Results for: Barack Obama Website

Candidates Should be Talking About China
– The only cut President Barack Obama is willing to make in federal spending is in our military power, which means he will be ceding … our military superiority to China and other hostile totalitarian nations.While Obama is shutting down our U.S. space program, China … Edison light bulb plants and opened a light bulb plant in China, Barack Obama named Immelt his jobs czar.…
Anti-Capitalist "Day of Rage" Protesters Unwittingly Echo the Tea Party…talist_day_of_rage_protesters_unwittingly_echo_the_tea_party
– From the IBTimes: As the protesters call for President Barack Obama to establish a commission to end "the influence money … have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%," says the event's official website
Looking for Love
– That was part of Barack Obama's response to an exuberant fan who shouted "I love you!" at a campaign rally. … A gossip website reports that the New York Times is working on a story that the president is depressed. That's unconfirmed. … When Obama unveiled his first stimulus, he promised it would lift 2 million people out of poverty.…
Mission Accomplished
– Candidate Barack Obama thought he would play it safe on July 13, 2008, when he quietly expunged his website of "The surge is not working…
Andrew Sullivan's Atlantic Error
– In liberals’ frenzy to elect Barack Obama in 2008, no one was quite as far out to sea as Andrew Sullivan, a respected columnist for … Obama. … And in Kenya, where Barack Obama has family ties, backing of the United States has fallen off from 94% to 83%.…
Repulsive: Richard Trumka's Hyper-Political 9/11 Essay
– We saw it in the racism that has found overt and covert expression since Barack Obama began his run for office—from outright declarations … Regardless of his policies or priorities, President Obama is shadowed by the drumbeat of suspicion based on his “other”-ness. … received the following confirmation from an AFL-CIO spokesperson: "The September 11 (9/11) page on the AFL-CIO’s website
Email, Hate Mail and Comments from Readers,_hate_mail_and_comments_from_readers
– You are likely looking at the Michael Vicking of Barack Obama. … Obama certainly is a terrible president, but for Bill Clinton, as ex-president, to do the Tonya Harding move on Obama on taxes is without … But what makes me different from you is that I didn’t vote for Barack Obama like you did.…
Stimulus Beneficiary Holds Fundraiser for Obama
– A wealthy Democrat family from Missouri is holding a fundraiser for President Obama in early October. … “At a time when Barack Obama is under fire for steering hundreds of millions of dollars in stimulus funds to a failed company linked … “Sadly, Missourians have come to expect this kind of pay-to-play from the Obama administration.…
White House: $1.2 Trillion Deficit in 2012
– Just so you know, this deficit is totally out of context and was certainly not built by President Obama:   The ObamaBarack Obama promised to halve the deficit he "inherited" (ie, voted for in the Senate and expanded as president) by this year.  … UPDATE - It's worth recalling that the tax hikes on "the rich" Obama is currently demanding were all included in his FY 2013 budget…
Pollsters May Have Fatal Flaw in Obama Romney Numbers
– For example, we saw a hugely enthusiastic young voter turnout for Obama in 2008. … Obama has at the very least lost some of its mojo. … But the Obama camp may run low on cash just as we enter the last and most important phase of the race.…
Obama Donor: Stimulus Was Like a Hooker in Prison
– "President Barack Obama will talk about the economy when he returns to a downtown Fort Myers civic center Friday, more than three years … (President Barack Obama, Remarks At A Town Hall Event, Fort Myers, FL, 2/10/09) A Month Later At A Green Energy Venture Capital Conference … Website, Accessed 7/13/11) Steve Westly On Investing: "Who Cares About What I Think, Let's Talk About What Does Obama Like?" …
Another Obama Bundler Boondoggle Goes Broke
– Another green company backed by an Obama bundler just bit the dust. … Sounds like a picture perfect Obama program: Very expensive with "functionality issues."      … as a bundler in 2008, according to the campaign cash website…
Cruz Missile
– Somebody elected Obama. Somebody keeps his poll ratings elevated slightly over Mitt Romney's -- for now at least. … Even Obama had a little more legislative experience. … Barack Obama may be the most powerful man on earth and Ted Cruz a mere senatorial candidate, but we'll see soon whose language truly…
