Results for: Republican National Committee

It’s the Values, Stupid!
– realize his dream of becoming the first Mormon president, but he has already made history by achieving a new pluralism in the Republican … pundits from the mainstream media attended this event, they would have found it jarringly incongruent with their image of the Republican … Even before Mitt Romney secured the presidential nomination, religious conservatives felt comfortable with Republican congressional…
Barack Obama, Spin Master
– Thank goodness that the only thing Mitt Romney has to do to rev up the Republican base -- and, I hope, independents and undecided voters … In fact, Democratic National Committee officials urged lobbyists to solicit personal checks from corporate executives and rewarded … them with premium credentials and hotel rooms at the Democratic National Convention.…
Media Ignores Benghazi on Sunday Shows
– CNN: State of the Union with Candy Crowley The Benghazi issue was raised twice, once by Republican National Committee chair…
Sex and the City (of Washington)
– First among them (OK, maybe not first, national security being more important, but stay with me) is why should he have resigned? … The sexual practices of numerous Republican and Democratic members of Congress over many years have forced some to quit. … attack in Benghazi, Libya, which killed four Americans, and he had been summoned to testify before the House Foreign Affairs Committee
The End Of The Karl Rove Death Grip Signals A Reagan Renaissance
– The new conservative Republican leaders are strikingly formidable. … Eight Republican Reagan Renaissance Men are entering their prime. … Mother Jones’s Tim Murphy calls him “the Republican Barack Obama.”…
5 Reasons Amnesty Would Be Political Suicide For The Republican Party…_amnesty_would_be_political_suicide_for_the_republican_party
– Additionally, while I don't think the Republican National Committee could have possibly made a better selection for its first national … We need our own National Council of La Raza and our own MEChA. … So, if it's all about amnesty, why aren't Hispanics already voting Republican?…
Petraeus and Benghazi: A Time for Truth
– Could it be that Obama and the National Security Council were kept ignorant of a grave security risk and a potentially explosive scandal … October, with the FBI, Justice and the White House all in "hear-no-evil" mode, an FBI "whistle-blower" from Florida contacted the Republican … John Mitchell and Richard Kleindienst and his top aides Bob Haldeman and John Ehrlichman were all subpoenaed by the Watergate Committee
The IRS Has Gone Rogue
– The Supreme Court explainedin Connecticut National Bank v. … Finance Committee chairman Max Baucus (D., Mont.) was the chief sponsor and lead author of the Finance bill. … This article appeared in National Review (Online)…
Why We Were Surprised on November 6th?
– Reince Preibus has largely done a very fine job at the Republican National Committee (RNC), but they have done a miserable job on outreach … Asians are the fastest growing minority in America and a natural Republican constituency. … But let us get perspective while the legions are talking of the end of the Republican Party.…
A Third Party
– Senate, that would mean one Republican, one Democrat, and one NWP candidate in each race. … If there were 100 votes available under the current system, the Republican might get 55 and the Democrat 45. … Winner: Republican by a pretty big margin.…
D.C.-Based Conservative Organization to Honor Young Leaders with ‘Buckley Award’…rvative_organization_honors_young_leaders_with_buckley_award
– Buckley Jr., an icon in the conservative movement who founded National Review and wrote God & Man at Yale before turning 30. … America’s Future Foundation, The Young Republican National Federation, the College Republican National Committee and Allegiance Direct … National Committee, National Chairman Heather Pfitzenmaier - Heritage Foundation, Young Leaders Program Director YCC President…
Obama Re-elected -- 9-Year-Old Black Kid Can Breathe Easy
– From whom does a 9-year-old hear that Obama's opponent is a racist who, to quote the Democratic National Committee chairwoman, wants … In 1991, researchers for the National Race and Politics Survey asked the same questions of both blacks and whites. … In my new book, "Dear Father, Dear Son," I write about my Democratic mother and Republican father.…
Former GOP Official Alleges Fraud: "I Was Told I'd Already Voted -- But I Hadn't"…ficial_alleges_fraud_i_was_told_id_already_voted_but_i_hadnt
– The former Digital Director of the National Republican Congressional Committee tells Townhall he fears he's been victimized by … Republican election attorneys have been alerted to the situation.…
America's 10-Year Learning Curve
– Dred Scott decision in 1857 ruling in favor of the constitutionality of slavery, which fueled the growth and influence of the Republican … At the end of the decade, Roosevelt’s own Treasury Secretary, Henry Morgenthau, testified before a congressional committee, offering … the poignant assessment that in terms of creating jobs, the New Deal had been a failure and had doubled the National Debt.…
The GOP's Must Do List Before The 2016 Election
– The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee sent out press releases the day after the election that they had "succeeded last night … The Republican National Committee is now engaged in a nationwide poll-and-focus-group examination into why the electorate voted the … But Republican leaders also have to look at their voter turnout operation which was woefully inadequate.…
The Plot to Hide Al Qaeda's Role in the Deadly Sept. 11 Attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi…in_the_deadly_sept_11_attack_on_the_us_consulate_in_benghazi
– One of President Obama's national security boasts in the 2012 presidential election was that al Qaeda's ranks have been "decimated … But just three days after the Benghazi murders, then-CIA Director David Patraeus told the House intelligence committee behind closed … John McCain of Arizona, who with Graham, has been among the White House's fiercest Republican critics of its handling of the attacks…
Americans Are Pro-Israel: Obama's Party? Not So Much!
