Results for: Barack Obama Website

Herman Cain discusses the debt 'supercommittee'
– Pizza magnate Herman Cain slammed President Barack Obama on Sunday over “lack of presidential leadership.” … In a blog post on his official presidential campaign website, the Georgia Republican posited that “it’s very unlikely the ‘supercommittee … Cain accused Obama of being “mired in the small.”…
Obama's New Promises
– It will soon be time for Barack Obama to enter campaign mode! … Because that's where Obama has always performed the best: our imaginations. … Obama already created countless jobs in his first term.…
Calling All Ghostbusters
– President Barack Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy were chatting each other up waiting for a joint news conference to begin … Obama, not wanting to be tossed out of the Cool Kids Club said, "You're tired of him; what about me? … It wasn't until a French website reported the discussion that it made its way back to America.…
Sarkozy, Obama Not Netanyahu Fans?,_obama_not_netanyahu_fans
– A report has surfaced that French President Nicholas Sarkozy and our own representative President Barack Obama accidentally shared … The report includes the following details: French President Nicolas Sarkozy reportedly told US President Barack Obama that … According to the report, Obama replied: "You're fed up with him, but I have to deal with him every day!"…
Is Michelle Obama Bad for Kids?
Obama talked to bureaucrats at the Department of Health and Human Services."Their fate isn't set yet," Mrs. Obama said. … Obama. "And they serve their meals family-style," said Mrs. Obama. "Babies. Little itty-bitty babies, right? … Obama and her husband are trying to do.When Barack Obama was an Illinois state senator, he supported S.B. 99, a law to strip all mention…
The Secrets of Soros, Obama, Occupiers and the MSM (Part 2 of 3),_obama,_occupiers_and_the_msm_part_2_of_3
– how the mainstream media are accelerating their progressive blitz not only to hasten the second coming, or election, of President BarackObama but also to help him and other progressives in reaching their final goal of "fundamentally transforming the United States of … I believe the MSM are also bent to coronate a particular GOP candidate whom they feel could be beaten most easily by Obama.…
BP Ledger, Nov. 21 edition,_nov_21_edition
– The U.S. bipartisan federal agency urged the Obama administration to further challenge China to review counterproductive policies toward … Recently, President Barack Obama put forward a plan targeted toward those with student loans - which essentially encourages more student … The website for complete information is ********** Long-term mission trip takes adventurers around the world in…
Obama's Decisons are Killing Me. Really
– The FDA’s website includes the explanation, “Primatene® Mist inhalers use CFCs, which decrease the earth's ozone layer.”  … On November 11, President Barack Obama announced, to the euphoria of environmentalists, that he would delay the Keystone XL approval … Obviously, we need to toss Barack Obama and Democratic Senators out of majority rule in 2012. …
The real war in Iran
– As the news analysis website The Missing Peace explained, a UCF is an installation where yellowcake is converted into uranium hexafluoride … At the height of the 2009 Green Movement protests against the regime, US President Barack Obama justified his decision not to side … Responding to the attack, Obama said, "I strongly urge the Iranian government to hold those who are responsible to task."…
Gall: Yet Again, China Lectures the U.S. on Trust,_china_lectures_the_us_on_trust
– President Barack Obama and Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard to establish a de facto base in north Australia for up to 2,500 … -Australia announcement, according to a transcript on the ministry's website (…
Obamanomics And Bill The Crane Shop Owner
Obama exits the presidency. … They’ll say, God, don’t be attacking Obama. … Will we give President Obama another four years to have his way with us?…
Romney Raises $2 Million in New York City
– The banner includes a link to a DNC website serving as a hub for attacks portraying Romney as an elitist. … Apparently the DNC missed the $38,500 a plate dinner fundraiser their candidate Barack Obama held last night at the St. … On December 7th, President Obama held a fundraiser at the Jefferson hotel that was closed to the press.…
Obama Wants to Spam Your Email, But is it Legal?
