Results for: they are all going to jail

All God's Children
– It was a plea to all Americans "to continue to welcome the immigrants who join your ranks today, to share their joys and hopes, to … suspected of being in the country illegally and jail them if they cannot prove, on the spot, that they are legal residents have led … Whether we are citizen or non-citizen, American or foreign-born, legal or illegal immigrant, we are all God's children.…
Saving the Children is Our Job
They know how to take children from their homes but they don't know how to raise them once they've got them in their hands. … These children should be with their mothers, who are as much victims as their children are alleged to be. … Splitting them up from their mother and their siblings is not going to be performing a service to these kids.…
McCain Finds His Own Radical Friend
– How close are McCain and Liddy? At least as close as Obama and Ayers appear to be. … Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms comes to disarm you and they are bearing arms, resist them with arms. … I made repeated inquiries to his campaign aides, which they refused to acknowledge, much less answer.…
Strong Arm Tactics Won't Help Consumers At the Pump
to discourage companies to do business, particularly in times of disaster or when supplies are short and price increases are an economic … The big losers from this ham-handed approach to policy are consumers. … If drivers are hoping for relief at the pump this summer, it’s not going to come from Capitol Hill.…
The Meanness of Martha Coakley
– Turn Them All Away." … It might not take you where you want to go," said the man trying to bring the country together. … It's going to be quite a challenge for Obama to fly across the country trying to save every Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid at the same…
Unethical Greenpeace actions threaten the livelihoods and lives of millions…peace_actions_threaten_the_livelihoods_and_lives_of_millions
– That other donors are now using Fidelity, Vanguard and Schwab to hide their donations suggests that they don’t want their friends and … neighbors to know they give money to this shady outfit. … “They need to start behaving honestly and ethically.…
John Murtha: Requiem for a Corruptocrat
– We are not supposed to speak ill of the dead. … my mind. …" "I'm going to tell you this. … Then in order to get immunity so he doesn't go to jail, he starts talking and fingering people. So the (S.O.B.) falls apart."…
Whose Body Is It?
– She replied, "We don't think that's the best system for patients, to enable people to just take whatever they want with little information … But because they are also taken by "recreational" drug users, doctors go to jail for prescribing quantities that the DEA considers … News of those jail terms spreads. Doctors learn to be stingy with pain meds. All drugs involve risk.…
The Right to Work
to limit competition. … A&P was going to "destroy Main Street," the grocers cried. … When Price refused to promise never to "practice law" again, a judge sent him to jail. All he did was write a letter.…
Liberal Violence: Five Names You Should Know
– If they're devout Muslims and are connected to terrorists, then they must have killed for some reason OTHER than their religion. … Here are a few worthy examples to throw back at them when they try it. 1) The Earth Liberation Front: Usually, when you point a … But here's what is worth noting about the Weathermen: They claimed to be involved with 25 bombings, they intended to kill members of…
"Give Me 'Niceness' or Give Me Death"
– who are calling it as they see it -- should reconsider. … And with all due respect to Sen. … the America they love, let alone putting them in jail.…
Open Season on Border Residents
They are out gunned, out manned, and lack basic equipment like night-vision goggles (tip to Congress, drug smugglers work at night) … The frontiersmen and women of Hudspeth County are cut from tough stock. They are brave. They are determined. … But they are also afraid.…
The Eye and the Storm
– Landry told Billy (according to Billy) "Billy, we do not need off-shore barrier islands that are going to wash away." … They gone out and identified all the oil that's comin' ashore." … There's going to be a movie about Billy.…
A New Birth of Freedom: The 14th Amendment
– crowd predicted the worst, as they always do when Americans are allowed to defend themselves and their homes. … Once again, we're being told that all hell is going to break loose -- even though it never does as one state after another passes a … All the court had to do was decide whether some right, like the right to bear arms, was covered by the broad language of the amendment…
The Bitter Fruit of Obamacare
– Individuals must pay an annual penalty of $695, or up to 2.5 percent of their annual income, if they don't purchase an approved health … Taxes on medical devices will also be going up to 2.9 percent under ObamaCare. … The IRS will confiscate tax refunds, place liens on property and seek jail time if healthcare penalties and taxes are not paid.…
The 7 Worst Presidents Of The Last Hundred Years
– Republicans are inevitably ranked lower than they deserve to be while Democrats are sure to be portrayed in the kindest historical … The bright side to that silver lining for Harding was that much of the incredible corruption that was going on during his presidency … To top off all of that incompetence, Carter gave away the Panama Canal. Then there was the domestic front.…
Will Fake ‘Marriage’ Law Become the New Sedition Act?‘marriage’_law_become_the_new_sedition_act
– I’m not saying they are going to do this, but what if? What should right-thinking Americans do? … In fact, it was, and a few folks went to jail for speaking their mind. … Despotic laws threaten those liberties, and Americans are wired to resist them.…
Welcome to the University
– No, not at all -- the profs are indistinguishable from the students today. Most are disgruntled. Some are furious. … They are the majority of the athletes, and once they have failed to make the pro ranks, there is nothing for them. … They are blanks.…
Those Pesky Persians
To do this they sent two geniuses to contact a guy they thought was a Mexican drug bandito but was actually an undercover agent pretending … Even minor officials in Embassies are afforded exceptional protection in the countries to which they are assigned. … They get sent home, but they aren't sent to jail in their host country. Why would Iran take out after Saudi Arabia?…
BP Ledger, Oct. 24 edition,_oct_24_edition
– "The jail authorities are trying their best to hush up the matter as soon as possible, as it is a big embarrassment to the government … What are we going to do about that?" And Lesley puts her money where her mouth is. … For the next year, all royalties from the sale of Jacob: Journaling the Journey are being donated to the International Mission Board…
MSNBC Host: Why Should People Have Guns When We Have Cops
– "I've had liberals call me and tell me, 'The chain gang is not going to work.' … To which Wright responded:  We can't be everywhere, and we are a fool if we tell everybody that we can take care of all of … they are attacked, have the right (in most states anyway) to shoot their attacker in self-defense.…
The USDA-Approved Christmas Tree Cartel
– He floated a question, and provided the answer: “Do Christmas tree farmers go to jail if they refuse to pay? Yes. … Well, it does stand to reason that imposing a fee upon oneself is not a tax. And we all do it, from time to time. … to voluntarily contribute, so they went to the federal government to get their way by force.…
FROM THE STATES: Ark., Texas, Fla. evangelism/missions news,_texas,_fla_evangelismmissions_news
– "All they talked about were the kids. … "I know teams from Arkansas are going down there regularly and really ministering to those kids," said Buchanan. … We can't depend on missionaries to do it all."…
Corzine's Fraud
– as they can to try and extract as much money as they can from the situation. … They smell blood and are in a frenzy right now. Traders have been crushed by this. They can’t get to their money. … Instead, they are left with a situation where each customer feels like they are on an island and they will fight with MF, Lawyers,…
Ex-wrestler Lex Luger talks of new life in Christ
– The people in the gym began to ask Luger who he was training and when he replied, "He's a preacher, a jail chaplain," they were in … They meet regularly to study the Bible and pray. … "All that combined to cut off the flow of blood to my central cord and resulted in what I thought was going to be a temporary paralysis…
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