Results for: Barack Obama Website

2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: IN-02
– Chris Chocola and won re-election by riding Barack Obama’s coattails in 2008. … Making matters worse for Donnelly is the fact that the Obama Administration made the decision that the U.S. military would no longer … Bush carried the Second District with 56% of the votes, while Barack Obama won in 2008 with 54%.…
The GOP's Ante
Obama." … President Obama, somewhat understandably, thought he had a messianic mandate to push a hard partisan agenda from the left. … Obama and Pelosi's alienation of independents is destroying the Democratic Party right now.…
2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: Pelosi's Puppet Imperiled in Pennsylvania…e_of_the_day_update_pelosis_puppet_imperiled_in_pennsylvania
Barack Obama prevailed here by an exceedingly narrow margin of 17 votes.   … I hope you will check out Mike’s website and Facebook page to stay informed on the latest news and updates from his campaign.…
2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: Michigan's Seventh District
– In 2008, Mark Schauer barely won this district with less than 50% of the vote, underperforming Barack Obama, who still only beat McCain … Despite his marginal victory in 2008, Schauer went to Washington determined to rubber-stamp the Obama-Pelosi agenda. … Please visit Tim’s website, Facebook and Twitter accounts to learn more about his campaign and stay updated with the latest news and…
2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: Taking OR-5
– Without Barack Obama on the top of the ticket to help carry him to victory, Schrader will have trouble expanding his margin of victory … When you look at the circumstances of his election to Congress – heavy funding from national Democrats and the coattails of BarackObama – his beholden appearance to national party leaders comes into better perspective.…
A GOP Unknown in Striking Distance of Barney Frank
– Bielat remembers thinking that was a little odd, since at that very moment, Frank's website featured plenty of attacks on Bielat. … In the spring and summer of 2009, Bielat watched in dismay as Barack Obama and Democrats in Congress pursued one big-government initiative…
2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: Obey Follower Julie Lassa On Shaky Ground…_of_the_day_update_obey_follower_julie_lassa_on_shaky_ground
– Sensing a real opportunity to take out one the biggest Obama-Pelosi allies, the NRCC launched a TV ad in early April that highlighted … Except for the performance of then-candidate Barack Obama, who won this district with 56% of the vote, the results were much more closely … You can learn more about Duffy on his website and get updates through Facebook and Twitter. …
Character Assassination Nation, Brought to You by Obama and Co.,_brought_to_you_by_obama_and_co
– We now return to Barack Obama’s America – the election edition. It’s not the “bipartisan,” “post-racial” place he promised. … Pick a name that has been a genuine threat to Team Obama and you can usually find the same strategy. … The kookier the website, the more ridiculous the headline.…
2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: The Races in Kentucky
– Ben Chandler is such a reliable vote for the Pelosi-Obama agenda that the President was “OK” with him bucking the party on their takeover … In 2008 he enthusiastically backed Barack Obama in the Democratic primary - one of the first signs of just how out-of-touch the congressman … Obama proceeded to get roundly trounced by Hillary Clinton in the Bluegrass State’s primary.…
Tax, Spend and Shovel,_spend_and_shovel
– Back in early 2009, President-elect Barack Obama was asked on "Meet the Press" how quickly he could create jobs. … And yet, if you read Peter Baker's Obama profile, it's clear that Obama isn't mad about that. … Maybe it's unfair for people to think Obama is just another tax-and-spend Democrat.…
Obama's Conscience
– The first: Does Barack Obama plan to seek re-election? A remarkable number of top advisers have left the administration. … President Obama is rumored to be dissatisfied, grumpy, and isolated. … Obama likes to win, too, of course.…
ON THE ROAD: Jaime Herrera Prepares to Paint WA-03 Red
– Bush carried the district in 2004, but Barack Obama won it back four years later.   … “My opponent doesn’t put the word ‘Democrat’ on his signs, his mailings, or his website. …
Look Who's Nativist Now
– Democrats deserve a Guinness World Record award for their election-season cognitive dissonance.President Barack Obama, Vice President … Guess we're all "nativists" now, eh, Obama? … The Obama drilling moratorium forced several American oil rigs to abandon the Gulf of Mexico.…
