Results for: Donald Trump Transparent

The 'Draft Beto' Movement Is No Longer Just a Liberal Fantasy, It's a Reality…t-is-no-longer-just-a-liberal-fantasy-its-a-reality-n2537723
– Grassroots activists now want O'Rourke to run against President Donald Trump in 2020.  … “We need a president that will be transparent and accountable; one who will fight to restore integrity to Washington and hope to our…
Pardon Everyone (Except That Rat Cohen)
– And Donald Trump can and should use his pardon power to highlight this fraud before he drives a stake into the heart of the elite’s … Trump has already shown he’s willing to use his power – that’s one of his best qualities. … Trump should use his power for everyone else.…
Pelosi On Congresswoman’s ‘Impeach Motherf**ker’ Trump Comments: 'I Don’t Think We Should Make A Big Deal Of It'…ans-impeach-motherfker-trump-comments-im-not-in-the-n2538515
– And House Democrats in general are already in a wartime mode with the Trump White House over the border wall. … Pelosi promised to have a transparent and bipartisan Congress. That isn’t going to happen. … #unapologeticallyMe — Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) January 4, 2019This is not just about Donald Trump. This is about all of us.…
Dear Senator Romney...
Trump the frontrunner. … Your gripes against Trump are your business, and you are free to air them as you please.   … There are few politicians as transparent as the freshly- elected U.S. Senator.  …
New Year's Resolutions for 2016
– Avoid Scammers and Con Artists, or the "Trump Sanction" -- Throughout our history, hucksters have tried to sell snake oil with promises … However, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump is not interested in merely curing baldness or lethargy; he has an elixir to “Make … While Donald Trump yells at everyone, causing viewers ask one another "did he really say that?…
Perspectives on the Assault on the Capitol
– President Donald Trump certainly bears part of the responsibility for the incursion. … The chances of President Trump ever being elected again have all but disappeared. His comments were reckless. … President Trump will most likely not concede, but the transfer of power is still assured.…
Team Hillary Now Worried About Biden 2016
– In key swing states, the former first lady isn’t doing much better than Donald Trump regarding favorability ratings. … secondary protocol just in case Hillary turns out to be what most expect her to become in the 2016 election: an unlikable, non-transparent