Results for: white house debate response

Debunking Obama’s Flawed Assertions on Tax Deductions and Corporate Welfare…as_flawed_assertions_on_tax_deductions_and_corporate_welfare
– s prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment, my brutal overseers at the Cato Institute required me to watch last night’s debate … This doesn’t mean I like Romney, who would probably be another Bush if he got to the White House. … During the debate, Obama was endorsing policies that would prevent companies from doing the latter.…
The "Not My Fault" Administration
– Even before last Thursday's VP debate, you had to notice the inconsistencies, confusion, even lies coming out of the Obama Administration … After Biden's debate "performance" last week we're left wondering, "Which is it?"  … House these days. …
How Could the President and Secretary of State Allow this to Happen?…ld_the_president_and_secretary_of_state_allow_this_to_happen
– Martha Raddatz had the audacity to ask Paul Ryan about Mitt Romney’s September 12 statement condemning the embassy’s response to the … In the Vice-Presidential debate, Mitt Romney’s name was mentioned twenty times more than the man who has actually been president for … He wants to be perceived as having been tough on terrorism (see also White House Intelligence Leaks), but a preplanned attack in Libya…
Companies Are Evil, So It's OK to Lie about Them
– deep hostility to the private sector has been evident throughout his presidency and popped up like verbal ticks during the first debate … When the White House was questioned about the Scott account, a spokesman did not dispute it, saying that it was all a very long time … Any first-year economics student could have predicted what happened last week in response to one feature of the law.…
Video: Axelrod Refuses to Say Whether Obama Held Security Meeting After Benghazi Attack…ay_whether_obama_held_security_meeting_after_benghazi_attack
– This is a case of Axelrod trying to side-step the question, the accurate response to which is "no."   … Two days later, the White House at last used the 'T' word in regards to the president's perception of the ambush:   White … The kitchen keeps getting hotter for the White House, as new revelations point to gross negligence, incompetence and excuse-making…
The Sagging Obama Campaign
– In addition to the lumbering economy, Obama is facing growing problems with the - literally - He-Said-She-Said between his White House … During the VP debate, "Chucklin' Joe" Biden blamed the White House's initial response on bogus information from "intelligence agencies … The pressure is all on Obama in Tuesday night's debate.…
And Now He's Ticked Off Hillary
– We have a black muslim in the White House.  Now that is some s _ _ t.  Some amazing s _ _ t.  … They paid Pakistani television outlets $70,000 to play the ad, which features both President Obama at the White House and Secretary … Nor does the State Department support Vice President Biden’s debate claim (repeated by White House Press Secretary Jay Carney) that…
Ryan Stands Strong Against Big Bad Wolf Biden
– I’ll huff and I’ll puff till I blow your house in! … To which Biden spewed the same talking points White House spokesperson Jay Carney regurgitated in a briefing a day earlier. … Begging for equal time and sneering was Biden’s debate strategy.…
A Lawyer by Training, Obama Ignore Rules of Law
– The article tells how, a website owned by an Obama fundraiser who lives in China but has visited the Obama White House 11 … Mitt Romney says he won't reverse it, since it seems harsh to penalize people who came forward in response to a president's stated … Article II of the Constitution (not Article I, as Joe Biden appeared to say in the 2008 vice presidential debate) sets out the duties…
10 Dates to Remember from Barack Obama's Amazing First Term
– ) Barack Obama throws out the first pitch at the All-Star game (July 14, 2009): On this date, the hippest man ever to occupy the WhiteHouse revolutionized fashion in America at Major League Baseball's All-Star game. … House golfing and his promise that "We'll pay it all back when our next paycheck comes in, we swear", S&P refused to take Obama's…
Bombshell: US Security Teams Removed From Libya Prior to Attack, Over Stevens' Objections…emoved_from_benghazi_prior_to_attack_over_stevens_objections
– Andy Wood will appear this week at a House Oversight Committee hearing that will examine security decisions leading up to the Sept. … I've pondered whether the White House wanted to maintain a "light footprint" perception in Libya at all costs, rooted in political … One wonders if he'll challenge the president even more forcefully during the final foreign policy themed presidential debate.  …
Liberal Science: Oil Extraction Could Cause the Globe to Deflate
– Lon wrote: Ransom is right, if you look at the official White House pictures of the function, it is clear that the White House was … Ransom you don't get to pick who leaves the White House. – in response to Wrong Chicago Guy Resigns from White House Dear Comrade … In fact, I DO get to pick who leaves the White House. And so do you.…