When It Comes to Government, Less is More,_less_is_more
– Nearly two years into Barack Obama's failed presidency, more than 7 in 10 Americans have a negative view of the government he promised … And Obama is going around the country attacking the Chamber of Commerce, the nation's largest business association, accusing it of … Almost every other week, Obama comes out with a new plan to spend more money (the latest to boost infrastructure spending).…
Left Threatened by Conservative Women Candidates
– I know it's not flying off the shelves of your nearest costume headquarters, but you'd never know that listening to President BarackObama and those who exist to keep the Democratic Party in power. … "Don't let John Boehner and Republicans turn back the clock," their "John Boehner's America" website implores -- indicating that this…
The People vs. the Professors
– czar, Al Gore's phony climate panic, the failed presidential candidacies of uber-smart guys Michael Dukakis and John Kerry, and BarackObama learning the hard way that being president requires different skills than being, in Sarah Palin's words, "a professor at a lectern … CU’s website features a link to President Bruce Benson saying so.…
2010 Race of the Day: Phil Hare's Incumbency Troubles
– Original Post (09/09/2010): Illinois might be the home state of Barack Obama, but those who call its 17th Congressional District … Obama have all carried this district.  … For more information on Bobby Schilling and his campaign, visit his website, or his Facebook and Twitter.…
Man Up? More Like Man (and Party) Overboard
– President Barack Obama left with only one option – reaching out to the only audience left, people who want to laugh at him. … And Obama and the media have been scrambling ever since. … Perhaps they’ll explore the bipartisan Obama.…
Obama Records Anti-Gay Bullying Message
– In the wake of several recent suicides by young people who were being bullied or taunted for being gay, President Barack Obama has … The White House released the video, which appears on the website, late Thursday night.…
Rahm's Residence and the Appeal of Absent Pols
– To many people who dislike the Obama administration, Rahm Emanuel is the sordid embodiment of the Chicago Way. … In 2004, Alan Keyes decamped from Maryland to Illinois to run against an incumbent named Barack Obama. … out more about Steve Chapman, and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
Rahm's Residence and the Appeal of Absent Pols
– To many people who dislike the Obama administration, Rahm Emanuel is the sordid embodiment of the Chicago Way. … In 2004, Alan Keyes decamped from Maryland to Illinois to run against an incumbent named Barack Obama. … out more about Steve Chapman, and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
Dems Find Careers Threatened by Obamacare Votes
– But Pelosi, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton predicted the bill would become more popular after it was passed (and, Pelosi said, after … Just hours before the March roll call, he was persuaded that an executive order, which he was assured Barack Obama would sign, would … If these six votes had gone the other way, Obama would have been defeated.…
2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: On the Offense in NY-20
Obama, who narrowly won the district himself with 50.7%. … According to Stu Rothenberg from the Rothenberg Political Report, “Obama is more controversial now, and opposition to his health care … If you would like to find out more about Chris Gibson and keep up with this race, please take a look at his website, become a fan on…
Relapse Summer
– Going into the summer of 2010, we were assured by the political geniuses in the White House that Barack Obama and Joe Biden would be … In fact, on June 17 the White House published an announcement on its website saying, "The Administration today kicks off "Recovery … Recovery Act infrastructure projects" in September 2010 there were 14,767,000 Americans looking for work. 168,000 more than before Obama
2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: A Small-Businessman for Minnesota's First…e_of_the_day_update_a_small-businessman_for_minnesotas_first
– First Congressional District, Walz has all too often sided against the best interests of constituents and backed the reckless Pelosi/Obama … Compared to his state-wide performance of 54%, Barack Obama won this district with just 51% of the vote.  … You can find out more about Randy and help him in his fight for the people of Minnesota’s first by visiting his website.…
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