Results for: Barack Obama Website

Contending For Life
Barack Obama refused to protect in Illinois. … President Obama will take care that no such are appointed as U.S. Attorneys. … For that very reason, we suspect Barack Obama will take care not to allow it to be invoked in the trial of Nidal Hasan.…
GOP Post-Primary Swagger
– Candidates on the Democrat side were dyed-in-the-wool leftists who were in lockstep with Barack Obama's expand-the-government health … KENTUCKY: Tea party conservative hero Rand Paul perfectly fits the political profile of this state in the age of Obama. … The far-left DailyKos website calls him "courageously progressive for his state."…
Obama's Defiant Transparency Promise Breach
– You surely know the drill by heart: Barack Obama promised to run the most transparent White House in history -- avoiding lobbyists … Gibbs retorted that Obama took eight questions from the White House press corps at the Nuclear Security Summit. … But Obama doesn't just owe the public answers about being AWOL on White House press conferences.…
Race of the Day: Pelosi Puppet Driehaus Will Fall in OH-1
– Last week’s primary results in Ohio sent a resounding message from Republicans across the state: Stop the Obama-Pelosi agenda of endless … In defeating Steve Chabot by two points last cycle, Driehaus relied on heavy Democrat turnout boosted by then-candidate Barack Obama … I hope you’ll visit Chabot on his website, Facebook and Twitter to learn more about our candidate and the race.…
The New Abortion
– Two weeks ago, I discussed President Barack Obama's anti-Second Amendment record and his administration's goal to use dormant treaties … To add insult to injury to the degradation of the Second Amendment, months back Obama appointed new Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor … Then, a few weeks ago, Justice John Paul Stevens said he will retire in June, leaving Obama with an open field of liberal appointees…
It's an Obama-Nation
– If Barack Obama has lost James Carville, Chris Matthews, and Donna Brazile then his Presidency may be lost. … James was a Hillary supporter during the primary season in 2008 but Donna Brazile was an Obama supporter. … Fox isn't jumping on Obama with both feet? They're giving him a pass?…
Race of the Day: Massa's Open Seat
– In 2008, John McCain beat Barack Obama by three points, 51% to 48%, and in 2004 the GOP presidential ticket won by 15%. … Please take the time to visit Tom’s website, Facebook and Twitter pages to learn about his effort to play a part in retiring Nancy…
The Shady ShoreBank Bailout
– Its stated progressive mission isn't merely to make good lending decisions, but to engage in Barack Obama-esque social engineering … The company website features a video of Obama in Kenya championing ShoreBank microlending projects overseas. … Team Obama is smarter than that, of course.…
Ending Israel's Losing Streak
– Until US President Barack Obama took office, Israel's one steady asset in this war was the US. … Obama, the US is no longer Israel's reliable ally. … Since Obama took office, Turkey's gradual slide into the Iranian axis has sped up considerably.…
Obama's Actions Will Only Strengthen Hamas
– While understandable on the surface, President Barack Obama’s call last week to curtail the blockade of Gaza so as to stop only weapons … If President Obama is successful in breaking the economic siege of Gaza, his victory will be a Pyrrhic one. … Obama himself harbored for achieving peace.…
Voters in Big States Prefer Skinflint Candidates
– "Government in New York is too big, ineffective and expensive," the candidate's website proclaims. … One reason: Unions gave Obama and the Democrats $400 million in the 2008 cycle. … In 2008, even while Indiana voters went 50 percent to 49 percent for Barack Obama, they re-elected spending-cutting Republican Gov…
Why, Oh, Why Doesn't Obama Save Us?,_oh,_why_doesnt_obama_save_us
– Not long ago, Barack Obama was pilloried for being too activist, too meddlesome and too inclined to see himself as the messiah. … The President Obama we all know is a passive, detached do-nothing. … Obama is not a mayor.…
Why Is the MSM Still Ignoring Obama's Radical Past?