No Apology from DWS for Repeating Tucson Slander
– In response to a question, DWS addresses the issue of civility, "particularly in light of" the Tucson shootings.  … Did the occasional Tea Party rally or town hall meeting get heated, especially during the Obamacare debate?  Of course.  … (Neither the White House nor DWS would condemn his venemous remarks).…
Univision Attempt to Blackmail Marco Rubio -- Hispanic Groups Yawn
– A Fox executive later brags to a national magazine that Fox did, indeed, try to make mincemeat of Obama by getting him to debate ObamaCare … All of this would be an appropriate response. … Remember Kathleen Willey, the former Bill Clinton supporter and White House volunteer?…
Dishonorable Dishonesty at the Top
– You have probably heard by now the disastrous performance by new White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew on the Sunday morning talk … But that is just the warm up if the voters are stupid enough to extend the lease on the White House for the Marxist infiltrator on … As the Wall Street Journal said yesterday, "A central contradiction of this [budget] plan is that the White House predicts accelerating…
Taxing Medical Progress to Death
– Two years ago this month, as public debate over Obamacare raged, former President Bill Clinton rushed to the hospital because of … But many medical device manufacturers are suffering, and many more are preparing for the worst as the White House gears up to collect … In fact, the Obama administration's response so far has been a flippant shrug.…
Archbishop Chaput: Most Aggressive Attack on Religious Freedom in Recent Memory…_most_agressive_attack_on_religious_freedom_in_recent_memory
– Although the White House tried to shut down debate about the ObamaCare contraception mandate yesterday, the Catholic Church isn't … An “accommodation” offered Friday by the White House did not solve the problem. … The White House response on these points is ambiguous and weak.…
MSM: Hey, Obama Doesn't Seem All That Committed to His Own Tax Plan
– The New York Times -   The White House provided few details on Wednesday, and most concerned the proposed reductions rather … To summarize, (1) the White House offers scant details, rendering its plans unscorable by analysts, (2) it punts legislative specifics … Jim's response is here.  The larger point is that this wonky debate is academic. …
Obama's Values Spark Return of Culture Wars
– The response from the faith community is rocking the administration back on its heels. … Conveniently, the Obama White House only cites polling data when such data validates its arguments. … During the past two weeks, thanks to the misguided tenor of the debate about the HHS mandate, people actually are talking and writing…
High Gas Prices Advance Obama's Socialist Agenda
– Press Secretary Jay Carney has recently repeated that there is nothing the White House can do. … While it might appear that the White House was broadsided by the energy conversation, President Obama is very well aware of the importance … Taking control of the Senate would virtually neuter the White House.  …
Lying When It Works Better Than Truth
– But listen to this from the Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart: “Friess’s stupefying, backward and dangerous response had jaws … Friess having White House access someday as “terrifying.” Mr. … I had a taste of this in a debate years ago at the University of Tennessee with a top official from the American Civil Liberties Union…
Senate Democrats: Why, These Republicans Are Trying to Ban Contraception!…ocrats_why_these_republicans_are_trying_to_ban_contraception
– When the White House first unveiled their decree, multiple elected Democrats voiced their displeasure.  … The Blunt Amendment includes very similar language, yet has been smeared as "dangerous" by the White House.  … It comes down to a question of whether or not we are going to force a debate on this, which is the right thing to do. …
Obama's Enemy of the Week: Sarah Palin
– Obviously, Palin isn't running for the White House this time around, but she continues to weigh on the minds of those on team Obama … Palin wasn't impressed and has issued a response on her Facebook page.  … I’m more than happy to accept the dubious honor of being Barack Obama’s “enemy of the week” if that includes the opportunity to debate
Wave of the Future: Class Warfare, Nation of Islam and Green Energy
– –in response to Gospel According to Democrats: Woman, Behold Thy Government Program! … Romney wins that debate as long as he doesn’t make any serious mistakes. … - in response to It Runs in the Family: Volt’s Cousin, Chevy Cruze, Investigated for Fires Dear JM, Ha!…
12 Ways To Use Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals Against Liberals
– They hold a protest at someone's house; then we hold a protest at someone's house. … with white Americans, which is why they push Affirmative Action and racial set asides? … If you love this country and the values it represents, the people in the White House not only don't share your values, they hold people…
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