Results for: Republican National Committee

Obama and the Politics of Race
– A Republican-dominated House committee had roughed him up, he thought. … New York Democratic Congressman Steve Israel, the party's point man for congressional elections, took a similar line: "The Republican … In chimed Nancy Pelosi: Race had "something to do" with Republican resistance to immigration reform.…
How to Compare All the GOP and Democrat Budgets Floating Around…re-all-the-gop-and-democrat-budgets-floating-around-n1823508
– Luckily, the National Taxpayers Union Foundation has put out these handy charts to actually compare the top-line numbers of the various … Paul Ryan's budget), the Republican Study Committee budget, President Obama's budget, House Democrats' budget, the Congressional Black…
Big Government GOP's Common Core Rebrand Hustle
– This weekend on "Fox News Sunday," anchor Chris Wallace credited his guest, Republican Indiana Gov. … Mike Pence, with leading the nation as the "first state to fall out of the Common Core national education standards." … Pence's friend Republican Utah Gov. Gary Herbert also inadvertently spilled the beans on the Rename That Common Core Tune game.…
Nevada GOP Dropped Platforms Against Abortion and Marriage Equality…ed-platforms-against-abortion-and-marriage-equality-n1827541
– Last week, the Nevada Republican Party had a convention to approve their party platform and endorse a candidate for governor. … The new party platform was proposed by a separate committee and was then approved by a show of hands by convention-goers. … And will this then come up at our next national convention? I guess we will just have to stay tuned.…
Why the GOP is So Divided
– His people demanded Republican National Committee members sign some ham-fisted “loyalty pledge” that smacks of a George Orwell plot … Reagan was the Republican Party’s aberration. … He removed the manly parts of the Republican leadership and showed it to them on a national stage.…
Trust, But Verify
– That being said, if he had been a Republican in 197I, his quote on Watergate could easily have been as follows: “I don’t think … Every day, we get additional proof that the people in the Beltway are detached from the rest of our national community. … Again, as in 1974, the only way we will find out what really happened is to have a Select Committee.…
Walter Jones Repels a War Party Attack
– Walter Jones was repulsed by his loyal Republican base. … He stands against same-sex marriage, has a 100 percent rating from National Right to Life, and receives a consistent A from the NRA … A national organization opposing illegal immigration gives Jones an A+ for battling to secure America's borders and block amnesty.…
Clash in the Cornhusker State
– Mitch McConnell is fighting off businessman Matt Bevin for the Republican nomination. … Cotton is a Republican congressman from Arkansas favored by the establishment. … The Republican Establishment and conservatives will continue fighting across the map.…
Laughing at another Spectacular Obamacare Failure
– The Oregonian reported that the bureau held a 90-minute meeting with a former Republican lawmaker who detailed potential wrongdoing … House committee already is probing the Oregon debacle, as is the Government Accountability Office. … *The head of the National Socialist Workers Party finds out he can’t keep his health plan.…
Don't Tune Out the Newest Benghazi Developments
– you'll hear the familiar screeching of partisan politics, now that House Speaker John Boehner has decided to convene a select committee … If the past is any guide, you'll hear Republican righteous vindictiveness and Democratic mockery and defensiveness. … The Democratic National Convention had just ended, and the message was: Obama had killed Osama bin Laden, and terrorism had been caged…
Pelosi's 'Bipartisanship' Demand Underscores Democrats' Benghazi Ambivalence
– Sarah's piece ran through the basics of Nancy Pelosi's new request that the forthcoming House Select Committee on Benghazi … be split evenly between Republican and Democratic members. … Plus, if Democrats decline to show up, every single news sound byte from the hearings would come from a Republican.…
Data Wars
– Terry McAuliffe, then-Democratic National Committee chairman, the party was playing catch up to the Republican National Committee’s … Immediately after the 2012 election, the National Republican Congressional Committee announced it was tripling its digital staff. … The National Republican Senatorial Committee built an academy to train campaign staff in battleground Senate races.…
Of Course: WH 'Disputes' New Obamacare Enrollment Numbers, Can't Produce Own Data