– Sliwa's e-mail queries to news organizations about whether they would like to receive a review copy of "The Manchurian President: Barack … Klein was also the journalist who first put the Bill Ayers-Barack Obama story together in February 2008 -- 5,000 miles from the United … Whether such convictions balance on a halo affixed to Barack Obama (threatened by the book's revelations), or rest on their own sorry…
White House vs. Boy Scouts, Part 2,_part_2
– Last week, I discussed a series of evidences regarding how President Barack Obama is leading the White House pack in distancing … The meeting was sponsored by the Obama administration's Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships. … President Obama became the honorary president of the BSA in March 2009, and the White House didn't even mention it.…
A Rose by Any Other Name
– With all the important things going on … What with Obama paying off World Cup bets with beer; and, What with Joe Biden calling … Yes, ladies and gentlemen, these are the people whom Barack Obama has chosen to replace the first group of morons he had appointed … Maybe it's because people like me would suggest it stands for "Barack Obama's Error."…
Re: The Anatomy of a Smear
– After yesterday's radio interview, StopBeck posted this article on the group's website.  … Olbermann seized on Palin's suggestion to read Sowell's column and accused the former governor of comparing Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler … Palin retorted with a tweet: "Lamestream media: I never compared Obama to Hitler. Quit making things up."…
The Anatomy of a Smear
– Various levels of the Left—from grassroots organizers to the Obama White House—are working in an all-hands-on-deck concert to discredit … If advertisers don’t pull their support, Carusone uses his website and social networking sites to organize other Beck opponents—including … And when pressed by Townhall about uber-Leftist comedian Bill Maher’s recent comments about Barack Obama not being a “real black president…
Do BP Shareholders Have Rights?
– When President Barack Obama was coming under increasing political heat for his response to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, he … Many Americans were understandably angry at both BP and Obama, and Obama wanted to deflect the anger from himself by capitalizing on … But Obama personally guaranteed that claims will be paid.…
White House vs. Boy Scouts
– Over the past few months, a widely circulated e-mail has reported that President Barack Obama is not signing Eagle Scout certificates … Nothing noted anywhere on the White House's official website. … He's a progressive, so you can imagine the pickle Obama was in.…
An End to Spending Excess?
– Bush and continued under President Barack Obama. … Even the Obama stimulus package was smaller than most liberal economists wanted. … out more about Steve Chapman, and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
Inside Townhall Magazine: The 100 Americans the Left Hates Most
– As we have watched the ongoing fight in America over the direction of the country, the actions of the Obama administration and Democratic … And when pressed by Townhall about uber-Leftist comedian Bill Maher’s recent comments about Barack Obama not being a “real black president … PLUS: *Our heroes in Afghanistan *Cuba and Venezuela share military training *The Barack Obama Arrogance Edition of The Word…
One Business Filed 37,375 Bad W-2 Forms -- and Is Getting Away With It…ss_filed_37,375_bad_w-2_forms_--_and_is_getting_away_with_it
– The unemployment rate was 7.7 percent when President Barack Obama was inaugurated. It is now 9.5 percent. … If President Obama cares to read the report, I would point him especially to page 7. … President Obama called on Congress last week to give amnesty to illegal aliens, which also means giving amnesty to businesses that…
White House vs. Boy Scouts, Part 3,_part_3
– In parts 1 and 2, I discussed a series of evidences regarding how President Barack Obama is leading the White House pack in distancing … Hill.All that the BSA website can say about President Barack Obama is that he "received the BSA's (SET ITAL) 2008 Report to the Nation…
Obama Economy Sends Americans to Their Mattresses
– This hurts the economy, but it's a rational response to the Obama Democrats' public policies. … Or take a look at Obama backer Nate Silver's Website. "Why aren't businesses hiring?" … Democrats can plausibly claim that their 2009 stimulus package, passed less than a month after Barack Obama was sworn in, prevented…
Race of the Day: Competing in the Heart of Coal Country
– In 2008, John McCain handily defeated Barack Obama with 56% of the vote. … You can find out more about Spike by visiting his website or following him on Facebook and Twitter.…
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