Results for: Republican National Committee

Pushing Conservatives Off the Fiscal Cliff
– As usual, these partisan hacks are obsessed with tearing the Republican coalition apart, limb from limb. … On ABC's "World News," anchor Diane Sawyer proclaimed, "We did see a sign the paralysis may be ending, a Republican mutiny against … The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare has collected 65,000 signatures urging Congress to reject "any proposal…
Durbin: Entitlement Reform is "On the Table," Just Don't Mention Any Specific Ideas…tlement_reform_is_on_the_table_we_just_oppose_specific_ideas
– debt deal negotiations last summer (only to have Obama pull the rug out from under him), as did the GOP contingent on the 'Super Committee … And on Wednesday, Senate Democratic leaders said no to another Republican priority when they rejected putting any entitlement reforms … Asked by National Journal Daily what entitlement reforms Democrats are putting on the table, Democratic Sens.…
CULTURE DIGEST: Scalia defends interpretation of Constitution…igest-scalia-defends-interpretation-of-constitution-n1467472
– FOR DEMOCRATS, ABORTION TRUMPS SENIORITY ON HOUSE COMMITTEE -- The senior Democrat on the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee … The House Democratic Steering Committee voted 36-10 for Lowey instead of Kaptur to succeed Rep. … Right to Life Committee.…
Murder, the Chicago Way
– Webb has donated fairly large amounts of money to Mitt Romney, Barrack Obama, the Democrat National Committee, the Republican NationalCommittee, Rudi Gulliani and John McCain.…
Secret to Obama's Success: A Great Ground Game
– The campaign's targeting was so tight that national field director Jeremy Bird was able to see support slacken at Ohio State University … Huntsman in the race, posited that the GOP might want to rethink a couple of positions but argued that the real reason for a Republican … It's time for an upgrade at the Republican National Committee. Quoth David, "The beauty of technology is that you can buy it.…
Who Will Replace Jim DeMint?
– He was also named to the influential House Rules Committee, asked to serve as a Deputy Whip and sits as one of two freshmen on the … Elected Leadership Committee. … Tim Scott (R-S.C.) to replace him in the Senate, two state Republican sources tell The Hill.…
Justice? Not in Chicago
– Webb has donated fairly large amounts of money to Mitt Romney, Barrack Obama, the Democrat National Committee, the Republican NationalCommittee, Rudi Gulliani and John McCain.…
Once There Were Giants
– --Chairman Howard McKeon of the House Armed Services Committee It may not be easy to credit now, but once upon a time the United … Republican -- and Mr. Integrity. … A senator named Daniel Inouye didn't have to shout for his every word to matter, as when he served on the Watergate Committee.…
Behind the Scenes: Last Night's Meltdown
– The Republican defection parade will commence.  An added bonus to this contingency?   … That's not just a tactical disaster; it's a lasting body-blow to the Republican brand.   … Is today's Republican Party capable of such things?  …
Cory Booker: New Jersey’s Next U.S. Senator?
