Results for: Republican National Committee

The Audacity of Mediocrity
– that’s exactly what was printed on an otherwise brilliant handout on Christians and political activism I was given at the recent National … Some of these people act as if they’ll give an account of their life in eternity to the Chairman of the Republican National Committee
CULTURE DIGEST: Ten Commandments may be allowed in Ga. schools
– Tommy Benton, a Republican who sponsored the bill, "we have a lot of laws that are based on the Christian and Jewish Ten Commandments … Declaration of Independence, the national anthem, the national motto and the Bill of Rights. … Senators voted 24-14 to return the legislation to a Senate committee, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.…
NH-02: Left Wing Darling vs. Independent Voice
– In addition to sending Bass back to Congress in 2010, the district also helped elect a new Republican U.S. … already made this one of their top targets in the country, putting Kuster in the DCCC “Red to Blue” program which will funnel national … To that end, we’ve also already seen the radical liberal Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) run negative attack ads on TV…
Senate affirms contraceptive/abortion mandate
– Olympia Snowe of Maine was the lone Republican to vote to table it. Snowe announced her retirement only two days before the vote. … Conference of Catholic Bishops, National Right to Life Committee and Family Research Council were among other organizations to declare … Another, Republican Mark Kirk of Illinois, was the only senator not to vote.…
Brace For Impact: Paul Ryan Introduces New Budget
– House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan will unveil his Fiscal Year 2013 budget at a press conference later this morning.  … With those refreshers and warnings firmly in place, let's review what the new House Republican Budget actually proposes:   … enacts crucial reforms to chart a more sustainable debt course, allowing the United States to gradually begin paying down the national
Video: RNC Airs New Anti-Obamacare Ad
– To that end, the Republican National Committee has released a new television ad airing in six swing states (Florida, Nevada, New Mexico…
Obama Dining With Supporters for $35,800 a Plate
– In January, he didn’t raise as much as he did in 2008, with contributions to Obama and the Democratic National Committee down 30 percent … Obama lags behind Republican front-runner Mitt Romney in finding donors willing to give $2,000 or more — a surprising development for…
Democratic, Republican committees refocus on healthcare
– The Republican National Committee and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee both refocused their attention on healthcare Monday…
Cutting the Army Corps of Engineers
– See Environmental Defense, Taxpayers for Common Sense, National Wildlife Federation, and National Taxpayers Union, "Katrina's Costly … Common Sense, National Wildlife Federation, and National Taxpayers Union, "Katrina's Costly Wake," 2006, p. 1. 82 Environmental … Defense, Taxpayers for Common Sense, National Wildlife Federation, and National Taxpayers Union, "Katrina's Costly Wake," 2006, p.…
CULTURE DIGEST: Round-the-clock daycare?
– Bob McDonnell, a Republican, signed the bill into law March 7 after a firestorm of protests from abortion rights advocates. … Right to Life Committee. … Steve Eliason, the bill's Republican sponsor, said before the House vote, The Salt Lake Tribune reported.…
Obama Team Praying Voter Fraud Will Re-elect Their Boss
– For a republican form of government to function properly, the citizenry must have confidence in the unbiased and impartiality of the … This time the corruption went directly to the halls of the Republican Senate caucus lead by Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. … Also the National Republican Senatorial Committee played a hand in the corruption.…
Jay Carney: Obama Doesn't Campaign That Much
– Obama has been increasing his fundraising pace in preparation for his showdown with a Republican presidential nominee. … National Committee, which has tracked the phenomenon across multiple news reports. … The committee has done all the math to reveal that if Mr.…
Channeling Scoop Jackson
– you come down on the advisability of America engaging militarily in yet-another Middle Eastern nation, if we decide it is in our national … In his hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Mr. … President Obama is creating precedents today that a future Republican president could exploit to the detriment of his partisan rivals…
Selective Subsidization
– After the President’s speech last week, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said, “There is no reason to believe … Yet, that is exactly what President Obama and many in the Senate appear ready to do, including some Republican Senators.…
The Ryan Budget Is for Everyone
– WASHINGTON -- As America rings up another $3 trillion-plus budget -- almost a historic peacetime 25 percent of gross national product … Thus, they howled when Chairman of the House Budget Committee Paul Ryan proffered a budget to avoid the Greek Tragedy. … The Republican critics need not worry.…
Obama's Gaffe Hints at Hidden Agenda in Second Term
– Kerry was labeled a flip-flopper, and delegates at the Republican National Convention brandished flip-flops for the TV cameras one … But that hurts mainly in Republican primaries, and Romney seems well on his way to the nomination. … The Republican National Committee has already cut a 60-second spot on Obama's words.…
Should America Copy Europe, as Obama Believes?
– …in suppressing and over-engineering their economies they court national bankruptcies. … New Budget from Republican Study Committee Reduces Burden of Government to Where It Was When Bill Clinton Left Office A couple of … Now the Republican Study Committee from the House of Representatives has put forth a plan that also deserves considerable applause.…
The Road Ahead for the GOP Nomination
– All members of the Republican National Committee automatically attend the nominating convention, and 117 of them are superdelegates … It would mean rejecting everyone who's received actual votes from the Republican faithful.…
– If I were advising the Republican National Committee - which I am not - I would be looking for a struggling family in every state, … I guarantee you if there were a Republican President the DNC would be doing just that.…
DWS (Again): This Ryan Budget is a "Tornado Through Nursing Homes!"
– Ratcheting up the rhetoric on the eve of Vice President Joe Biden‘s visit to a South Florida senior community, Democratic NationalCommittee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz today likened Republican Medicare proposals to “a tornado through America’s nursing … It is a Republican path to poverty that would pass like a tornado through America’s nursing homes where millions of America’s seniors…
MA-06: How Could Tierney Not Know
– It became one point more Republican on the Partisan Voter Index and is the least Democrat leaning district in the state. … The committee will continue to hammer away at Tierney’s competence to hold office. … This race is already garnering national attention and is quickly shaping up to be the marquee House race in Massachusetts.…
Video: NBC News Pretty Much Just Cutting DNC Ads at This Point
– Andrea Mitchell, natch:   The only thing missing was the tagline, "the Democratic National Committee is responsible … the gate, Mitchell approaches the story having already swallowed one side's narrative -- in this case, the very existence of a Republican
The Overextended America
– That is the burden of House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan's carefully thought-out budget for fiscal year 2013. … such as food stamps and Medicaid, for at the state level, the needs of the citizens are better-understood than they are at the national … Paul Ryan and his Republican colleagues think their budget could eventually eliminate the debt and get the economy growing again.…
Why Do Island Territories Play Key Role in GOP Race?
– "I have no idea at all," says a former Republican National Committee official. "I don't know," says a current RNC official. … The six delegates selected at the meeting and three superdelegates to the Republican National Convention all said they would support … Delegates in the GOP presidential race, however, are controlled by the Republican National Committee.…
Romney Wins
– pretends he's still in the race and as long as the Sunday shows keep booking him, he is, but he has as much chance of being the Republican … The mechanism of the National Republican Committee will now begin to bend to the will of the Romney campaign. … Santorum and Gingrich should bow out and get in behind the Republican nominee, Mitt Romney.…
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