Results for: they are all going to jail

Don't Call Them Progressives
– The policies they advance, the behavior they display in support of them, and their inevitable consequences are taking this country … Did they defend his right to free speech? No. … You can call these behaviors many things, but “progressive” they are not; one need know only a little history to see the frequency…
Land of the Second Chance
– "They are coming back from prison to nothing," says Mildred Wiley, senior director of community services at Bethel New Life, a faith-based … "If they are not employed," explains Wiley, "they go back to doing what they were doing. Time is important." … "But going to jail doesn't solve a drug problem. It is forced drug rehabilitation.…
Rosemary's Crybabies
– There are a number of ideas in this world that never should be introduced to each other; "Christian" and "rock" are one example … There are few people who possess the talent to send us to a world where violence is without consequence, where serial infidelity is … Despite the coverage, not much. 1) Hollywood denizens are extraordinarily out of touch. 2) We send them to jail when necessary. 3)…
Explaining the Polanski Controversy to a Thirteen-Year-Old
– Some of the things he did to her are so grotesque, they are not appropriate to recount in this column. … It would be like telling bad guys that if they commit a serious crime, all they’d need to do to avoid punishment is run away from the … Now that I’m an adult, I’m going to do everything I can do to make sure that those common-sense laws still protect you just like they
20 Questions About Obamacare
– 2) Given that the Medicare system will soon be going into the red, does it make sense to attempt to cut 500 billion dollars in funds … How can anyone believe the same federal government that is running an almost 2 trillion dollar deficit is going to be financially responsible … 20) What guarantees do the American people have that senior citizens won't be denied life saving treatment to save money as they are
Coo Coo Cachoo Mr. Robinson
– In college, our goal is to teach you to be critical thinkers and consumers and to recognize that texts are arguable. … But we are also obligated to explore diverse ideas and if that is not happening in your class then that needs to be addressed.” … He assigns students to read King’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail.…
'Manhattan Declaration' commits to engage culture
– in the faith, these are all related to the three issues we are talking about today." … sorts to comply with activities they judge to be deeply immoral or go out of business." … There are limits to what can be asked of people. There are limits to what can be imposed on conscience."…
Who's Legislating Morality Now?
– Yet when Barack Obama and the Democrats propose making it a crime to not carry health insurance, no one seems to notice that they are … even when they are not. … If people are going to be allowed to legislate their morality (remember, there really isn’t another option) this means religion is…
Brown Ensnared in His Own Tapegate Trap
to lie to ACORN -- but also don't belong in jail. … Before he got caught, Gerber trumpeted, "We're going to look at the tapes, we're going to follow the facts without fear or favor and … we're going to see where it takes us."…
Church's compassion transcends AIDS/HIV
– "He had come home to find all his belongings on the porch with a note that said, 'Gone to Wal-Mart. Won't be back today.' … The only people we can rely on are the people of God." Julia agreed: "We're scared. What are we going to do? … Who else is going to do that? The government?"…
Haditha Catch-Up
– "This is going to be an ugly story." The Post ran an analysis. … In the end, they brought all the survivors to the homes and did a mock-up of the Marines' movements. … What distinguishes our country and our military is that, thankfully, allegations of this sort are rare, and when they are found to
A Morning With Ken Blackwell
– tax cuts and reforms as they are by business tax cuts."" … David All: How are you planning to counter the liberal MSM in Ohio, and are you working with bloggers?" … They see my brand of conservatism as being strange...Ohio is used to electing governors that are dull and practical.""…
Fawning Over Fidel
– Because they will go to jail if they're not properly inspired. … All that Fidel has going for him really is his opposition to the United States. … Deep down that seems to be what the left likes about him - that they can use their praise of him as a stick to beat up on this country…
21 32 Dead at Va. Tech, 20+ Injured After Gunman Opened Fire,_20_injured_after_gunman_opened_fire
All entrances to the campus were closed and classes canceled through Tuesday. "There's just a lot of commotion. … "We're all locked in our dorms surfing the Internet trying to figure out what's going on," Kanode said. … Madison Van Duyne, a student who was interviewed by telephone on CNN,said, "We are all in lockdown.…
It takes a politician?
Are we really supposed to believe LBJ would have attempted to pass any smidgen of the civil rights law? … We’re going to stand up right here in Alabama amid police dogs, if they have them. We’re going to stand up amid tear gas. … We’re going to stand up amid anything they can muster up, letting the world know that we are determined to be free!…
Too Good For This World: Waterboarding and Its Discontents
– he’s about to drown unless he tells them what they want to know. … and cutthroats out to murder innocent civilians of all ages, that it’s almost assumed now that terrorists are entitled to be treated … For we are all responsible not only for what we do but for what we fail to do, and that includes failing to protect the innocent or…
Time Once Again to Prohibit Prohibition
– So, while the rest of you are selfishly occupied trying to diet or break your nicotine habit or swear off your unseemly addiction to … The offensive players, not to be outdone, feel compelled to boogy all over the end zone any time they score, even on one-yard plunges … Not only are these celebrations stupid, but except when they occur at game’s end, they tend to be embarrassingly premature.…
Your $455,000 Loan to Uncle Sam$455,000_loan_to_uncle_sam
– Were a family to go out and borrow $455,000 on an adjustable interest rate to buy a big second home with no idea where they were … going to get the money to pay it off, they would justifiably be seen as fools. … Also, they need what is left over after all these taxes to pay their living expenses.…
The World's Second-Oldest Profession
– I have generalized about them as if they were all a pack of ambulance chasers or, worse yet, politicians -- or, worst of all, ambulance-chasing … There are still any number of law school grads who could teach snakes how to crawl. … they made it too doggone easy to escape.…
No Country for Old Bigots
– Things like, 'Most people are out to get you because you are black.' … "Those things used to be true a long time ago, but they are no longer true. The book is saying life is good. … Actress: Why are you going to New York? Me: To promote my new book. Actress: What's it called?…
Truth and Consequences Trumps "Love and Consequences"
– I was in a position where at one point people said you should speak for us because nobody else is going to let us in to talk. … We have all been faced with the opportunity to spin a good yarn at some point in our lives.  … Beware of stories that sound too good to be true, they might not be.…
Pastor Wright: This Too Shall Pass
They will not let themselves in for a civil war by overruling a black man who is beloved by the young by going over the heads of the … They will chalk up to pragmatism why he was so close to such a preacher. … As they come to realize that Obama doesn't agree with Wright but used him to get started, they will be more forgiving.…
Politicians and Sex
– But telling you that isn't going to change the fact." … All are under Arizona's age of consent, which prompted Senate committee chairwoman Karen Johnson to try to change Arizona's sex-offender … "They're told they'll go to jail for 90 years or 50 years or something, unless they accept this plea, and the plea almost always requires…
Clinton Fails to Pay the Bills
– Yes, there are many like me who would love to see her out of the race today. … nothing short of causing Obama to serve jail time. … Are the Clintons convinced that if they're able to torpedo his campaign that Democrats will be able to unite and elect her in November…
Is There A War Against Fathers In America?
– Baskerville: Most people are unaware of it until they are sucked into it—usually through the family court system, divorce or some other … invade families—to separate children from parents who have done nothing wrong; to plunder the parents for everything they have in many … cases and even to criminalize the parents and jail them without trail; to turn them into criminals in ways the parents are powerless…
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