Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

A Letter from a Republican to Hispanics
– If you are from Mexico, you know that Mexico's treatment of illegal immigrants from south of its border is far harsher than my country's … is of illegal immigrants. … However much you may pay in sales tax, most illegal immigrants are a financial and social burden in those states to which most them…
The Shoes Liberal Celebrities Won't Wear
Are you aware of, and/or concerned with, the fact that American citizens and legal immigrants are murdered every day by illegal aliens … No, not all illegal aliens are murderers. But neither are all illegal alien migrants harmless workers. … You can even tell us how bad your back was hurting when you were working with illegal aliens.…
Janet the Deporter
– Immigration and Customs Enforcement audited 2,200 businesses to check for illegal immigrants. … And Republican Latinos, while rather thin on the ground, are more fired up to vote ... than are Democratic Latinos." … Even Democrats are catching on.…
The Sound of One Hand Clapping
– This bill, if passed, would effectively grant amnesty to illegal immigrants currently in the country. … Lamar Smith, Texas Republican, says, "Millions of Americans are struggling to find work, while an estimated 7 million illegal immigrants … fully secured and something is done about those illegal immigrants already here.…
Deporting all illegals unrealistic, Land says,_land_says
– WASHINGTON (BP)--America's borders should be secured, illegal immigrants should be penalized and the rule of law should be upheld, … Referring to a study by the Council on Foreign Relations, Land said moving illegal immigrants toward legal standing would help. … Edwards recommended three actions -- holding employers accountable for hiring illegal immigrants, instituting employment verification…
Real Comprehensive Immigration Reform
– The bill will grant amnesty to every single illegal alien in the country. … We must increase border security and interior enforcement against illegal immigration. … We need to remove rewards for illegal aliens.…
Who’s Really Dividing the Country?’s_really_dividing_the_country
– The Democrats are going nuts over Sharron Angle’s latest anti-illegal immigration ad, “The Wave.” … The truth is that Hispanics are among the biggest victims of illegal immigration. … Cheap illegal alien labor undercuts the wages of legal Hispanic immigrants.…
Standing Tall: The Rise and Resilience of Conservative Women
immigrants and they're not voting for you, b*tch." … Illegal aliens are not supposed to vote at all, Miss B. … Facts be damned.Distortions on "The Spew" are bad enough.…
No Illegal Alien Pilot Left Behind
immigrants from Brazil. … But clear counter-terror rules ban illegal aliens from enrolling in U.S. flight schools. … to illegal immigrants.…
Could California Sink The Obama Presidency?
– But there’s a present-day crisis on the “left coast,” and most Americans have no idea how bad it is. … In many ways, the educational entitlements for illegal immigrants that would be mandated for all the states if President Obama’s “Dream … Act” amnesty legislation were to become law are already mandated in California.…
DREAM Act Includes Loophole for Criminals
– Democrats knew all about this before they passed their lame duck amnesty measure last night, leaving it up to the Senate to kill this bad … a host of crimes illegal immigrants would be allowed to commit and still qualify -- assault, domestic violence, sexual abuse, reckless … In the middle of a deep recession, with taxes about to increase, Democrat leaders in Washington are asking Americans to pick up the…
Amnesty “For the Children”? Dream On“for_the_children”__dream_on
– old they are today. … to illegal aliens. … The vast majority of illegal aliens eligible under the DREAM Act will be Hispanics who are eligible for racial preferences and affirmative…
Defense Secretary Lady Gaga and the Real Obama Administration
– Too bad he thinks the best person for the job of secretary of defense is a bisexual, drug-addled talentless Auto-Tune creation with … Central to push through a scam bill, funding those who were sickened by rubble dust from the 9/11 attacks (the bill also funds illegalimmigrants who suffered illness and raises taxes on corporations).…
How Obama Spent His Summer Vacation- Day Two: Grant Illegal Immigration Waivers…s_summer_vacation-_day_two_grant_illegal_immigration_waivers
– on Illegal Immigration. … So Obama’s now going to do for illegal immigrants what he did for gays, unions, Chicago and all of his other cronies: He’s going to … to solve problems like the debt crisis, illegal immigration, bank reform, healthcare costs.…
Immigration is Still a Jobs Issue
– We are ready to march.” … Indeed, Chavez and the United Farm Workers Union he headed routinely reported, to the INS, for deportation, suspected illegal immigrants … When asked whether they prefer giving illegal immigrants a “path to citizenship” or have stronger enforcement of our immigration laws…
Debate Jars Perry out of Sweet Spot
–   Mitt Romney and Rick Perry are both exactly where they want to be.   … He was also caught off-guard when his sweetly platitudinous support for the Texas version of the Dream Act (giving illegal immigrants … Both candidates are way they want to be -- which means one of them is wrong.  …
CNN/Tea Party Express Debate: Winners and Losers
– Bachmann also gave the best answer for illegal immigration, saying we cannot throw legal immigrants should be rewarded while illegalimmigrants should not. … border with Mexico, however Perry’s explanation of amnesty for illegal immigrants in Texas was indefensible.…
9/11, Ten Years Later,_ten_years_later
– But the fact that there have been so many attacks to stop is bad news. … It’s obvious that America’s enemies are determined to bring this country down. … More than 10 million illegal immigrants are inside the United States.…
Earth to Gov. Perry: True "Heart" Means No Benefits to Illegals
– It goes without saying that Rick Perry alienated the base he needs to win last week with his “no heart” on lllegal immigrants comment … Don’t we have enough bad laws? … I’m not comparing illegal immigrants to ants, but the principle is the same.…
North Korea Reviews Nukes
– The North's institutional paranoia is such that its leaders are programmed to believe that outside predators are primed to exploit … Sunni immigrants and squatters from other countries, such as Iraq. … They qualify as foreigners in the Syrian government definition because they are illegal aliens.…
Much-Deserved Abuse for the Crooks and Scoundrels in Washington…chdeserved_abuse_for_the_crooks_and_scoundrels_in_washington
– They are not our “leaders.” … They are compulsive narcissists who are trying to compensate for losing student council elections in the 6th grade. … immigrants.…
A Range of Response to Divisive Gestures
– of a controversial (and, not co-incidentally, very beautiful) triple jumper because she tweeted disrespectfully about African immigrants … Moreover, with Athens currently deluged by uncounted and intensely resented hordes of illegal immigrants from Africa, Papachristou’ … African immigrants, not to mention far less outrageous than flagrant identification with a symbol of Nazi barbarism.…
A Moral Question for the GOP
– Many conservatives reject President Obama's recent policy to defer action against illegal immigrants who came to the United States … They are not eligible for government assistance programs that bar other illegal immigrants. … Finally, conservatives are simply wrong when they claim the president lacks authority to defer action against one class of illegal
Barack Obama’s War on the Middle Class
– Everyone knows the economy is in bad shape. But just how bad is it? … To wit: Barack Obama claims to support unemployed Americans while pandering to and bribing illegal immigrants, and punishing … Barack Obama affirms the middle class vote while marginalizing that vote by seeking to provide ballots to felons and illegal immigrants
Obama's Prophetic Greek Columns
– What many Americans watching the Obama speech four years ago may not have realized was that Obama’s fake Greek columns were a bad omen … immigrants and workers who cannot be taxed, but who tax the social services systems of the country and require expanded entitlements … Americans are likely to see Mr.…
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