Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

Obama's Balloon Hits the Dirt
– But Meacham was quick to assert that conservative protesters are probably not all that idealistic and consistent, either. … far as the eye can see are a bipartisan product -- not the result of liberal dominance in Washington. … At the prayer breakfast, Obama praised preachers who were working for amnesty for illegal immigrants and evangelists who were fighting…
5 Reasons Illegal Immigrants Shouldn't Be Given American Citizenship…ns_illegal_immigrants_shouldnt_be_given_american_citizenship
– Let me tell you exactly why illegal immigrants shouldn't be given American citizenship. 1) It will only encourage more illegal … 2) Illegal aliens take jobs from American citizens. The economy stinks. American citizens are out of work. … Meanwhile, there are illegal aliens in this country holding jobs that American citizens would otherwise have.…
Archbishop Charles J. Chaput and the Future of the Pro-Life Movement…hop_charles_j_chaput_and_the_future_of_the_pro-life_movement
– And words like right and wrong, good and bad, are loaded with moral judgment. … A “bad” public policy embodies what somebody thinks is bad, or at least inadequate. … He sees who and what we really are.…
'Immigration' Isn't the Problem
– Very few Americans, on the other hand, are inherently opposed to immigration. … Yet when Gallup recently polled Americans about the new Arizona law that cracks down on illegal immigrants, of the three-quarters of … There are, on one noisy periphery, those who yell "Nazi" or "racist" at any sign of enforcement.…
Marco Rubio, Son Of Immigrants, Talks About Arizona's New Law,_son_of_immigrants,_talks_about_arizonas_new_law
– And realistically, government does take a mile when given an inch.But feeling bad for immigrants isn't a reason to open our borders … to the types of illegal passage that Rubio is clearly advocating. … immigrants."…
Republicans Can Win the Immigration Reform Battle
– A responsible middle ground on amnesty also needs to be proposed. 10.8 million illegal immigrants are not all going to be deported … Therefore we should welcome more immigrants, not shun them. Real conservatives are not afraid of economic competition. … This nation was founded by immigrants.…
Liberals Want to Ignore Immigration Law
– But ACLU-loving, America-hating bunch that seems to think illegal immigrants deserve weekly ticker-tape parades down Main Street is … For too long now, the apologists for illegal immigrants have played a little game. … We’re just happy the cops are trying to find the bad guy.…
State Leadership Emerges in Arizona
– Polls show that over 70% of Arizona voters support the crackdown on illegal immigration. … As illegal aliens see the law enforced, they will inevitably seek refuge in jurisdictions where laws are not enforced. … A flood of illegal immigrants into California would only increase the state’s growing $20 billion deficit.…
The Hidden Agenda of the Southern Poverty Law Center
– The mainstream media and liberal commentators are awash with news stories like “Hate: Antigovernment extremists are on the rise—and … However, I was still shocked to see myself quoted as saying, "illegal immigrants were 'coming to kill you and kill me and our families … Patriotic Tea Partiers are potential terrorists, but actual terrorists like Bill Ayers are civil rights organizers.…
Arizona Showdown
– He voted against an anti-immigrant measure -- which, among other provisions, prohibited religious charities from aiding illegal immigrants … There are reasons that McCain is politically endangered. … But it would be bad for his party and for the country.…
In Britain, a Cautionary Tale for U.S. Parties,_a_cautionary_tale_for_us_parties
– LONDON -- We Americans may have declared our independence from Britain in 1776, but there are still similar rhythms in … But they sank when voters learned more about their platform, which included legalizing illegal immigrants and ditching the pound for … These are not people Washington insiders run across very much, but they cast lots of votes.…
When Indignation Trumps Information
– The problem of illegal immigration is inflaming Mahony, who strongly implies, as advocates for illegal immigrants often do, that any … The implication is: Because most Americans believe such illegality should be reduced, most Americans are against immigrants. … Today's hysterics are unoriginal. But they learned their bad manners from a master.…
The U.S. Department of Blame America First
– Kirkpatrick gave her famous "Blame America First" speech to the Republican National Convention, liberals at least waited for something bad … And these are issues very much being debated in our own society. … immigrants without a shred of due process: Mexico.…
Good vs. Bad Immigrants: More Than a Matter of Legal Status
– Though most legal immigrants are no doubt law-abiding, America-loving newcomers, some of them are gangsters and goldbricks, welfare … illegal immigrants. … Every group of illegal immigrants, like every category of legal immigrants, includes some combination of the good, the bad and ugly…
4 Immigration Issues That Are Too Hot To Handle
– With past generations of immigrants, that happened. … Not only are we seeing it on protest signs at the Left's pro-illegal immigration rallies, but liberal Hispanic groups like MEChA are … Granted, the overwhelming majority of Muslim immigrants are patriotic, loyal, and good citizens of the United States.…
A Moral and Just Response to the Immigration Crisis
immigrants or who are unjustly paying these immigrants substandard wages or subjecting them to conditions that are contrary to the … their communities, including illegal immigrants. … Politics and public policy are the “art of the possible.”…
Obama Prevaricates about Jobs
– More bad news comes from the Labor Department. … The numbers for minority teenagers are tragic. … The Census Bureau found that 34 percent of all software engineers are immigrants, despite the Institute of Electrical and Electronic…
Oil Slick, Joblessness May Stymie Dems' Rebound,_joblessness_may_stymie_dems_rebound
– Democratic leaders are deeply unpopular. … And the bad news keeps coming out. … Legalizing illegal immigrants would hold down low earners' wages.…
Is President Obama the Worst President in History?
– There are only two other true contenders for the title of "worst president in U.S. history": Jimmy Carter and James Buchanan. … Pretty bad by any measure.During his entire first term, Carter's record doesn't touch the Obama administration's record in its first … He's pushing for comprehensive "immigration reform" that will really act as an amnesty for illegal immigrants.…
Dems Retreat on Immigration
– You are an activist, and by definition, you are out of the mainstream." This isn't Rush Limbaugh, remember. … Liberal Members of Congress are being told by their own guys they "are out of the mainstream" on immigration. … Bad place to be.…
Last Optimist Standing
Immigrants see clearly that we are a people of possibility not constraint. … Immigrants are 30% more likely to launch new businesses than non-immigrants. … Immigrants often are willing to take risks; after all, they did not come here without risk.…
Citizenship Should Remain a Birthright
– Pearce and his allies say illegal immigrants can be excluded because they are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. … In 1982, it concluded that illegal immigrants are indeed "within the jurisdiction" of the state where they are present. … Illegal immigrant parents are ineligible for welfare, Medicaid, food stamps and the like.…
Obama Courts Latinos by Suing Arizona
– We need to: -- Strengthen penalties and enforcement of laws barring people and companies from hiring illegal immigrants. … Republican agri-businesses won't go for it because they want to exploit illegal workers with low pay and bad work conditions. … Drying up the jobs that bring illegal immigrants here is something we can and must do.…
Role Reversal: The Feds vs. Arizona
– The administration's lawsuit against the State of Arizona for attempting to stem the tide of illegal immigrants across its southern … Now the legal positions are reversed. … So state governments are trying to fill that vacuum.…
Justice Brennan's Footnote Gave Us Anchor Babies
immigrants. … Consider the story of one family of illegal immigrants described in the Spring 2005 Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons: … It's bad enough to be governed by 5-4 decisions written by liberal judicial activists.…
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