Results for: Barack Obama Website

How Trump Changed the Debate
– The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was created by a stroke of President Barack Obama’s pen in 2012, even after Obama … families and so on – de-skills the labor force, puts downward pressure on wages, and increases the deficit,” explains the White House website
What No One Is Telling You About Iran
– And here in the US, “the US, former members of the Obama administration and the liberal media have determinedly downplayed the importance … stated that, “The media initially ignored what was going on in Iran, likely because it reflected negatively on former President BarackObama, whose Iran nuclear deal was supposed to help Iran's economy, and because the Trump administration's response was night-and-day…
UPDATE: Obama Campaign Denies Purchase of
– to the bottom of the kerfuffle, which we discussed yesterday: The Democratic National Committee insists the website … wasn’t created by its team, or the Obama campaign apparatus. … UPDATE II: As I write this, Vice President Biden is hailing the "bravery" and "gutsiness" of Barack a speech to our troops…
Who's Bringing the Heat?
– West received a standing ovation for his candor and conviction Despite all the bluster and misleading rhetoric from President Barack … Interestingly, the Cortland (NY) Standard has a website. … Against the wishes of the Obama administration, Standard & Poor’s downgraded our future debt outlook.…
Fight Over Florida Early Primary More Important Than Most Realize
– Had the delegates she won there counted -- later the party made accommodations for the Florida delegation, after Barack Obama was the … conservatives feel that if there was no way to elect a Republican in '08, they would have felt more secure with Clinton as president than Obama … out more about Matt Towery and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
Hilarious: GOP Video Mocks Liberal Pundits Over Wisconsin
– Cue the laugh track:     "[Wisconsin] has given the Obama for America operation an opportunity to do the dry run that … With 92% of the vote in, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s excellent website reports the score as 54%-46% Walker. … It has been emblazoned on mainstream media that the exit poll also showed Barack Obama leading Mitt Romney in the state 51%-45%.…
Economic Truth is In the Numbers
– The outcome of the upcoming electoral battle between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney will depend on public perceptions of the president … Again, a quick check of numbers at the White House’s own website gives the lie to Obama claims of cutting deficits and bringing the … ” for the Obama Stimulus Package and reached $3.52 trillion with a deficit of 1.4 trillion.…
Obama, FDR Set Modern Records for GDP Spending
– President Barack Obama said: "Since I've been president, federal spending has risen at the lowest pace in nearly 60 years." … They are Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Barack Obama. … Barack Obama voted for -- and President Bush signed -- a $700 bill bank bailout bill.…
Ed Schultz's Wisconsin Campaign
– in the country," but that those evil Republicans and their capitalist funders, like the Koch brothers, are "trying to make it so BarackObama doesn't get re-elected and no Democrat ever will be elected into the White House." … The predictors at the website Intrade are giving Walker a 95.9 percent chance of victory.…
Does Anyone Still Like Obama?
Obama continues unabated. In recent weeks, allies of Obama have defected from his campaign message if not from his person. … Obama winning has not given us the substance of a united country. … Davis is the second high profile black politician to break with Obama in recent weeks.…
Welcome to the GOP, Artur Davis
– Former Democrat, Obama supporter and Congressman Artur Davis is making the switch to the Republican party. … While I’ve gone to great lengths to keep this website a forum for ideas, and not a personal forum, I should say something about the … Obama winning has not given us the substance of a united country.…
DOJ to Florida: Don't You Dare Clean Up Your Voter Rolls
– The far left-wing positions of this group are nicely summarized on its website. Ms. … Shore also made a $1,000 contribution to Barack Obama’s presidential campaign.     … Obama and presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney.…
Romney Follows Obama's Footsteps to Solyndra
– Two years ago, President Barack Obama came to Solyndra under very different circumstances. … Now Obama rarely mentions green jobs. Obama should not have come to Solyndra. The administration was warned. … Nonetheless, Obama chose Solyndra to showcase his ability to create jobs.…
The Great Destroyer
– Krauthammer is right about nearly everything, but his rule clearly warrants an exception when applied to Barack Obama and his administration … David Limbaugh presents a wealth of evidence that Barack Obama is inflicting unprecedented injuries on America and the liberties of … Obama is the “anti-science” president, not Bush!…
As Catholics Go, So Goes the Nation
– Worry about eroding religious freedom could sway Catholic voters further away from President Barack Obama, and the Catholic voting … , such as one titled "Obama mocks and attacks Jesus Christ." … Steubenville in 2008 following his vocal support of Obama.…
Allen West:“If You Are Going to Attack Me…Get Your Facts Straight!”
– to the Left’s indignation over and misrepresentation of a comment he made last week concerning economic slavery under President ObamaBarack Obama is the one that put out this 'Life of Julia' website. I think we all know what that is. … What the liberal media machine wants to hide from you, and distort with my comments, is that the policies of President Barack Obama
Allen West: True Racism Lies With White Liberals
– Allen West last week when he said President Obama wants to make American taxpayers his slaves. … Barack Obama is the one that put out this 'Life of Julia' website. I think we all know what that is. … It seems "America's Dirtiest Job: Justifying Barack Obama" would have been a better piece to write.…
Obama: A Legend in His Own Mind
Barack Obama is still writing the last chapters of his presidency, though there's a growing list of reasons why it may well be … response that suggests it is not because of his policies but because of his name: "When your name is Barack Obama, it's … Barack Hussein Obama."…
Education Spending Has a Simple Solution
– As the new Republican House majority wrestles with ways to cut our unsustainable budget deficit, Barack Obama threw down the gauntlet … Obama wants to put more money into the notoriously useless program called Head Start, and he increased its annual funding in 2009 by … more about Phyllis Schlafly and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Website
NRCC "Young Guns" Locked and Loaded
– Adler narrowly won this Republican district in 2008 with Barack Obama at the top of the ticket, but Runyan predicts it won't happen … Dan Benishek (MI-01): This general surgeon didn't even have an active campaign website when Rep.…
The Tea Party and the Value of Craziness
– movement: It's a rabidly right-wing phenomenon with a shaky grasp of history, a strain of intolerance and xenophobia, a paranoia about BarackObama, and an unhealthy reverence for Fox News. … out more about Steve Chapman, and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
– Prepare to be blown away, America: Tim Kaine, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, unveiled a new logo and website for … Kaine used the event, which was booked as a “major announcement” for the party, to hail the accomplishments of President Barack Obama
More Hate Crime Hypocrisy
– Massaquoi is just echoing Barack Obama who said in 2008 that "A certain segment has basically been feeding a kind of xenophobia. … Numbers aside, Obama and the LA Times cannot honestly believe that African Americans who are told by many of their leaders that Rush … This twisted logic comes straight from the Obama administration.…
2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: Loretta Sanchez' Vulnerability
– However, in recent elections the district has also supported Democratic state senators and voted for Barack Obama in 2008. … I hope you will check out Tran’s website and Twitter accounts to stay informed on the latest news and updates from his campaign.…
2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: Texas' 17th District
– Given that Edwards was only able to best his 2008 opponent 53-46% with Barack Obama at the top of the ticket, this year’s election … I hope you’ll take a few minutes to learn more about Bill on his website, and become a fan on Twitter and Facebook to stay up-to-date…
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