Results for: Republican National Committee

Obama's Spending Legacy: A $5.2 Trillion Deficit Monster
– This means the entire national debt exceeds our gross domestic product (GDP), the measure of all the goods and services we produce … John Cornyn, the chairman of the GOP's Senate campaign committee, says in an op-ed column for the Austin American-Statesman. … The Republican House this week unveiled its budget plan to curb spending and shrink the deficit, but it's already dead on arrival in…
Omens: Newt Now Talking About His Campaign in the Past Tense
– He said he wants to continue to try and influence the party platform, but said he's already discussed with the Republican NationalCommittee how he can best help the nominee defeat President Obama if it's not him. …
Obama Budget: Debt Payments to Exceed Defense Budget Within the Decade
– A perilous tipping point, via the Senate Republican Budget Committee and the Weekly Standard:   Under this president's … (It's probably worth noting here that national defense is a constitutional imperative).  … Paul Ryan's budget staff tells me the Republican Path to Prosperity never crosses the national security rubicon illustrated above. …
CULTURE DIGEST: In video, Obama pledges to keep fighting for Planned Parenthood…_video_obama_pledges_to_keep_fighting_for_planned_parenthood
– Mary Spaulding Balch, director of state legislation for the National Right to Life Committee, said the law's foes want the public to … "But ultrasound -- the window to the mother's womb -- puts a bright light on that lie," she told National Right to Life News. … The Georgia Senate and House of Representatives both passed the legislation March 30, and Republican Gov.…
Who are America's Not-So-Friendly Bankers?
– During his campaign for re-election, don't expect Barack Obama to bring up the national debt.  … The above chart, courtesy of the House Republican Study Committee, demonstrates the distribution of debt to other nations and notably…
Analysis: Obama's Worst Speech Yet
– This is not a budget supported by some small group in the republican party. This is now the party's governing platform. … Hundreds of national parks would be forced to close for part or all of the year. … This congressional Republican budget is something different altogether. It is a trojan horse.…
The Romney Coronation Begins?
National Committee has announced it is linking fundraising arms with the Romney campaign, a significant step, both symbolically and … National Committee this week as both the candidate and the GOP brace for an expensive general-election fight against President Barack … For the Republican nominee to be able to compete with the president's re-election effort, "they need to get started now."…
Dems: Do as We Say, Not as We Vote
– Oops.When members of the Senate's "Gang of Six" -- a bipartisan posse determined to cut the national debt -- announced a proposal to … Spokesman Drew Hammill explained that a GOP member had put Obama budget language in his own bill to stage "a gimmick vote that the Republican … The spending plan written by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan -- which the House passed 228-191 last week even though it presents…
Conservative House Republicans’ Budget Proposal
– The Republican Study Committee released its fiscal 2013 budget proposal this week and it’s not horrible. … following programs: the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Economic Development Administration (EDA), Legal Services Corporation, National … Endowment for the Arts, National Labor Relations Board, the Presidential Election Campaign Fund, Trade Adjustment Assistance programs…
Romney: Obama's a "Nice Guy" Who's Failed Miserably
– Mitt Romney has a number of significant shortcomings as the presumptive Republican nominee, but he's already demonstrating that … lot of ground during a ten-minute discussion: Watch the latest video at   Romney and the RepublicanNational Committee are pursuing an extremely effective strategy of forcing Obama -- and voters -- to try to reconcile the yawning…
When Administrations Implode
– To widen the controversy further, Vice President Joe Biden and Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz alleged … that the contraceptive fight was part of a wider Republican "war on women." … in the administration's face when a zealous Democratic consultant, Hilary Rosen, claimed that Ann Romney, wife of presumptive Republican
To Win Burbs, Romney May Pick 'Double-Vanilla' Veep
– Some 20 million Americans in primaries and caucuses will take part in selecting the Republican presidential nominee. … The 2010 exit poll shows Republicans won 38 percent of the Latino vote -- and that that was enough for a national majority, since they … One is Paul Ryan, the House Budget Committee Chairman who endorsed Romney and campaigned with him all over Wisconsin.…
Florida Remains 'Golden Prize' of Presidential Politics