Barack Obama wants to have some "fun" at the expense of republicans by asking lefties to give their email addresses to his re-election … about their Republican associates to the Obama 2012 website. … ” the Obama supporter to donate.…
Dissident Prof Rants: The Media Bias against Occupy Wall Street!
– Dissident Prof is getting whiplash every time she visits the website for the Center for American Progress. … Obama] was a Muslim double agent born in Kenya,’ intent on turning the United States into an Islamic Republic.” … They have had music lessons in singing Obama praise songs. (Sorry, video disappeared by YouTube.)…
Barack Obama, Class Warrior?
– Newt Gingrich accuses President Barack Obama of advocating "class warfare and bureaucratic socialism." … If there's class warfare going on, Obama is not going to get any medals. … Obama, the blood-curdling class warrior, would make it 39.6 percent.…
Feds' War on Religion (Part 1 of 2)
– confessed that the memo had not been properly evaluated and was being rescinded, and Walter Reed posted a public apology on its website … --President Barack Obama has lobbied for the passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which would trample on the faith of … And if these occurred in just the past six months, imagine what would happen in another four years if Obama were to be re-elected.…
Why Ron Paul Can Never Be President In 12 Quotes
– By that, I mean that Barack Obama would have a genuine shot to beat Ron Paul in all 50 states, including Texas and Utah. … If Hillary Clinton ran as a third party candidate, Obama would still probably take more than 40 states against Paul. … "Let me tell you exactly what Barack Obama’s strategy with Ron Paul would be.…
Class Warfare and Redistribution on US Taxpayers Dime
– Yeah, it’s the only political website that makes you click an “I’m Over 18” button to enter. … Over the weekend, President Obama took his daughters to a bookstore. … Barack bought Malia “The Phantom Tollbooth,” while Malia bought Barack “Economics for Dummies.”…
Iowa-Bashing Snobs and Sore Losers
– veteran journalist, David Yepsen, tried to correct the coastal myth of the redneck-hick-outlier Iowa voter by politely pointing out Barack … The Hispanic News website issued a clarion call: "In Diverse and Urban Nation, Time to Kick Iowa White, Racist Farmers to Curb." … Blame the test-takers.Michelle Malkin is the author of "Culture of Corruption: Obama and his Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks & Cronies"…
Random Thoughts
– Yet that is what Barack Obama did when he said, "We are going to change the United States of America!" … His website is…
The GOP Made Obama Do It
– It was no surprise when Barack Obama flipped on public financing last week. … Then Obama pulled the race card. At a fundraiser -- where else? … Who does Obama think he's kidding?…
– Salon calls his recent TV ads about Barack Obama "inflammatory," and refers to him as "right-wing con man."   … He acknowledges that Obama is not a Muslim now, but says the news media has not accurately described the fact that Obama was, in fact … An Obama-bomb he’s planning to drop in October?? … Most likely, not.  …
Liberal Smears Unchallenged
– They've launched pre-emptive warnings against a Republican "swiftboating" of Barack Obama at the same time they're making up wild allegations … Obama's campaign is putting up its dukes with a new website called "Fight the Smears." … In the words of the Almighty Barack, Team Obama pledges to steer clear of negative personal attacks, and avoid seeing their opponents…
Pretty Shameless
– Apparently, as Politico's Mike Allen reports, those Obama pledges are no longer operative: Sen. … Barack Obama (D-Ill.) promised primary voters a swift withdrawal from Iraq, in clear language still on his website: “Obama will immediately … Barack said what the left-wing constituency in the Democrat primaries wanted to hear -- and now he hasn't hesitated to crumple them…
'Tax' Revolt
– For its part, the Obama campaign website features the following commitment: “Mandate All New Vehicles are Flexible Fuel … Vehicles: Barack Obama believes that all new vehicles sold in the U.S. should be flexible fuel vehicles (FFVs), which means they can … McCain and Obama to work across the aisle to get things done.…
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