Results for: they are all going to jail

Are You Complicit With Evil? Here’s a Litmus Test!
jail so they can engage in even more heinous acts. … Maybe it’s hard to imagine that all “die-hard” Democrats are evil. … Are you happy going along with evil policies? Do you support evil persons?…
Homelessness Has Become An Epidemic In My Small Red Town…essness-has-become-an-epidemic-in-my-small-red-town-n2614899
– “We’ve heard numerous people at the evening meal say, ‘I’m going to get this meal and then I’m going to go over to Virginia, so I don … find out why they are here and what could be done to help them. … Create incentives for homeless people to come, and like bees to honey or raccoons to unsecured restaurant trash cans, they will come…
Could Women Be Arrested for Having an 'Unlawful' Abortion?
– The last scene shows the teary-eyed woman in the back of the police's patrol car en route to jail, pleading to the camera: "Please, … Aside from criminal penalty, the pro-life laws are designed to protect the life of the mother. … 19 months ago but are now facing up to 11 years in prison over alleged federal offenses.…
The Left Is Losing What’s Left of Its Collective Mind
– There is only one mind and they all use it. … The left would have to care about individuals, victims of crime, to act to prevent them. They don’t. … Did they all come to some fresh, new realization?…
Is Twitter Finally Fact-Checking Biden?
– ample leniency in the fact-check department, thanks to merciful treatment by industry "truth-seekers" who have all turned a blind … Notes in need of ratings request that Birdwatchers help "ensure that notes shown on Tweets are helpful to people with varying points … Sure, there are kinks to iron out, but Twitter's social experiment is producing a net positive...for now.…
What Will the Majority Republicans Do?
– I do expect them to, and certainly hope they will, defund the IRS agents the Democrats are trying to tyrannize the country with. … The Democrats are trying to completely turn this country upside down. But then, we all know that. … They won’t touch Hillary Clinton, who ought to be in jail.…
Group Making Significant Inroads Moving to Counting Ballots by Hand in Arizona…roads-moving-to-counting-ballots-by-hand-in-arizona-n2615227
– her yes vote, “I might to go jail.” … Other counties around the country are starting to switch to hand counts. … Voters concerned about fraud in Arizona are going all out this election to ensure there is little opportunity for dishonest actions…
Creepy Anti-Trump Porn Lawyer Is Heading to Prison
to jail. … It was something unrelated to his Trump fight. He tried to extort Nike out of millions of dollars. … Miller (@redsteeze) July 8, 2021Every lib journo that had Avenatti on their show to boost him up are complicit in his crimes.…
Sorry Leftists, You Haven’t Destroyed Trump’s Popularity…rry-leftists-you-havent-destroyed-trumps-popularity-n2592031
They hate him because he’s highly effective. The rest is a disguise to convince conservatives to desert him. … Left-wing activist prosecutors have been trying to take Trump down, but their efforts are fizzling. … The only person sentenced so far pleaded guilty to a single misdemeanor and didn’t even get any jail sentence.…
A Leftist War on Common Sense
– Even when pointed out, they seem unable to admit that what they propose is in conflict with core American values. … Capable, responsible minorities are proud to exercise their right to vote like all Americans. … them to pay back what they owe?…
This Pro-Choice Republican Proves There Are Abortion Restrictions Everyone Should Get Behind…are-abortion-restrictions-everyone-should-agree-on-n2591933
– sending doctors who perform them to jail for seven years along with fines up to $100,000. … Second, while there is no specific data, abortions after 24 weeks are considered are extremely rare, according to providers. … some states are going in, then Pindell might have a point.…
President Biden is Using The FBI to Gaslight America
– Anthony Fauci suggest Americans are medical heretics if they believe in personal health freedom when it comes to taking an experimental … If we are going to be serious about homegrown violent extremists, let’s start with BLM leadership. … Move on to Vice President Kamala Harris, whose bail fund helped BLM extremists get out of jail even after they terrorized American…
The Cuban Freedom Protest Is Awkward for Our Garbage Elite…an-freedom-protest-is-awkward-for-our-garbage-elite-n2592499
– outrage their commie-curious constituency by calling these Marxist bastards what they are. … Tater’s tweet referenced above is a prime example – it does not initially occur to them that they are reading from Stalin’s playbook … They aren’t just going to come out and say, “Yeah, we want to tyrannize our political opponents so no one can challenge our power.”…
