Results for: Republican National Committee

Who is the Best Candidate for the RNC Chairmanship?
– On January 14th, Michael Steele will defend his seat as the Republican National Committee’s Chairman. … Republican positions. … Gingrich) and headed the Michigan Senate Campaign Committee.…
Obama and Cain Approach the Starting Gates
– As Obama began his efforts this week, a Republican from Georgia also launched his committee. … Cain would focus on the economy and national security as president.…
On The GOP's Message Going Forward
– None of the candidates who seek this weekend to replace Michael Steele as chairman of the Republican National Committee are household … Reince Priebus is the chairman of the Wisconsin Republican Party, Saul Anuzis is the forrmer chair of the Michigan GOP, Ann Wagner … the Appropriations Committee to live within the caps set, and to the Senate to respond to the House budget.…
Vowing to "Never Forget" Family's Legacy, Saul Anuzis Fights for GOP Chair…ever_forget_familys_legacy,_saul_anuzis_fights_for_gop_chair
– Saul Anuzis, one of the leading candidates to head the Republican National Committee, broadly shares the same conservative principles … Perhaps most interesting about the former Michigan GOP chairman is that this Tweeting, hyperkinetic, Harley rider could be the Republican … Noting that Anuzis was the one to recruit him into the Michigan Republican Party, he said, “He’s very good at reaching out to people…
To House GOP, Illegal Immigration Is Jobs Issue,_illegal_immigration_is_jobs_issue
– Lamar Smith, new chairman of the committee, as he lists a bunch of priorities: immigration, national security, the constitutionality … But other GOP voices on the Judiciary Committee are speaking more forcefully on those hot-button issues. Rep. … In any event, it's an issue that Smith says the full committee will not be addressing in its first months.…
Poisonous Politics
– Lee Harvey Oswald was a communist who had defected to Russia and a member of the pro-Castro Fair Play for Cuba Committee, who had only … But Barack Obama, talking tough in 2008 about how he would deal with Republican attacks, himself said, "If they bring a knife to the … From the evidence, Loughner had his first and perhaps his only encounter with Giffords in 2007, a year before Palin ever came to national
Islamic Terrorists Have Been Targeting Our Southern Border for Years -- And Our Government Knows It…our_southern_border_for_years_--_and_our_government_knows_it
– -Mexico border has been a national security concern for several years -- and for good reason. … John Culberson, R-Texas, a member of the House committee receiving the director's testimony, later reported on the hearing to radio … For me, it doesn't matter if you're a Republican or a Democrat, if you won't be serious about national security, I'm not sure why you're…
For the Budget Crisis, a Fake Solution,_a_fake_solution
– This category includes such things as education, transportation, national parks, job training and environmental protection. … His idea echoes a proposal from the conservative House Republican Study Committee to impose a freeze for a decade, after rolling outlays … So if the Republicans actually got their version enacted, we would add some $12.5 trillion to the national debt by 2021.…
Mike Lee for Senate Judiciary Committee
– Constitution, Republican Leader Mitch McConnell should appoint Senator Lee to serve on the Senate Judiciary Committee. … Committee. … Given Lee’s spectacular qualifications, the Republican caucus should welcome having both Utah senators on that committee.…
When Numbers Get Unserious: Are Substantial Budget Cuts Automatically 'Untenable'?…nserious_are_substantial_budget_cuts_automatically_untenable
– Far from seeming ideologically rigid, Republican leaders in the House are showing so much flexibility that it's not clear they have … Operating within those parameters (which take most of the budget off the table), the Republican Study Committee last week proposed … plan identifies "more than 100" specific cuts, ranging from small but symbolically potent items such as mohair subsidies and the National
Utah Sources: Hatch Likely to be Challenged for GOP Nomination
– I just spent the past weekend in Utah and had the opportunity to chat with a number of plugged-in Republican sources, all of whom told … That reality has already led to a shake-up in Utah politics:The state Republican Central Committee on Saturday elected Thomas Wright … Wright, chairman of the Salt Lake County Republican Party, replaces Dave Hansen, who announced in December he would resign to work…
And the Debt Bomb Ticks On
– The second Times story wrote of a rebellion in the House Republican Study Committee by conservatives and Tea Partiers who think the … deficits as far as the eye can see, House Republicans are balking at agreeing to raise the debit limit of $14.3 trillion, though the national
The Spending Cuts Challenge
– Just as Democrats have increased the national debt to record levels these last two years, Republicans are now proposing to ratchet … Jim Jordan, (R-OH) chairs a study committee made up of economic and socially conservative members. … "Ask what you can do for yourself" might be the updated Republican version.…
