Results for: Barack Obama Website

Leading Any Way the Wind Blows
Obama has even changed the Iraq page on his website to remove previous criticism of the successful troop surge and to delete the reference … Obama proposed when chaos in Iraq appeared to him inevitable.” … The situation in Iraq today is far from what Barack Obama predicted.  Today it appears a successful outcome there is possible. …
Purging: Deja Vu
– Remember when Hillary Clinton accused Barack of "scrubbing" his web site of all support for the war? … Here's a snippet from   a January '08 piece in the Huffington Post:"It is a fact that after Senator Obama spoke out against the war … So first Barack removed a speech opposing the war at a time (2004) when such opposition might have opened his "judgment" to question…
Slouching Toward the Center
Barack Obama, who just a few months ago threatened to filibuster the bill, had a change of heart -- or was it just a change in campaign … Obama wrote in a letter to his left-wing supporters posted on his website earlier this week. … Obama has begun to waver. His website claims he "will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq.…
Barack Obama: A Liberal For All Seasons
– In this article, we’re taking an in depth look at the opinions and voting record of Illinois Democratic Senator Barack Obama on the … The Senator’s plan is clearly outlined on his website: Protecting a Women's Right to Choose:  Obama will make safeguarding women's … Gay Rights: Barack Obama says he doesn’t believe being gay is a choice, but has angered some progressives with his pragmatic stance…
An Internet Fraud
– Letters, phone calls and e-mails from readers around the country have asked me if I wrote a column saying that Barack Obama is not … Among the places where my columns can be checked on the Internet are the archives on my own website:…
Kumbaya falls flat in Berlin
– The headline on the website of German magazine Der Spiegel about Barack Obama's speech in Berlin: "Huge Crowds Left with Mixed Feelings … For Obama, differences seem to be what cause the world's problems. … Obama used the occasion of this speech to apologize to Europe about his country.…
A Commendable Secretary of Labor
– The unions are spending a record amount of their employees' money this year to help elect Senator Barack H. … Obama to the Presidency and to elect what they hope will be a veto-proof House of Representatives and Senate. … That would be unfortunate because for the first time ever a union member can go to a website and see exactly how his dues money is…
The Man Who Could Topple Jack Murtha
– No doubt Barack Obama would label him bitter and clingy. "I am a Conservative," he says in his defining campaign statement. … $25 contributions are coming in from all over Pennsylvania and every corner of the country," Luksik noted on the Russell Brigade website
Obama’s leap-of-faith-based charity’s_leap-of-faith-based_charity
– Well, ask Barack Obama, the Democrats’ presumptive nominee for the presidency. His solution is to bureaucratize charity. … Barack Obama says he’s a leader on this issue. … After generations of governmental gear-grinding and dashed promises, Obama still unashamedly cranks out the Old Time Religion: Barack
African Socialists Heckle Obama
– Members of a pan-African socialist group squared off against Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama during a town hall meeting … Two men unfurled a banner that said “What about the black community, Obama?” … “I passed the first racial profiling legislation in Illinois,” Obama said.…
Talking About Race Doesn’t Make Anyone Racist’t_make_anyone_racist
Barack Obama has promised to be a uniter and to help Americans bridge their racial barriers. … Barack’s website highlights his experience as an activist: “As a community organizer, Obama helped 150,000 African Americans register … Barack Obama, in a speech at Howard University, highlighted the work yet to be done should he become our next president: “The teenagers…
Communist Paper Supports Obama
– A Communist newspaper is supporting Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama for president, praising his ability to “unite the … The piece argues, while Obama “is not a left candidate,” he is the best candidate towards advance the kind of “progressive change” … The editorial was originally published on July 15 and reprinted online at the Communist Party USA’s website.…
Communist Paper Supports Obama