– The Journal reports the Newark mayor has been in discussions about launching an exploratory committee this week, and a Booker political … Meanwhile, Governor Christie isn’t just well-liked in the Garden State; he’s developed a national reputation: New Jersey Gov. … Bobby Jindal (R-La.) with 45 percent, according to a national poll from Fairleigh Dickinson University.…
Religious freedom for military being negotiated by Senate-House conference committee…eing-negotiated-by-senatehouse-conference-committee-n1468953
– WASHINGTON (BP) -- A congressional conference committee is negotiating whether the federal government will protect the religious freedom … The panel of Senate and House of Representatives members is expected to finalize within days its report on the National Defense Authorization … John McCain, the lead GOP member of the Armed Services Committee.…
Republicans Need to Reach Minorities
– The Republican National Committee stated they had a Hispanic Outreach coordinator and that the Romney campaign usurped control of the … The structure should start with the National Committee with 50 state units, each one of which has county parties within their state … (As a note there already exist Republican Women’s groups in each county.)…
The Cliff is Behind Us, Time to Brace For the Coming Battles
– There was one exception-- Pete Sessions, who is about to trade his job atop the National Republican Congressional Committee for a new … challenge: chairman of the House Rules Committee. … Do Democrats wring their hands when faced with Republican presidents and GOP congressional majorities?…
– Joe Biden (D-Del.) was then the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. … Howell Heflin (D-Ala.) asked Judge Bork, who was under oath, to describe for the committee his religious beliefs. … Neither Biden, nor any other committee member chose to object.…
In Politics, It Is the Economy, Stupid
– Miss Fluke is the lady who made birth control a matter of national security, in particular her own personal supply of pills and God … Prior to her appearance on the national scene I always thought it was a male's responsibility to supply condoms, as the occasion warranted … Paul Ryan, the Republican chairman of the House Budget Committee, has various plans to insure Social Security and other entitlements…
How to Resolve the Fiscal Cliff? Elementary, My Dear Watson!…resolve-the-fiscal-cliff--elementary-my-dear-watson-n1477221
– Mike Lee has introduced companion legislation in the Senate, recently cosponsored by the Senate’s number two Republican, Sen. … Jeb Hensarling is taking the chairmanship of the powerful House Financial Services Committee. … Jim Jordan (term limited out, and thus unencumbered by the duties, of the chairmanship of the Republican Study Committee) now is at…
Happy New Year: U.S. to Go Over Fiscal Cliff
– In addition to the issue of tax rates, National Journal outlines what else is in the tentative deal: ·       No change on … ·       Senate Finance Committee tax extender package.  … Spending cuts, however, will be postponed: Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has told GOP colleagues that…
Year in Review: The Political Highs and Lows of 2012
– For his part, Ryan gave an electrifying speech at the Republican National Convention, dissecting the president's failures in a clinical … Ryan was a fresh, conservative, and welcome addition to the Republican ticket.   … It's a shame that his title will remain "House Budget Committee Chairman" rather than "Mr. Vice President.…
RG III Gets 'Uncle Tom' Treatment
– Then there was all this talk about him being a Republican." … MSNBC contributor Karen Finney, who said about Republican Herman Cain: "I think he makes that white Republican base of the party feel … MSNBC's Chris Matthews, who told black former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele that his party was "the Grand Wizard…
That Conversation With the In-Laws
– According to Congress’s Joint Committee on Taxation, 940,000 small business owners would be hit with higher taxes if Congress raises … The national debt climbed quickly past $16 trillion earlier this year (that’s over $52,000 per citizen) and experts say the national … The Republican controlled House passed budget the Ryan budget, which would make real spending cuts and take steps toward much-needed…
Remember This? Liberal Terror Attack on 2008 GOP Convention Thwarted
– You didn't know about the attempt by left-wingers to launch an attack on the Republican Convention in Minneapolis? … National Convention in St. … of these liberals' planned attack on the Republican Convention.…
Hating the 'Sinner'
– going to change when political expediency becomes a force more powerful than faith -- which is to say the day after we pay off the national … yearly confab simply because a gay Republican group named GOProud happens to be participating, we have stumbled upon such a moment.As … Republican" must be a code word for those who have sworn their rock-ribbed allegiance to the entire consecrated GOP agenda.…
Defunding NPR and CPB
– in a major news organization, and between them have worked out the party line response to five presidents and countless crucial national … They will need a couple of big name semi-retired commercial network types, a couple of retired senators, an acceptable Republican and … In the meantime, watch for that new NPR committee as it will be a howler.…
A More Civil and Honest Public Discourse?
– On Jan. 11, Peter King, the new Republican chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg … length but the piece he wrote ignored my reasoning, preferring instead to gleefully tell Huff Post readers that the “fragile Republican … NPR – a good journalist I knew from back when she and I both worked in newspapers – asked me to write occasional commentaries on national
Mike Pence for President? UPDATE: Rick Perry Testing the Waters?
– Ralph Benko, a deputy counsel to Ronald Reagan, announced the America's President Committee to encourage a Pence-for-president bid. … As the Associated Press reports, a number of rumored 2012 Republican hopefuls have already signed on to address the annual conservative … tell me that Perry’s campaign team has been quietly polling voters outside of the Lone Star State to gauge his chances on the national
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