The Ticking Time Bomb of Iran and Obama
– Last Thursday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad posted on his website his most recent anti-Semitic tirade, saying global forces … Meanwhile, in Orlando, Fla., President Barack Obama had a takeout plate of pulled pork and rice.The Jerusalem Post reported Ahmadinejad … Foreign dictators and other extremists are praying U.S. citizens re-elect Obama.…
An Olympian of Chicanery
Obama and Missouri Democrats.” … As an analysis on the Missouri First website puts it: “Emery voted against” that particular amendment because it “urged Congress to … But Scott Largent, the Solon of Smear, sent voters a copy of a letter on White House stationary purportedly from President Barack Obama
Barack Obama’s Calculated Deception
– That is the central theme of the Obama campaign. … And that can be seen over and over in the Obama campaign. … Barack Obama knows that history, even though he is sure a majority of you don't.…
7 Things to Expect If Obama Is Elected to a Second Term
– ." -- Barack Obama So far, the message of the Obama campaign essentially seems to be, "I'm unable to effectively govern because … Given that Barack Obama has shown zero inclination to get spending under control or seriously tackle entitlement reform, our rating … Without an election to keep him in check, expect Barack Obama to "evolve" on gun control the same way he did on gay marriage.…
Pro-life leaders welcome Paul Ryan choice
– It appears Ryan's addition has caused the differences between the Republican ticket and the Democratic ticket of President Obama and … The Romney-Ryan ticket "stands in sharp contrast to the avowed pro-abortion administration of Barack Obama and Joe Biden," NRLC President … My organization's priority is to make sure President Obama remains in the White House."…
Our Dishonorable President
– And the top is Barack Obama. … The longer Barack Obama refuses to condemn and end the vicious tactics and words used in his name, the more he dishonors the memory … At that January memorial for the victims of that massacre, Barack Obama said this of the Green, the youngest murder victim: If…
Unreal: Obama Denounces SuperPAC Republicans
– It's about Barack Obama, the man at the top of this poisonous food chain.  … “But I think that’s a key difference between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. … Barack Obama never murdered a child, and Mitt Romney did.”…
The Quest For A Reason To Re-Elect The President
– Have you heard the latest from the Obama re-election team? … But why do we need another four years of Barack Obama as our President? … I did, however, receive a recent email update from the Obama campaign, a portion of which read like this: “President Obama believes…
Bank of Panther Stadium: Democrats and Transparency
– The Obama campaign was outraged – it seems only President Obama is allowed to make jokes about his birth certificate…or fundraise off … It’s a compelling look at people who really thought Barack Obama would make things better and now realize just how empty that promise … Check the website often (an announcement about how you can see it should be coming this week) and watch the trailer.…
Three Minutes to Midnight
– The press was only too happy when candidate Barack Obama disavowed the man he said he could never disavow. … Now, however, is when Barack Obama’s twenty-year membership in Rev. Wright’s church comes into the sharpest focus. … And it is to this most uncurious man, President Barack Obama, in this time and place, that we have entrusted so very much.…
Another Prominent Liberal Endorses Romney-Ryan
– Silverman's support of Romney is particularly notable as he publicly supported Barack Obama in 2008, has spent most of his life as … Silverman's endorsement is the lead article currently posted on the home page of our website.   … I thought Barack Obama was ideally situated to speak some necessary truths to the Islamic world. …
Tapper, Halperin Admit: Media Tipping Scales for Obama
Obama and are adjusting their campaign coverage accordingly.  … But what Cordes said was that the Obama campaign “suggested that Mr. … run by two former Obama White House officials), that has cited Missouri steelworker Joe Soptic’s story – it’s also the Obama campaign…
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