Results for: Barack Obama Website

Empowering Israelis to Express Themselves
– Finally imagine that in the wake of the Tea Party movement, Republicans embraced President Barack Obama's positions on spending and … Owing in large part to the Tea Party movement, just two years after Obama was elected president the American political map has been … In a bid to begin contending with this dismal reality, in early 2009 I launched a Hebrew-language media satire website called Latma…
The WikiLeaks Challenge
– The US has not taken down the website. … Aside from the US Army soldier Pfc Bradley Manning who leaked most of the documents to the website, no one has been arrested. … Neither US President Barack Obama nor any of his top advisers has had anything relevant or useful to say about this onslaught.…
Mark Kirk Sworn-in as US Senator, Moronic Headline Ensues,_moronic_headline_ensues
– Congratulations to Senator Kirk, and to the people of Illinois for exhibiting enough wisdom to reject a failed mob banker, and placing Barack … Well allow me to share with you a column appearing on NBC Chicago's website.  … Three of them -- Carol Moseley Braun, Barack Obama and Roland Burris -- have held the seat that Kirk is about to occupy.…
The Feminist Deception
– In so acting, Clinton is of course, loyally representing the views of the Obama administration she serves. … She is also representing the views of the ideological Left in which Clinton, US President Barack Obama, the human rights and feminist … Pamela Geller, the intrepid blogger at Atlas Shrugs website has steadfastly documented every case she has found.…
Obama's Lies About His Broken Promises
– Last week, President Barack Obama was backpedaling like a circus unicycle rider, after his compromise on extending Bush-era tax cuts … , Obama fired back in anger against people across the political spectrum. … made during his candidacy, even according to the pro-Obama website PolitiFact's "Obameter," his scorecard reads: 123 promises kept…
Another Failed Flimate Change Conference
– In spite of the presence of the new Nobel-Peace-Prize-winning President Barack Obama, the Copenhagen conference ended in failure. … It seems that while President Obama and other western leaders were publicly wagging their collective fingers under China's nose, the … According to an article on the Fast Company website, cables leaked by show that none other than Sen.…
Left and Right, Fooled by Obama,_fooled_by_obama
Obama so often disappoints them. … Could it be that Obama selected them because he knew, and liked, what they would propose? … Obama proposed a top rate of 39.6 percent. That's higher than under President George W.…
Why Latin America Turned
– Under the Obama administration, US Latin American policy has become more straightforward. … In April 2009 US President Barack Obama sat through a 50-minute anti-American rant by Ortega at the Summit of the Americas. … And since Obama doesn't mind Iran winning, Iran will win. THE SAME rules apply for Israel.…
Protecting Our Protectors
– of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, guardsmen and Marines -- isn't doing anything to make serving in uniform any easier.President BarackObama -- fresh from his 3 1/2-hour "visit" to Afghanistan -- continues to insist that the U.S. … The Obama Justice Department needs to charge Assange and his collaborators with violations of the Espionage Act.…
Ragin’ ‘n’ Stagin’ at the White House’_‘n’_stagin’_at_the_white_house
– Liberals (or Progressives, if you prefer) have been raging at President Obama. … Barack Obama came to Washington pledging to be the post-partisan President. He promised us a new day and a new way. … Obama.…
Want to Win? Masquerade as a Conservative
– Democrats pledged to oppose the Obama plan." … To be honest, I wasn't sure Obama had it in him. … Don't count on the transformation of Barack Obama into a "will of the people" politician.…
Barack 'Clinton' Obama?