House GOP Begins Long Drive to Dismantle Obamacare
– In other words, the committees are beginning work on replacing the House-repealed Obamacare with Republican health policies. … David Dreier, chairman of the House Rules Committee. "It's been difficult for us to get that (message) out there. … When Democrats passed the national healthcare bill, many admitted that they didn't like this or that part, or that the bill as a whole…
Shriver and Lieberman Take JFK Link With Them
Committee chairman. … Buckley, upset liberal Republican Sen. Lowell Weicker. … He turned around and ran as an independent and, with no serious Republican nominee, was elected to a fourth term.…
Every Dollar Has a Sponsor
– It was all eye wash," but the House Republican Policy Committee followed right on the heels of that vote with a list of programs and … The Committee doesn't break out the amount which would be saved, but says it is part of the overall $2.29 trillion in discretionary … Distressed Public Housing, which was charged with proposing a National Action Plan to eradicate severely distressed public housing…
DC Buzz: Webb to Retire, Brown's Cash Commitment, CPAC's Keynote Speaker Revealed & More...…browns_cash_commitment,_cpacs_keynote_speaker_revealed__more
– The conservative Republican Study Committee has ramped up pressure on leadership and rank-and-file members to support deeper cuts to … ---Republican Congressman Chris Lee (R-NY) is in hot water for a photo that surfaced on Craigslist.  … National Committee Chairman Michael Steele's 2012 convention team based in the Tampa Bay area racked up nearly $1 million in charges…
Chicken Little and the Debt Ceiling
– Congressional Democrats, for whom a much smaller debt was a big deal when Republican presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. … The Republican Study Committee, a conservative bloc of House members, wants to hold Boehner to his original promise. … The Republican Study Committee estimates cutting other federal travel would save $7.5 billion.…
Ronald Reagan: The Anti-Nixon/Kissinger
– As a Reagan biographer, I’m often asked how Reagan was different from his predecessors, Republican and Democrat, and especially in … Allen, his first national security adviser, recalls a discussion in January 1977, four years before the presidency, when Reagan told … feelings for Russian Jews might be traceable as far back as November 1928, when his devout Christian mother, head of the Missions Committee
Money + Playbook = 2012 Seats
– That’s a remarkably blunt answer to a question posed to Republican pollster Neil Newhouse about the GOP’s generic-ballot poll numbers … In the political volatility following the Civil War, the National Republican Campaign Committee formed in 1866 under “Radical Republicans … The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee formed two years later.…
DCCC In Deep Financial Hole
– Much has been made of the Republican National Committee's precarious financial position heading into the 2012 cycle, and there's no … Slightly off the radar, however, is the dire financial state of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which is fresh … year's tidal wave notwithstanding -- House Democrats will also be relying on a campaign arm whose finances are in disarray.A Republican
Another: Eighth VA Wait List Allegation Arises, WH in Damage Control Mode…it-list-allegation-arises-wh-in-damage-control-mode-n1839948
– Longtime Republican strategist Rich Galen sees the same thing. … That said, Republicans should highlight this national disgrace and see if more Democrats will continue to defend the VA. … Sanders chairs the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee.…
DCCC Issues Apology to GOP Congressional Candidate
– The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is distancing itself from a staffer-approved email blast accusing New … Two days ago when the story first broke, the National Republican Congressional Committee immediately demanded the organization apologize … Last night they finally did...sort of: Democrats on Friday disowned a campaign email that called a Republican
NRCC Risks Benghazi Inquiry With Tin-Eared Fundraising Effort…s-benghazi-inquiry-with-tineared-fundraising-effort-n1839113
– The carnival barker was at the top of the National Republican Congressional Committee’s website, inviting the passing rubes to sign … Democrats’ portrayal of the Select Committee investigation as a partisan witch hunt. … in his own party’s fundraising Committee.…
EXCLUSIVE: IRS Stonewalling FOIA Request Surrounding Correspondence With Democratic Members of Congress…nformation-about-agent-correspondence-with-congress-n1839060
– On May 21, 2013 the National Republican Senatorial Committee sent the IRS a Freedom of Information Act request asking for … Last month we learned the staff of Ranking Member of the House Oversight Committee Elijah Cummings had been in touch with the IRS about…
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