A Judge Told A Capitol Hill Defendant Not to Buy More Guns. Guess What Happened Next.…ter-not-to-buy-more-guns-what-do-you-think-happened-n2592488
– Accountability measures are being meted out. … We all see the game here. They just want another avenue to attack Donald Trump and smear his supporters. … Whatever happens to Robertson is up to the courts, but no doubt there are innocent people who are going to have their lives ruined…
Radical Transgender Activism Is Proof Positive that We Have Lost Our Corporate Minds…roof-positive-that-we-have-lost-our-corporate-minds-n2592497
– Little girls are there, their mothers are there, other women are looking about, and they begin to put their robes back on them. … We as women have rights to be safe in public spaces, and they are being violated by men going into women’s spaces, claiming to be women … They are the ones who are messed up in their thinking. The onus is on them to change.…
Ted Cruz: 'Heroism of Cuban People' Is 'Incredibly Awkward' for Those Who Want to Promote Socialism in US
– don't, who's going to stand up? … Cubans to know that they are not alone," as we allow them "to write their own history." … also to say we are here to support those people."…
Oh, So This Is The Key Detail Missing in the NYT's Newest Piece on Brett Kavanaugh…nyts-piece-on-brett-kavanaugh-that-exposes-democra-n2592833
– Garland was never going to happen. … So, we need to rehash this all over again because Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) needs a distraction. … I’m going to go with the latter and say that this was another attempt at gaslighting.…
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Joins the Great Vaccine Debate…sanders-the-trump-vaccine-works-and-is-saving-lives-n2593075
– Many of our hospitals are now dangerously close to maximum capacity due to rising covid cases. … But Boris stuck to his guns and cases are falling precipitously, suggesting that this (final?) … The fact is they can’t tell the truth or their government will jail them or worse.…
Oh, Now They Care About D.C.’s Soaring Murder Rate?
– "I'm going to give it to you straight … The justice system that we have right now, it is not functioning the way that it should. … Contrary to popular belief, concealed handgun permit holders are the least inclined to criminal behavior.  … Should they be surprised? Not in the slightest. They are reaping what they sowed. …
Make Something of Yourself
– What do you want to do? The way you are going, you will go to jail, or you will end up in this body bag." … to the jail or the body bag. … to others; to remind ourselves that we are all equal in God's sight and that our surety of right must certainly be wrong if it comes…
They’re Provoking Us, You Know
– Virtually all levels of government are barely hiding the disdain and contempt they have for the people they’re supposed to serve.   … Children once told they weren’t considered primary carriers or likely to get very sick even if they contracted the virus are once again … authority to extend the eviction moratorium, but he’s going to do it anyway.  …
Liberals Hate That You Have Rights
– The bizarre contortions that the libs are going through to blame you for the virus because you selfishly refused to submit to their … Rights, they realize, are an intolerable obstacle to the things they want to do – especially when it’s inferiors like yourself asserting … They aren’t to be “reasonably” regulated. Rights are by nature unreasonable.…
Taxpayers Are Getting Ripped Off and Congress Does Nothing…rs-are-getting-ripped-off-and-congress-does-nothing-n2594242
– don't need to even pretend they are looking for a job. … Then there is the ingenious new program for self-employed workers that allows them to "self-certify" that they are out of work and … The program's bank vaults have been plundered for over a year, and just now we are going to spend money on fraud protection?…
The Pitiful Fall of Western Principle
To the contrary, these wide-sweeping edicts are more reflective of totalitarian decrees that are not merely different by degree, but … Insofar as they are successful in assisting with this unadulterated pursuit of power, all political actions, however atrocious theyare the exception to the rule.…
Bill Maher, Ben Shapiro, and MSNBC's Malcolm Nance Debated Critical Race Theory. Fix Yourself a Drink.…a-segment-on-critical-race-theory-with-ben-shapiro-n2593755
– There are liberals who refuse to kowtow to the woke mob. Bari Weiss was one of those folks. … Maher even agreed that the white liberal obsession with defunding the police was going to get people killed.  … you going to lecture me on the Holocaust?"…
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