Results for: Barack Obama Website

Boot Murtha: The Change America Deserves
– (His campaign website is Victory seemed like a nearly impossible miracle three months ago. … It's a sentiment Murtha's man Barack Obama infamously voiced at a San Francisco fundraiser in April, when he said small-town Pennsylvanians … After initially backing away from his Obama-inspired trashing of Pennsylvania voters, Murtha dug a deeper hole -- telling a Pittsburgh…
MSNBC Teams Up With ACORN, La Raza,_la_raza
Obama for president." … Most of them are openly supporting Barack Obama and other Democrats in the November elections.Election Protection claims to be non-partisan … The Election Project features a snippet of her telling viewers about the project on their website.…
MSNBC Teams Up with ACORN, La Raza,_la_raza
Obama for president." … is available on the website. … Most of them are openly supporting Barack Obama and other Democrats in the November elections.Election Protection claims to be non-partisan…
Marxists for Obama
– ] Barack Obama is the single most liberal person to have ever received the nomination of the Democrat Party, and if voters don't quickly … Obama to the Presidency. … [sic] We support Barack Obama because he knows what is best for the people!…
Teen Pregnancy and TV
– fail to include un-sexy notions about the potentially negative consequences of sex, from sexually transmitted diseases to what BarackObama inartfully called being "punished with a baby." … In an online chat at The Washington Post website, one questioner joked, "If I watch a steady TV diet of the three 'CSIs,' 'Law and…
The million-dollar question
Barack Obama and his supporters first shouted it as a slogan, but John McCain and his backers have long since dittoed their fondness … At the No website, one reads this ominous warning: “The public has no say on what the lobbyists propose to do to the constitution.” … In Illinois, the company of David Axelrod, Barack Obama’s campaign guru, has the $3 million contract to convince voters to say No to…
Young Undecideds Who Love Guns: Vote Your Glock
Obama wants to reimpose the failed and discredited Clinton Gun Ban. (Illinois State Debate #3: Barack Obama vs. … Obama endorsed a ban on all handguns. … Obama campaign website, 12/11/07). • Reality. Obama voted to limit gun purchases to one per month.…
Obama's Gun-Restriction Policy Playbook
– It is the same with Barack Obama, who stands with Schumer in the forefront of the most radical supporters of oppressive gun controls … In defining Barack Obama on self-defense, we must examine the late December 2003 story of a courageous Illinois citizen -- a victim … of both a potentially deadly criminal and of an oppressive local gun ban law supported by Barack Obama.…
What You Should Know About Rashid Khalidi and Barack Obama
– (There were also testimonials from then-state Senator Barack Obama and the mayor of Chicago.) … Obama was a director of the Woods Fund board from 1999 to Dec. 11, 2002, according to the Fund's website. … Obama in recent years, Michelle Obama attended a party several months ago celebrating the marriage of the Khalidis' daughter.…
Notorious Obamedia Moments of 2008
– In attendance: good neighbors Barack Obama and Weather Underground terrorist duo Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. … Ogling Obama. … The caption listed on the network's website: "Obama in jeans: Sen. Barack Obama surprises the press corps by wearing jeans."…
Obama Reacts to Skinhead Plot
– "I think what has been striking in this campaign is the the degree to which these kind of hate groups have been marginalized," BarackObama told Jon Delano of Pittsburgh's KDKA. … The two minute interview is available on KDKA's website HERE.…
Man of Steele (or Pocket Full of Kryptonite?)
– Gilchrest went on to lose the primary, endorse the Democrat running for his seat, and then to announce he was voting for Barack Obama … Their website has this to say about their mission: "RLC-PAC's vision is a Republican Party that is unified by the basic tenets…
Finally, a Religious Leader with Guts,_a_religious_leader_with_guts
– Newman told his parishioners that if they voted for Barack Obama, they embraced “intrinsic evil” since Obama's opponent was a “plausible … And as a result, those Obama voters need to seek forgiveness from God before they receive Holy Communion again. … In a letter posted on the church website, Rev.…
The Road to Serfdom
– It's exciting that the world is so excited about Barack Obama. I'm excited, too. … Obama promises: "We will change the world ... … Obama is an extraordinarily talented man. But there is one thing he can't successfully do: ignore the laws of economics.…
The Sheer Idiocy of Following Youth Movements
– But on Oct. 26, he penned what serves as the perfect window into the mind of many Barack Obama supporters. … There is no question that the Barack Obama Movement was led not by elder statesman, but by college students and twentysomethings. … It is only when young people grow up that they see Hitler in those lines rather than Barack Obama.…
Obama's Editing His Agenda
– The good folks over at Americans for Tax Reform have noticed that Barack Obama is deleted some of the more controversial planks of … Here's the BEFORE website, scanned and saved by ATR. Here's the AFTER. … “This is the opposite of transparency and we would ask that Obama restore the deleted portion of the site,” Norquist said.  …
Obama Campaign Site Gets a ".Gov"
– It appears Barack Obama's presidential campaign site got a slight makeover to become an official government website, which raises some … There have been previous stories about how Obama would like to use the Internet to revolutionize the White House, which I'll be going…
Emperor Obama's Clothes are Visible and Scary
– Not surprisingly, many voters who cast their ballots for Barack Obama for president had no idea what he believed, what his voting … During this election, Barack Obama said lots to make the public feel good. … He spelled out on his official website his plan of action in all its leftist glory.…
The Insane Rage of the Same-Sex Marriage Mob
– Sentiments like this one, found on the anti-Prop.8 website "JoeMyGod," are common across the left-wing blogosphere: "Burn their f-- … One wonders where Barack Obama -- himself an opponent of Proposition 8 -- is as this insane rage rages on.…
No Tears For National Review
– But then the Times broadens the issue of civility at NR far beyond the actual NR website: "National Review, as the most pedigreed voice … erudite Christopher Buckley, who, it has been reported incorrectly, offered his resignation from NR after he publicly endorsed BarackObama.…
Counterfeit Marriage and its Counterfeit Movement
– Exit polls indicate that in the Democratic stronghold of "left coast" California, African-Americans – 96 percent of whom voted for BarackObama – also voted to pass California's marriage protection amendment (Prop 8) by an overwhelming 70 to 30 percent. … And on the website, "scottinsf" posted, "Trust me.…
Truthers to the Left of Me, Truthers to the Right,_truthers_to_the_right
– And at least Donofrio concedes that Obama was born in Hawaii. … was born in Hawaii and claims that Obama's paternal grandmother told him she saw Obama born in Kenya. … I believe Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.…
Obama and Billary
Obama. She will. She's put up with Bill Clinton. She'll put up with Barack Obama. … Hillary Clinton, who was spurned by Bill Richardson in favor of Barack Obama, is getting the job that Bill Richardson really wanted … from Barack Obama.…
The Atheists Who Try to Steal Christmas
– On their website, FFRF titled this CNN segment “FFRF vs. Christian Crybabies.” … (Need we mention commemorative plates, collections of wise sayings, or the declaration of a Barack Obama holiday in at least one county … I want to see it linked on Freedom from Religion’s website with the title, “FFRF vs. Muslim Crybabies.”…
RNC Chair Candidates Respond to Morton Blackwell's Questionnaire
– Let's not forget, Barack Obama used the Internet to create a "virtual ATM" and we cannot let the Democrats dominate on that front. … Barack Obama rejected public financing and raised over $600 million dollars. … * With Barack Obama as President we can make a strong argument on college campuses that racial preferences are wrong.…
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