– A House committee did exactly that, and the White House doesn't like the results. … UPDATE - A Republican aide at the Energy and Commerce Committee contacted me with a few clarifications from their end. … The committee does, in fact, plan to follow-up on the numbers through May 20.…
Election Lawfare and the 2014 Senate Races
– of Wednesday's radio show talking with election law veteran, friend and colleague Craig Engle --formerly General Counsel of the NationalRepublican Senatorial Committee, Federal Elections Commission lawyer and now a partner with Arent Fox--and with "the Smart Guys" Erwin…
SBC's Richard Land endorses Romney
– three qualifiers -- in a non-SBC role he also holds as executive editor of The Christian Post, an independent news website with a national … Referencing the platforms of the Democratic and Republican parties in his column, Land noted the Democrats' embrace of abortion and … Oldham, vice president for convention communications and relations with the SBC Executive Committee, in a press statement Oct. 26,…
WaPo/ABC News Poll: Romney 50, Obama 47
– The race there is uber-tight in the Buckeye State, where the Republican nominee held three rallies yesterday alone.   … - On top of these serious issues for Obama’s early voting strategy, the Republican National Committee has a chart out today…
Rape, God, Life and Liberals
– Debbie Wasserman Schultz, head of the Democratic National Committee, fulminated, "Richard Mourdock's rape comments are outrageous … Unfortunately, they've become part and parcel of the modern Republican Party's platform toward women's health as Congressional Republicans … The Associated Press headline said "God at Work When Rape Leads to Pregnancy" and the Atlantic screamed "Republican Senate Candidate…
President Obama: Sexist in Chief
– To this, Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz said, "Mitt Romney, on a point-blank question the other night … Obama's 2008 Republican opponent, Sen. … Imagine the size of the chainsaw the media would have taken to a Republican president whose female communications director complained…
Exactly What Is Max Baucus Saying Here?
– We maintain the below video shows ObamaCare’s chief sponsor and lead author–Senate Finance Committee chairman Max Baucus (D-MT)–admitting … The video is from a September 23, 2009, Finance Committee markup of ObamaCare. … In it, Baucus rules out of order a Republican amendment on the grounds that medical malpractice lies outside the committee’s jurisdiction…
Obama on Foreign Policy: Tax the Rich
– It’s not surprising that after the GOP got a budget deal done for the balance of 2012 and then-Budget Chair Republican Paul Ryan introduced … an ambitious attempt to reduce the national debt that Obama would trot out his own version of fiscal “responsibility”- by taxing the … During the Democrat National Convention in Denver in 2008, the Republican National Committee, handed out cards calling Obama "a mile…
SEIU, AFL-CIO, ACLU and Others Ready Attack Against Voter Integrity
– As I reported yesterday, Ranking Member of the House Oversight Committee Elijah Cummings is using intimidation and bully tactics … Gonzales failed to disclose her position as treasurer for the Florida Democratic Party and her high ranking position in the national … True the Vote doesn't lobby for political parties and has people like former Democrat Artur Davis, Democrat Pat Caddell, Republican
Bully Tactics: Rep. Cummings Abusing Power by Intimidating Voter Integrity Group True the Vote…mings_resort_to_intimidaiton_tactics_against_voter_integrity
– Ranking Member of the House Oversight Committee Elijah Cummings is using intimidation tactics against the voter integrity group … He is abusing his power on the Oversight Committee by using these tactics, implying he has more power on the Committee than he actually … does and is misrepresenting the committee headed not by him, but Chairman Darrell Issa.…
Mr. Romney: Take Ben Bernanke's Resignation On Day One
– Instead, the Republican presidential candidate has criticized the Fed in ways that echo the opinions of another adviser, John Taylor … Meanwhile, ranking House colleagues of Paul Ryan, including JEC Vice Chairman Kevin Brady and Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim … The Washington Post, in an October 9th column by Neil Irwin, Romney’s Fed chief: Who would get the job if the Republican takes the…
Buckeye Blowout: Romney Camp to Hold Epic Mega-Rally Tonight in Ohio
– .); former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani; former Pennsylvania governor Tom Ridge; Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus … As the Big Day draws near, signs of a ground-swell of Republican optimism and momentum are beginning to bubble up across the map.   … The group I have in mind includes people who are often pessimistic about Republican chances, and mostly people who are outside the…
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