Results for: Barack Obama Website

JournoList Erodes Media Prestige
– Tucker Carlson's website, the Daily Caller, has unearthed a treasure trove of liberal journalists talking (nastily) to themselves … This isn't about defending Obama. … Obama as the glowing receptacle of liberal hopes, dreams and fairy tales.…
But They Are So Smart
– They are baffled as to why Barack Obama and his acolytes cannot see what is happening to our economy. … If you go to the IHI website, they self-describe the organization as “a small organization with a very big mission.” … The problem is that the left-wing rabble that comprises the Obama administration – having never done it themselves – have no understanding…
Shirley Sherrod and the Left's War on Fox News
– party while they hold the spotlight.)Despite Glenn Beck being one of the very first people to stand up for Sherrod; despite the Obama … leftist rhetoric--including demanding Breitbart's website to be shut down, accused him of being a racist in favor of bringing back … the practice of slavery,And finally, as reported by the Huffington Post, Barack Obama himself has condemned the media for his firing…
How Financial Reform Discriminates -- Unless Your Daughter Goes to Wellesley…form_discriminates_--_unless_your_daughter_goes_to_wellesley
– Now, the Website of "The Women's College Coalition," which bills itself as "an association of women's colleges and universities" in … The Website of "The Women's College Coalition" also has a page titled "Women in Politics." … It includes Secretary of State Clinton and Katie Johnson, the personal secretary to President Barack Obama, who went to Wellesley.…
The NAACP Cries Racism
– Almost from the moment Barack Obama declared he would run for president in 2007, our enraptured media elite has been accusing anyone … of Obama. … Identify and condemn as "racists" anyone or any group opposed to Obama.…
2010 Race of the Day: Show-Me Missouri's Third
– He supports the Obama-Pelosi agenda 99.1% of the time and has been quick to cast votes for the failed $787 billion stimulus, disastrous … For someone who was an early endorser of Barack Obama and actively encouraged the then-Presidential candidate to campaign in Missouri … I hope you’ll take a few minutes to check out Ed’s website to learn more about this race, and don’t forget to become a fan on Facebook…
The NEA's Latest Shenanigans
– The NEA posted this on its website calendar as a diversity event for Oct. 1.Thankfully, we live in a wonderful era when parents, tea … Barack Obama's Communications Czar Anita Dunn called him one of her two "favorite political philosophers." … We thought Anita was thrown under the bus after that embarrassment became public, but now she's back with an assignment from the Obama
Leak City
– President Barack Obama doesn't seem to be concerned at all.President Ronald Reagan was infuriated by the publication and broadcast … For the O-Team, this is no big deal.In his Rose Garden remarks July 27, Obama observed he was "concerned about the disclosure" but … Pointing to "failures" and "leaks" from his predecessor's administration has generally worked for Obama.…
President Obama: Muslim Missionary?