– Since 1976, the Republican Platforms have rejected the infamous Roe v. Wade ruling. … Did the Republican Party take out ads to drive home the point that the Democrats’ liberal activists are hostile to Israel. … No Republican strategist has dared to say something that strong, that true in forty years.…
Cash Cow Offered by Lame Ducks
– Post-November 6, there are now only 45 Republican members. … A concession has already come from Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources ranking member, Lisa Murkowski (R-AK). … As The Hill points out, her committee doesn’t have jurisdiction over the credit, however, as the GOP’s top energy senator, her comments…
Republicans Must Reject Crony Capitalist Efforts to Avoid the Fiscal Cliff…st_reject_crony_capitalist_efforts_to_avoid_the_fiscal_cliff
– exploiting CEO panic over the simultaneous hit of significant spending cuts and tax increases to use big business to pressure the Republican … The Joint Committee on Taxation reported in August 2012 that renewing the PTC would cost taxpayers $12 billion over a ten year period … Our country can no longer afford big government and allow the likes of Immelt to feed like parasites from our bloated national budget…
Turning Attention to the Chief Suspect in the Crime of Ghastly Unemployment…on_to_the_chief_suspect_in_the_crime_of_ghastly_unemployment
– a national monetary commission. … Incoming Joint Economic Committee chairman Rep. … Kevin Brady, incoming chairman of the House Financial Affairs Committee Jeb Hensarling, outgoing chairman of the House Republican Study…
BREAKING: GOP Counters WH Offer on Fiscal Cliff, Embraces Bowles-Simpson Variant…ters_wh_offer_on_fiscal_cliff_embraces_bowlessimpson_variant
– In a new letter addressed to the president, House Republican leaders firmly reject the president's non-starter "proposal," pointedly … and building on the bipartisan discussions that have occurred during this Congress, including the Biden Group, the Joint Select Committee … For instance, on November 1 of last year, Erskine Bowles, the co-chair of your debt commission, presented the Joint Select Committee
Benghazi Denial Syndrome: Clinical or Cynical
– It’s not possible there’s an honorable explanation for the national media’s dismissive refusal to press for credible answers. … The national media’s role, as smoothly cooperative as Ginger Rogers back-striding in Fred Astaire’s embrace, shows the distance we’ … *Republican votes on funding diplomatic security don’t immunize the administration or tar Republicans.…
"Not A Moment To Be Lost": Ayotte, Cruz, Kyl and Capito Show The Way
– If political appointees to key foreign policy positions distort issues of American national security in order to gain political advantage … Instead of the safe course, Cruz accepted a key role at the National Republican Senatorial Committee and has reappeared on the airwaves … Which is why the last elected I want to praise for taking action this week is West Virginia Republican Congresswoman Shelley Moore…
Feinstein: How Bout' Bringing GITMO Detainees to the United States?
– The Democratic chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence committee commissioned a federal report to identify prison facilities in the U.S … Dianne Feinstein, Chair, Select Committee on Intelligence, U.S. … “This report demonstrates that if the political will exists, we could finally close Guantanamo without imperiling our national security…
Fast and Furious Fight With Holder Continues
– about a year," but his planned departure hasn't made the battle for Fast and Furious documents go away and the House Oversight Committee … DOJ "deals" with the Oversight Committee have a history of not being deals at all. … White House officals who received those emails have been made unavailable to the Oversight Committee.…
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