Results for: they are all going to jail

An IRS That's Armed and Dangerous
– She never went to jail. … , they are coming after you. … And yes, they are here from the government. But no, they aren't here to help you.…
It's Official: President Trump Will Win in 2024
– These America-first politicians headed to DC after the midterms are going to have oversight over these same agents who raided Melania … Every FBI agent knew it when they were going through his stuff and hauling it out in boxes trying to find some reason to throw him … to be elected from a jail cell. …
WATCH: Dash Cam Footage of Paul Pelosi's Arrest
– the officer, and they decide to substitute the balance test to avoid the possibility of injury since it seems fairly obvious that … simply going to go home without consequence. … He responds "I understand who you are and I'm not here to try to do anything to draw any negative attention to you.…
Democrat Who Voted to Raise Taxes and an IRS Army Has His Own Tax Problems…to-raise-taxes-beef-up-irs-after-not-paying-his-own-n2612082
– In addition to not addressing inflation at all, the legislation that has since been signed into law by President Joe Biden — during … Not to mention Gonzalez, who apparently got away with the improper filings for eight years due to "simple oversight," wants to add … tens of thousands of new IRS agents going after Americans whether they are committing the same kind of accidental tax errors or not…
Felon Charged in Murder of Kidnapped Teacher Was Released Early From Previous Abduction Conviction
– — being a tough guy and showing off to the other jail inmates." … A tough guy...showing off to the other jail inmates.""He feels absolutely no remorse for the crime."" … Mary's students sing weekly in Early Childhood chapel: "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine."…
I'm Angry
– He has some other personal habits that are irritating to some people. … Another tool they are using effectively is a short word: hate. … The uproar they created around Trump is designed to destroy him and, number two, to destroy Republicans.  …
The Economic "Stimulus"
– , with all due respect to these gentlemen what they had in mind will not matter in the slightest after January 20th. … All that money is just a gift to the Democrats to spend in whatever ways will advance the interests of their constituents and of the … New things require long delays before they can get started, especially when they have to be done by politicians.…
Violating Rights, Without Tears,_without_tears
– Never mind the Fourth Amendment, which forbids unreasonable searches and seizures -- he's guilty and he's going to jail. … But it takes more than a parchment dictate to force the authorities to do what they are supposed to do. … Police face constant temptations to break the rules to nab villains and put them in jail.…
Farewell to a leader
– And I had made a personal promise to ask the President about border patrol agents Ramos and Compean, two men who are rotting in jail … And they were convicted of covering up the shooting. They were marched off to prison, sentenced for many years. … And I look forward to the day when I can tell my granddaughter, Lily Denise, all about my visits with George W. Bush.…
Maligned Mexico City Policy Deserves a Fair Shake
– Named for the location of the 1984 U.N. population conference that formulated the policy, it stated: "Governments are urged ... to … When the expelled fetus was found dead, she was sentenced to 12 years in jail, as abortion was still illegal in Nepal at that time. … We are not on the side of human rights... We are on the side of people who are evil." Boxer's contentions beg to be challenged.…
Where the Money Isn't
– identical to what they were in its last attempt to force banks to do its will. … lend money to people who have no equity in their homes, which are now worth less than the money they owe. … And they are going to put Ponzi-scheme crook Bernard Madoff in jail for doing essentially the same thing.…
This War is Not the Answer
– That city can now boast that in addition to all that sunshine and all those golf courses, it is the number one drug gateway to America … poppy growers in Afghanistan, the drug czars in Colombia and the Mexican cut-throats, as if they all conspired to turn us into a nation … under the influence are automatically entitled to a Get Out of Jail Free card.…
The AfPaki Attack: Will Political Correctness Castrate it Before it Begins?…tack_will_political_correctness_castrate_it_before_it_begins
– I pretty much think that all politicians currently sucking air from Barack to Blagojevich (and every scary clown in between) are full … dial down (while pleasing the Eurosofties) by refusing to define the enemy as they really are, namely in-frickin’-sane terrorists. … Can our commanders command without fear they’ll go to jail if they hurt an enemy combatant’s feelings?…
Iowa Court, Vermont Legislators Ban Common Sense,_vermont_legislators_ban_common_sense
They have it exactly backwards. It’s the “gay parenting” studies that are deeply flawed, as Drs. … But when is a legislature or governor going to tell rogue judges that the jig is up? … When are citizens going to tell public officials at all levels that they simply don’t have the authority to radically redefine marriage…
Thirteen states point to a new future?