– A Communist newspaper is supporting Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama for president, praising his ability to “unite the … The piece argues, while Obama “is not a left candidate,” he is the best candidate to advance the kind of “progressive change” the Communist … The editorial was originally published on July 15 and reprinted online at the Communist Party USA’s website.…
Plant Prejudice vs. the Constitution
– By contrast, McCain's Democratic opponent, Barack Obama, has promised to stop the raids. … "The federal government was intended to have limited scope," he says on his website, vowing to appoint judges who "respect the proper…
"Republicans" For Obama
– Jim Leach (Iowa) endorsed Democratic candidate Barack Obama for president Tuesday, joining a small group of unreliable, liberal Republicans … One of the "Republicans" the Obama campaign is touting as a member of "Republicans for Obama" even dropped his GOP affiliation in 2007 … An official “Republicans for Obamawebsite is expected to be rolled out next week.…
Obama Lied About Abortion Record
– Newly discovered documents from the Illinois state archives prove Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has lied about his … In essence, Obama voted to successfully amend the bill in a way Obama has said would have enabled him to support it, before he voted … In his new book, “The Case Against Barack Obama” Freddoso painstakingly documented Obama’s votes and committee work against the bill…
The Battle Has Begun
– He was mocking the question that Saddleback Pastor Rick Warren asked Barack Obama and John McCain about the presence of evil in a terrorist-filled … For Barack Obama supporters, the stakes are high. … Barack Obama is failing because he just can't figure out how to pretend to be the moderate, middle-of-the-road "uniter" that just wants…
The Case for Eric Cantor and Jews to the Republican Party
– In a year that has seemed so bleak for Republicans, John McCain not only can upset Barack Obama and win the White House, he can change … Obama has been, at best, inconsistent on Israel.  … The Republican Jewish Coalition's website notes that Obama's national campaign co-chairman and military advisor, Gen.…
Obama and Pro-Life 'Liars'
– In an interview with David Brody of CBN on Saturday, Barack Obama leveled a startling charge at the National Right to Life Committee … Barack Obama, voted no. The result is that the bill died in the committee." … As noted in the materials the National Right to Life Committee posted on its Website, this record seems to contradict what Obama told…
The Four Stages of Conservative Female Abuse
– At the Democratic Underground, a highly trafficked liberal website raising money for Barack Obama, members held a contest to come up … A Huffington Post website member wrote of Nancy Reagan: "Like her evil husband, she has lived far too long. … Echoing the bottom-feeders in the liberal blogosphere, mainstream journalists and Obama water-carriers now question Palin's commitment…
Obama's Radical Delegate
– Such was the scene in Denver Thursday night as Barack Obama accepted his party’s presidential nomination with “great humility.”  … Four decades later, Katz has traded in her guerilla nails for manicured nails, and is actively working to elect Barack Obama president … She was one of the principal organizers of a now-famous 2002 antiwar rally at which Barack Obama followed through on the “most gut-wrenching…
The Perfect Storm: Palin Provides "Just Say No Dealers" Cover
Barack Obama. … The website features press releases criticizing of Obama and calling for more Americans to reject him at the polls. … Senator Clinton's vote is her own; our votes are our own and they will not be cast for Senator Obama.…
McCain’s Bridge to the Future’s_bridge_to_the_future
– Why Obama insists on raising this particular subject remains a mystery. … Obama-Biden even voted to fund the unnecessary bridge while opposing Sen. … That being said, if someone had predicted a few months ago that McCain would be leading Barack Obama in mid-September, the GOP base…
Obama Partisan Tampers with Palin Subpoena List
– French is a partisan who has endorsed Palin’s Democratic presidential ticket rival Barack Obama for president and is actively supporting … Both French and Elton are strong Obama backers. … website.…
Green Jobs
– Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has a great twofer pitch: "green jobs." It sounds like a winner. … His website says: "Obama will strategically invest $150 billion over 10 years to accelerate the commercialization of plug-in hybrids … Neither Gore nor Obama can know how the money should best be invested.…
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