Results for: center left libertarian

Woke Tour Guides Are Trashing Thomas Jefferson at Monticello
– Thomas Jefferson has been a target of the left for years. To them, he's a nasty, evil man. He was a slave owner. … In general, historical illiteracy is pervasive on the left. … Only a left-winger would say Jefferson didn't build anything while standing in the residence he created. …
Libertarians in Tbilisi: 'When We Want to Reduce the Power of the State, We Have to Strengthen the Individual'…r-of-the-state-we-have-to-strengthen-the-individual-n2611795
– Members of the Russian libertarian party are overwhelmingly critical of the war. … “Our ultimate goal is not peace, but freedom,” said a libertarian from Poland. … Georgia: A libertarian professor of politics loves being provocative Georgia itself also has a libertarian movement, and its own libertarian
America's Israeli Election
– The leading right-wing parties, composed of Republican Fred Thompson’s 96 votes, Libertarian Ron Paul’s 54 and Christian Conservative … That’s enough to block Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni from forming a left-wing government. … Several right-wing parties split Israel’s right of center voters, who clearly are fed up with the Palestinian negotiation policy of…
On the Road to Relevance
– Republican Party that included the Lafollete progressive and the Christian conservative; the cultural traditionalist and the fiscal libertarian … The result is that some within the party, and a great many more outside it, now think the only Republican hope left us is a massive … He’s made it clear he wants a closer relationship not just with the think tanks of the center-right, but with the grassroots in the…
Obama Raising Keynes
– Progressive-left economist Jeff Madrick a year ago triumphantly declared our country to be at “the end of the age of Milton Friedman … Now that he’s taken center stage once more, a brief re-acquaintance would be in order. … And now in this, the age of Obama, he’s been pressed into full-time active duty once again, and with a hard-left turn.…
The faithful and Obama
– “He is a center-left politician, that has become increasing clear,” said famed Democratic strategist Dane Strother, who thinks those … As "liberal" (meaning socially libertarian but fiscally conservative) Rockefeller Republicans moved into the Democrats’ column, the … GOP moved further right because not many social moderates were left to pull the party back to the middle.…
Life and Death in the Google Age
– The more interesting question you are asking is about the libertarian stripe. … When the blogs came along, I asked myself whether they were essentially left or right. … I thought, "Oh, OK, the Web is about individual liberty, so maybe the Web is libertarian."…
Maher: Dems Are A 'Corporate-Friendly Pro-Business Party'; GOP Are 'Club For Angry White People & Jesus Freaks'…ess_party;_gop_are_club_for_angry_white_people__jesus_freaks
– In less than 1 1/2 minutes, Maher, the so-called Libertarian shares more pearls of wisdom: Barack Obama is not a socialist or a liberal … ; the United States does not have a left-wing; Newt Gingrich has a "fat face"; Nader and Kookcinich are not really that radical; and … the Democrat Party is "center-right," while the Republican Party are "far, far, far right" -- these two right-leaning parties do not…
Europe Asks, Does Tomorrow Belong to Us?,_does_tomorrow_belong_to_us
– the center-left but also, more significantly, an indication of the growing rejection of the past 60 years of denationalized and consolidating … In Hungary, the center-right Fidesz Party trounced the Socialists (56-17 percent). … Europe has long experienced single-digit fringe votes of the left and right.…
Cracking ACORN: Exclusive Townhall Voter Fraud Investigation
– In the parallel universe occupied by many left-of- center Americans, the increasingly controversial Association of Community Organizations … On social issues, I’m more libertarian. … But I have no desire to be known as a liberal, conservative or even a libertarian filmmaker.”…
Populist Right Rising
– What President Obama is losing is not the far right but the center of the country. … Increasingly, Obama is being perceived as a man of the left and Republicans as the bulwark against a lurch to the left. … Though they vehemently disagreed, each man represented an essential element of a center-right coalition.…
Lowden Shows Up Nevada
– While Lowden and her main competitor in the GOP primary, Danny Tarkanian, are polling ahead of Reid with over 12 months left before … Nevadans are very independent, center right, libertarian in the fact that we do not want government in our lives, we want hands-off … She also says she's turned that libertarian ill-will into electoral promise.…
Cloudy Fortunes for Conservatism
