Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

How To Answer Obama's Plea on Health Care
– The point is to make those Republicans look bad when they refuse to bridge gaps and join hands and sing kum-ba-ya. … order. 4) The Obama health reforms must provide no federal funding for abortions or for the purchase of health insurance for illegalimmigrants.…
News Round-Up
– 2006 speech from the Senate floor, then-Senator Obama remarked about the Bush administration, “Washington is shifting the burden of badimmigrants, despite Pres. … --Most liberals are steaming mad that Jones has lost his role as green jobs czar in the Obama administration, but Arianna Huffington…
An Open Letter to President Obama on Heath Care
– If it were up to me, I would gladly provide health care to illegal immigrants and even export health care to other countries because … I don’t believe that the only people who matter are the ones who happened to be born within our borders. … Bad Ideas to Avoid First, I want to know whether you think there are any ways government could make health care worse.…
Random Thoughts
– As regards providing medical insurance for illegal immigrants, I doubt that the president will do that. … are often wrong. … I can only hope that my expectations are wrong by miles.…
Politicizing Medicine, Medicalizing Politics,_medicalizing_politics
– It’s probably really convenient that Zeke and Rahm are brothers. … These are not things you are likely to hear in this debate. Why? … immigrants.…
You Wanna Say That To My Face, Jane Fleming?,_jane_fleming
– For the group, the issue of security is another main point against granting amnesty to illegal immigrants... … Those activities are political speech, protests against bad race-based university policies and the failure of governments to uphold … As for "Catch an Illegal lmmigrant" day, umm, there are 11 million illegal immigrants in this country.…
– - Democrats are on a crash course to increase taxes on dividends from 15% to 44.2%. … - Essentially every part of Charlie Rangel’s (D-NY) “Mother of all Tax Bills” is frightening and bad for America; except of course … This is a punitive measure to pay for the introduction of socialized medicine and make it easier for illegal immigrants to get healthcare…
Old Warrior, Go Home,_go_home
immigrants. … Like those are bad things in an election year. Sen. … Because they are good small-government conservatives, both were willing to buck spend-happy party leaders.…
From Goldwater Girl To Hillary Girl
– Republicans are so shell-shocked and demoralized by the success of the Bush Derangement Syndrome, they think they can fool the voters … He promoted amnesty for 20 million illegal immigrants. … Imagine how bad it will be when the "Republican" president isn't even trying.…
Why You're Going To Vote For John McCain In November And Like It!!
– And let me tell you, I understand where people are coming from with McCain; I really do. … Then there's immigration, where we know McCain is just dying to put the illegal immigrants in this country on a path to citizenship … Can you really tell me that sounds so bad?…
In Search of a Scenario: Hollywood's Version of the Campaign
– The bad guys are out to get him, and the upright citizens spurn pleas to help. … The Republicans are looking for Cyrano de Bergerac to feed John McCain the lines to woo conservatives. … immigrants in our midst.…
There's a Democrat Behind Door No. 1, 2 and 3,_2_and_3
– Republicans are doing what the Democrats tried in 2004 with John Kerry. … If we're just going to pick one, how about one who doesn't want to shut down Guantanamo and give amnesty to 20 million illegal immigrants … His more current ratings are not so hot.…
Hit the Road, Jack,_jack
– Some are illegal aliens, others have legal status, but their convictions violate the conditional terms of their residency and make … There is broad agreement, regardless of which side people are on in the illegal immigration debate, that the criminal alien should … If they find the suspects are in the country illegally, they are now authorized to begin deportation proceedings.…
Obama Runs from Liberal Record in Debate
– Obama said he voted “yes” because, according to him, not doing so “meant essentially that you were going to have illegal immigrants … for a year, because they wouldn’t go back and I thought that was bad policy.” … I think there are a lot of Republicans and a lot of independents who would like to make sure ethics investigations are not conducted…
Ivy League Populism
– In these gloom-and-doom narratives by the well off, we less fortunate Americans are doing almost everything right, but still are not … Likewise, students are failing to graduate from college because there are too few government-guaranteed student loans. … of illegal immigrants themselves, who crowd to the front of the immigration line.…
A 12 Step Program for Recovering Liberals
– Step #2: Affirmative action argues that African Americans and Latinos are intellectually inferior and are unable to compete academically … Step #5: Stop insisting that all wars are bad. It only makes you sound daft. … Step #10: Stop trying to pretend that illegal aliens are the same as legal immigrants just so you can claim the moral high ground and…
The Race Debate
– I asked him why that would be a bad thing. … The liberals are on the side of illegal aliens because they don’t see them as low wage competitors for jobs, but as millions of potential … I, on the other hand, believe that most whites are pretty much colorblind.…
Obama is 'Bitterly' Out of Touch
– Obama here makes no distinction between the legitimate resentment over illegal aliens versus legal immigrants. … Rubenstein analyzed immigrants' fiscal impact on 15 federal agencies. … (Of course, Mexico, the United States and Canada are contiguous, with no "sea" between them. But never mind.)…
Report Uncovers Hidden Cost of Immigration
– You need to know how much of your hard-earned income the government is skimming off and diverting into handouts to immigrants and illegal … The cost of immigrants is so high because, as Rubenstein writes, "Immigrants are poorer, pay less tax and are more likely to receive … Of the 48.4 million public-school children, pre-K through 12th grade, 9.2 million or 19 percent are immigrants or the children of immigrants
Crossing the Border: Education or Robbery
– But the illegal immigrants who caused trouble and accepted failure gnawed away at my compassion. … Today about $12 billion a year is spent educating school-aged illegal immigrants in grades K-12. … I’m certain both boys are fated to depressing futures. Nevertheless, their bad attitudes wore on me.…
How To Lose An Election
– Third, he championed the case for total amnesty for 20 million illegal immigrants. … (These numbers are Forbes magazine estimates). … It seems that e-mails and telephone calls are not getting through.…
What I Saw At the Napolitano "Revolution"
– Early in her first term in 2003, she voiced support for a proposal to allow illegal immigrants to be issued state driver's licenses … immigrants. … Napolitano’s approach to speed enforcement is bad enough for its draconian, big-brother approach.…
Great Scott!!
– Some of the most melancholy letters and e-mails that are sent to me are from people who lament that there is nothing they can do … about the bad policies that they see ruining this country. … They don't have any media outlet for their opinions and the letters they send to their Congressmen are either ignored or are answered…
Obama’s Amnesty Footnote.’s_amnesty_footnote
– At least twelve million illegal immigrants are in this country and eight million illegal aliens are in the American workforce. … On top of the millions of illegal immigrants in this country, 1.5 million legal foreign workers come into our country each year. … Additionally, CIR ASAP will create 100,000 visas from the countries that send the most illegal immigrants every year.…
It's Time for a Second Tax Revolt
– It is a desperately needed awareness if we are to control our government. … If there are losers it is congressional committees who can no longer sell off pieces of the tax code, illegal immigrants and those … The income tax system is very good for Washington and very bad for the rest of us.…
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