– “Obama Announces ‘Framework’ for Deal With Congress to Extend Bush-Era Tax Cuts.” … But to witness Barack Obama saying so is stunning, a jolting concession completely contrary to what Obama argued not only throughout … Well, it looks Barack Obama may have just done a Bill Clinton.…
Obama's 7 'Creator' Omissions (Part 2)
– Last week, I detailed seven occasions in the past few months at which President Barack Obama omitted the words "by their Creator" from … (You can read MacLeod's letter in its entirety at my chaplain's website,'s no way to teach more…
Defense Secretary Lady Gaga and the Real Obama Administration
– During the 2008 election campaign, Barack Obama repeatedly informed the American people that he would call on the country's best minds … Obama is relying on the nation's finest minds to decide his military policy for him. … Obama is an intellectual lightweight with star power, and he takes advice from those who occupy that same space.…
The Rubicon? US National Debt Tops $14 Trillion$14_trillion
– Treasury website today reported that as of last Friday, the last day of 2010, the National Debt stood at $14,025,215,218,708.52. … As Jim Geraghty often says, all Barack Obama promises and positions come with expiration dates, and this one -- especially this one … UPDATE: Obama quote corrected above.…
Townhall Magazine: Top 20 Stories of 2010
– His website dictates tomorrow’s headlines, the direction of talk radio, the goals of today’s newsrooms, the efforts of political campaigns … "Going, Going, Gone: Throwing out Incompetence" (October 2010) The Democrats’ record of failure under the leadership of BarackObama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid is not just a result of a bankrupt governing philosophy but also of antipathy for a majority of…
Obamanomics: The Gift that Keeps on Giving
– The only thing President Obama excels in is fundraising -- after all, when a president puts the arm on you, you can hardly say no. … It appears that Barack Obama and his toadies on Capitol Hill have no concern over the fact that their overspending is placing a burden … Visit his website at ©2011 Mike Reagan.…
CULTURE DIGEST: Bachmann changes churches
– Schroeder, synod president, wrote in a statement on the synod's website that the Lutheran Confessions -- which the synod holds as an … "Just as President Barack Obama is not responsible for the views of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Rep.…
Lead Obama Not Into Temptation
– Last week, when President Barack Obama spoke to the National Council of La Raza, he said something that should alarm every American … Just this past Thursday, CNN's website ran an article by Jack Balkin, a constitutional law expert at Yale, titled "3 ways Obama could … God, lead Obama not into doing-things-on-his-own temptation.…
"Job Killing Tax Cuts" And A Guy Who Called Rush
– Take for example our President, Barack Obama. … Throughout the debate over our nation’s debt and deficit, President Obama has made it clear that politicians and bureaucrats must be … President Obama will likely never embrace this “people before government” philosophy. But will America ever return to it?…
Will Boehner's House Fund Group That Kills 910 Babies Per Day
– Yet two months later, when Boehner negotiated with President Barack Obama on the final provisions of the continuing resolution for … On April 14, the House approved the Boehner-Obama CR -- although 59 Republicans voted against it. … Boehner just agreed to legislation that will allow Obama to increase that by about another $2.4 trillion.     …
Will Obama Attempt A Spread the Jobs Around Scheme?
– You’re probably familiar with Barack Obama’s well documented intentions to “spread the wealth around.” … A quick visit to the “Center’s” website provides a brief description of Mr. Baker’s academic paper on “work sharing.” … This is consistent with the Obama worldview, but it is repugnant to a majority of Americans.…
The Sage of Omaha Speaks, But His Actions Speak Louder,_but_his_actions_speak_louder
– WARREN BUFFETT is the billionaire CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, a friend and political supporter of Barack Obama, and a well-known advocate … Since 1843, the Treasury Department notes on its website, the government has maintained an account "to accept gifts, such as bequests…
Feds Still Enable Terrorists 10 Years After 9/11
– Terrorism has been tempered and transformed ever since 2009, when President Barack Obama took office and turned the global war on terror … their families as a part of Operation Patriot Care Package, highlighted on Sean Hannity's Fox News Channel show and on Slee's own website
A singular Solution to Many Problems
– That question will be answered by President Barack Obama, with the advice and consent of the Senate. … Visit our website, at, for all the information you need to fill out the form, print it and put it in…
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