Committee decision not to seat any of its delegates, all of Florida's delegates would have counted in the contest between Hillary … The 2008 contest for the Republican nomination was far more cut and dried. Former Gov. … The strength of the ultimate Republican nominee in that contest will be critical to GOP chances overall.…
Fun with Electoral Math: Obama 186, Romney 156, 192 In Play
– With the Republican primary winding down, and the general election about to heat up, it's time for an initial look at delegate … National Committee. … For one, Nevada has a popular Republican governor, Brian Sandoval, who endorsed Romney on Wednesday.…
CULTURE DIGEST: Miss Universe opens pageant to 'transgender' participants…gest_miss_universe_opens_pageant_to_transgender_participants
– case in Canada where Jenna Talackova, a 23-year-old transgendered woman, won a regional competition but was disqualified for the national … a committee chairman in the Mississippi legislature. … April 3 was the final day for a committee to act on legislation approved in the other house, the American reported.…
Obama's Plan To Raise Taxes Ignores Fundamental Economics
– Chris Coons, Delaware Democrat, acknowledging Republican criticisms of Obama's Buffett Rule, admitted that it "isn't going to balance … "I question the priority of doing this right now," said Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine. … Republican leaders in Congress are pushing the Bowles-Simpson plan but not the Obama campaign who think they can win in November by…
Pelosi: Thanks to Romney, "I Feel Better" about Retaking the House
– I'd been under the impression that, while the Senate and the presidency are going to be legitimately hot contests, the Republican … this week, with Romney asserting that 92 percent of the jobs lost under Obama were women's jobs, and Obama and the Democratic NationalCommittee firing back that Romney's campaign couldn't even answer whether he supported a major piece of equal-pay legislation.…
Real Moms of the GOP versus White House SOP
– Ostensibly aiming at Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney for his "old-fashioned" views of women, Rosen's mouth instead shot … In 2008, Howard Gutman, a member of the Obama campaign's national finance committee, attacked GOP vice presidential candidate and former … These include tea party leaders such as editor Dana Loesch, national grassroots groups such as Smart Girl Politics, the…
GOP Finally Punches Back: Hey, Check Out this Democratic 'War on Women!'
– Here we have the presumptive Republican nominee, flanked by concerned-looking women, actually using the words "war on women" to describe … Last I checked, the congressional committee of the president's party does just about nothing without the imprimatur of the White House … or of the White House's minions at the Democratic National Committee.…
Dem senator: Buffett Rule ‘isn’t going to balance the budget’
– On Wednesday, Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus wrote an editorial blasting the Buffett Rule as a gimmick, and…
Good Money: Why Rep. Kevin Brady's Sound Dollar Act Worries Barney Frank…y_why_rep_kevin_bradys_sound_dollar_act_worries_barney_frank
– Kevin Brady, top Republican on the Congressional Joint Economic Committee. … A highly respected member of the Republican policy establishment, Stanford University professor of economics John Taylor, recently … testified before the Joint Economic Committee in favor of the Sound Dollar Act re-enforcing Dean Hubbard’s key point.…
Paul Ryan: “The Choice of Two Futures”
– On Tuesday, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan delivered the Keynote Address at the "Tax Policies For 4% Growth" conference … The Republican Party, he urges, must strive to promote upward mobility and economic independence, the two surest ways to avert the … impending debt crisis and pay off our national debt.…
Notwithstanding the “Grand Bargain” Siren Song, there’s No Practical Argument for Tax Hikes…argain_siren_song_theres_no_practical_argument_for_tax_hikes
– Heck, I’ve even said on national TV that I would go back to Bill Clinton’s tax policy if I could undo all the reckless spending and … and it featured John Goodman of the National Center for Policy Analysis, Ezra Klein of the Washington Post, and Donald Marron of the … Well, here’s what Kevin Williamson of National Review said in response.…
West Statements Make Him 'Top Democratic Target'
– They're calling him one of their top national targets. "Truth should never be outspoken, truth should be truth. … But Steve Israel, the New York congressman who chairs the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, said West goes too far. … He also believes that Democrats are targeting him because they're afraid he gives black voters a reason to consider Republican candidates…
The Right Running Mate
– The prospective Republican nominee will have a tough time living up to recent standards. … John Kasich, who spent 18 years in the House of Representatives -- and was chairman of the budget committee when the budget was finally … Bush's national security adviser and secretary of state.…
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