– want - foreign policy oomph, business acumen, Southern charm, Big Apple chutzpah, religious conviction, outsider zeal, even libertarian … between his credible competence message - "I can make government work" - and his strategic need to fill the "Reaganite" space left … The center of the right does not hold, and so we see an army with many flags and many generals and nobody knows who goes with which…
Breaking Our Patents Abroad: How Not to Promote Affordable Drugs
– Heavily animated by religious conviction, various Left-leaning activist organizations have come to believe that fighting poverty and … The Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility applauds such strong-arm practices. … In November 2006, the center released an update of its "Benchmarking AIDS" study, lamenting the lack of progress by drug companies…
Good Coalition, Bad Coalition,_bad_coalition
– A: Taxpayers who want their money left alone. Property owners who want their property left alone. … works and how the left coalition works. … Since I’m center-right, I’m hoping that the center-right will learn more from it than the left, but a smart person of the left could…
A Third-Party Candidate Who Might Have Won
center stage – at least for a few moments - during this already unusual campaign year.  … Truman held onto the Democratic nomination in spite of defections from the left and right. … Former Vice President Henry Wallace left (far left) the fold to run as a progressive and Strom Thurmond led the segregation-loving…
Political Moral Philosophy - R.I.P.
– Nevertheless, a sound moral philosophy is the vital center of any political movement intent on fashioning a just society. … O'Rourke explains that both the left and, to a lesser extent, the right have forgotten or abandoned their underlying moral philosophies … Tension sometimes develops between the different strains of conservatism, especially between libertarian conservatives and Christian…
Why Americans Hate Washington
– I used to like the concept, and remember arguing with Brian Riedl of the libertarian- leaning Heritage Foundation. … James Horney, director of federal fiscal policy at the left-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, has a different take.…
It's Not 'Anti-Incumbency,' Stupid; It's 'Anti-Liberalism',_stupid;_its_anti-liberalism
– : "This is how it goes in 2010 at the ballot box: old orders are upended, political lions become roadkill, chosen successors get left … A Republican libertarian won the GOP primary for Senate in Kentucky. In Florida, Republicans dumped Gov. … Two-thirds of those polled, according to the Pew Research Center, do not believe the stimulus created jobs.…
'We've Come to Take Our Government Back'
– Election Analysis: Guest Post from the Heritage FoundationLast month the Pew Research Center reported that only 22% of Americans trusted … And, as the son of libertarian presidential candidate Ron Paul, the younger Paul was also a proxy of sorts. … While Halter galvanized Arkansas’ Democratic base on the political left, businessman D. C.…
Why Is It 'Bigoted' To Criticize Religion?
– When it comes to the proposed Islamic center near ground zero, I subscribe to President Barack Obama's position: "Muslims have the … Put it this way: If Mormons proposed the erection of a 13-story community center in West Hollywood or the West Village, I would be … a person with a libertarian political temperament, I would loathe to see government shut down religious expression.…
Debauching OWS
– If the populist left and the populist right align, as they well may, we may be on the cusp of a Constitutional Realignment, or, stated … Center-right and libertarian monetary policy conferences are beginning to come at a blizzard pace.…
Newt’s New Contract’s_new_contract
– Gingrich displays an understanding of the libertarian, Hayek-Von Mises, Austrian school of economics in writing in regard to monetary … political considerations into determining these minimum standards, guaranteeing that nothing desired by the special interests will be left … to Obamacare begins with patient power and localism and the many common sense ideas developed over the past eight years at the Center
Barack Obama, For Real,_for_real
– I talked to Freddoso on Wednesday by phone from Denver, where the 31-year-old self-described conservative-libertarian was covering … Obama has been influenced or hung around with left-wing radicals like Bill Ayers and his wife and Frank Marshall Davis, an old Communist … The one was an earmark he gave his wife’s employer, the University of Chicago Medical Center, which came shortly after she received…
To The Undecided Voter
– For the record, over those 10 elections I voted for the Republican candidate six times and the Libertarian four. … The Republicans don’t deserve power in Washington just as you don’t deserve a boil in the center of your forehead. … Listen to the rhetoric of the left. Those who are in need are called “the less fortunate.”…
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