have to admit: The guv has baseball-sized fortitude, if all of the above is true. … In one alleged conversation, Blagojevich told "Fundraiser A" to tell "Individual D" that if "Senate Candidate 5" is going to be chosen…
Prohibition's Second Act
– The other downside of the system: When authorities arrest and jail low-level offenders, they are branding lowlifes with erasable criminal … I asked LEAP leaders if, instead of pushing for an end to the prohibition of all illegal drugs, it would make more sense to push for … And it's going to be bipartisan change."…
The Twenty Biggest Stories Of 2008
going to have to move over because Bernard Madoff's 50 billion dollar flim-flam topped 'em both. 16) The Eliot Spitzer call … Now, everyone wants to know how much Obama and his staff knew, whether Blago's appointee is going to be seated, and how long Blago … declare that victory was impossible is now doing their best to studiously ignore everything that's going on there. 2) Barack…
The Coming Entitlement Crash of 2010
– “awfulize”—competing on how bad things are and why they need the next Washington bailout. … If Congress had to face the same scrutiny that they impose on corporate CEO’s, they’d all be going to jail. … Citizens feel powerless to impact the steady stream of foreclosures, layoffs and stock market retreats they watch daily.…
Hollywood's Best and Worst
– Worst: The Fox show "Moment of Truth," which offered contestants half-million-dollar prizes if they would submit themselves to a lie … -- which means they're going to draw in about 90 percent of the American market." … He's so pathetic he needs to be bailed out from jail by the dumbest character in the animated universe.…
Dancing With Arafat's Ghost
Are we therefore supposed to forget the days of stunning silence from the White House as these events unfolded? … All of this was preamble for the big news the O-Team wanted to make in Thursday's speech. … Other presidents, going back to Jimmy Carter, have called for a "two-state solution" to the "Israeli-Palestinian conflict."…
BP Ledger, May 23 edition,_may_23_edition
are to blame for the steep climb in religious violence. … A court in East Java sentenced all 41 defendants to the maximum five years in prison in September 2007, although they were granted … Furthermore, the blasphemy laws are not often invoked due to a general impression that prisons are full enough.…
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