– Two hundred years later, President Barack Obama has denied America's rich Judeo-Christian heritage before the eyes and ears of other … But President Obama has upped the OIC ante considerably. … President Obama is not just rebooting America's image in the Muslim world.…
Gov. Jan Brewer vs. Chuck Norris
– Jan Brewer, President Barack Obama lacks "the cojones" to deal with illegal immigration and America's border problems.I agree. … Actually, the only cojones President Obama has shown throughout this whole American boundary debacle are those to oppose that fine … And it is nothing short of a joke when the president's own website boasts of his "unprecedented strategic and integrated approach to…
MSNBC Swears to Allah that Obama's Not a Muslim
– Mitch McConnell's response to a question about whether Obama is a Muslim. … McConnell said: "We all have to rely on the word of (Barack Obama) -- something about as reliable as a credit default swap." … McConnell responded by demanding that Obama be fired -- or at least have his security clearance suspended.…
America: Still Talking About Race
– According to the website, some of the criticism of first lady Michelle Obama is driven by partisan politics. … This was the great “hope” for Barack Obama. … The great tide that swept Barack Obama into the White House was not the hope of a hard left social and economic agenda.…
Race of the Day: Seeing Red in the Pacific Northwest
– In 2008, President Barack Obama won the district with 53 percent of the vote. … Please visit Herrera’s website and Facebook page, or follow her on Twitter for more information.…
Race of the Day: Removing a Pelosi Puppet in Connecticut
– Himes leaned heavily on the national tide in 2008, tying himself closely to Barack Obama’s candidacy. … But Himes severely underperformed, trailing Obama by nine points in the Fourth District. … To learn more about out Connecticut’s next Republican Congressman, check out Dan Debicella’s website.…
Korean Agreement Is a Job Killer
– President Barack Obama, with the help of some Republicans who take their orders from the U.S. … That's the Frances Fox Piven strategy Obama learned at a Socialist Party conference in New York while he was attending Columbia University … Obama claims that KORUS will create 70,000 low-paying in-sourced jobs (of Americans working for foreign employers).…
Pastor ignites debate over Romney, Mormonism,_mormonism
Obama who ... embraces unbiblical positions," Jeffress said. … Baptist Press published both columns, and they were the most-read stories on the BP website that week. … Cults also, the website said, "usually claim to be the only true (or the most true) church in the world."…
Joe the Plumber Running for Congress?
– Remember "Joe the Plumber," the man who became famous for getting candidate Barack Obama to admit he really likes the socialist … has formed a congressional campaign committee and filed a statement of candicacy, according to the Federal Election Commission's website
The left, the race card, and Herman Cain,_the_race_card,_and_herman_cain
Obama. … Obama himself has sometimes played the race card; as a candidate in 2008 he predicted that Republicans would "try to … Even Republicans who strongly opposed Obama because of his positions and outlook -- even John McCain!…
Sharpton to broadcast from Occupy Wall Street protests
– Public school kids have lost arts, music and physical education," the movement's website said. … Several carried signs asking President Barack Obama to join them for a "beer summit." Rep. … "The proof is quite simply the bankers and the people on Wall Street didn't write these failed policies of the Obama administration…
Occupy Wall Street: All Bite, No Apple,_no_apple
– At a news conference Thursday, President Barack Obama said the OWS protests express "the frustrations that the American people feel … Its website features an unofficial list of demands, which include not only a universal single-payer health care system and free college…
GOP Flip-Flopping Over Mitt Romney
– National Tea Party leader Lloyd Marcus, chairman of the Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama, has made it a campaign priority to stop Romney … In response to this onslaught of new attacks from the right, a website entitled was set up to debunk accusations that…
Media AWOL on Sexual Indiscretion -- When Jesse Jackson Was Front-runner…n_sexual_indiscretion_--_when_jesse_jackson_was_front-runner
– Playing the race card is vulgar, whether done by Al Sharpton or President Barack Obama -- as he did to contain the Rev. … Democratic Underground, a left-wing website, recalls, "(After) Jackson won 55 percent of the vote in the Michigan Democratic caucus…
Why Our Blacks are Better Than Their Blacks
– party; -- The word "the" (Donald Trump's statement that he has a "great relationship with the blacks"); -- References to Barack … The surge in conservative support for Herman Cain confuses the Democrats' story line, which is that Republicans hate Obama because … Cain is twice as black as Obama. (Possible Obama campaign slogan: "Too Black!")…
Obama Bullied by Numbers, Facts, Promises,_facts,_promises
Barack Obama has a problem with numbers.  … In addition, 3 out of 4 Americans believe Obama has the country on the wrong track.  … Support Obama. …
Beyond the Beltway: Mitt Romney’s Nomination a Foregone Conclusion: Really…eltway_mitt_romney’s_nomination_a_foregone_conclusion_really
– reject Keynesian economic stimulus; distrust the scientific “consensus” on climate change; loathe Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, and the Obama … Where in Romney’s speeches, talking points, campaign website or record is evidence of this commitment? … Barack Obama – should not blind Republicans to their obligation to pick a candidate whose record demonstrates conviction and leadership…
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