– Many are in jail, now. … They wanted to tax alcohol. … (They like their drug; they tend to think it a panacea.)…
20 Great Moments from Obama's First 100 Days!!
– and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration,' and includes those 'rejecting … were going to run their company in the future. … on YouTube or the news, which made the "who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes" denial that there was a bow, that came…
Mr. Obama's Enchanted and Selective Righteousness
– He spoke of how those on the pro-choice side of the issue “make a mistake when they – if they suggest – and I don’t want to create … Likely all Churchill references in the White House during his predecessor’s administration have been sent back to London in a crate … be rebuffed by the Prime Minister who quipped, “Hess or no Hess, I’m going to watch the Marx Brothers.”…
Seven Issues Where the GOP Should Adopt the "Party of No" Label
– Closing Gitmo: We don't want to close a prison for terrorists without knowing what we're going to do with them. … of the previous high, is going to reduce the cost of medical care? … of taxpayer dollars to maneuver his political allies into power -- he should go to jail.…
Headcount Follies
All I could think of as I read the questionnaire -- which is sent to some 250,000 addresses each month to keep census data current … "Courageous columnist goes to jail rather than have privacy invaded." Courageous? Not so fast, professor. … have money to run a set of programs that it should not run at all."…
Hate Crimes Bill Would Federalize Criminal Law, Revive Double Jeopardy…s_bill_would_federalize_criminal_law,_revive_double_jeopardy
– But it is precisely in those situations–where all decent people agree on the need to ‘do something’–that mistakes are made. … *A thief might well steal only from the disabled because, in general, they are less able to defend themselves. … Once we get ‘hate crime’ laws on the books, we’re going to go after the Scouts and all the other bigots.”…
Are Business Executive Overpaid and Corrupt?
– Rivals are impinging all the time – threatening to lure away consumers all too willing to be lured away, and threatening to hijack … which they need or want, and for which they are willing to pay with the fruits of their own labor. … Our point is, corporations are not a bunch of buildings. Like all businesses, they are flesh and blood. They are human beings.…
How About a National Conversation on Race Hoaxes?
– (Curiously, the tape of Gates' call demanding to talk to the chief of police to "report" Crowley has been withheld. … Radio talker Opio Sokoni claimed Crowley told Gates to "shut up" and "I'm going to win, you're going to jail." … And then they both had a laugh about the cop applying racist stereotypes to such an esteemed figure as Professor Gates, who apparently…
What in the World is Going On?
– If those who make the laws could understand the results of their handiwork, they might finally realize they are "pouring water on a … How can we get through to this group to make them understand what they are crafting for the unsuspecting (and rather gullible) populous … In California, where the state is somewhere from going bankrupt to slipping into the sea, the Governor and the legislators are busy…
Let's Call it Infirmative Action
– After all, Asians are non-whites and they don’t receive Affirmative Action. … At the rate things are going, Latinos may soon be in charge, but since when do 40 million people get to rule 260 million?” … Some black people are outraged that, in spite of Affirmative Action, more black men go to jail than go to college, as if that’s the…
Now Muslims Know How Michael Phelps Feels
– I have heard psychologists muse that people who are fat subconsciously choose to be that way to keep other people away. … are no longer allowed to wear the burqa in public, then their husbands will just keep them at home. … No one is stopping them from going there and bodysurfing in all the comfort of their 300 thread count outfit.…
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