Results for: Republican National Committee

Exit Newt
– He charged Romney with lying and falling into the hands of George Soros and Goldman Sachs, and he did this while seeking the Republican … From their student government days to their days in national politics, they all lived out a fantasy. … Congressman Paul Ryan, the chairman of the House Budget Committee, has served up a budget to cure the nation's ills and head us on…
Romney Claims Historic Florida Win
– TAMPA -- Mitt Romney easily won Florida's Republican presidential primary in a record-breaking performance on Tuesday. … don't cut the state's delegates in half again, for altering the Republican National Committee's primary schedule. … Of those delegates, 385 will be apportioned based on vote totals, and 52 -- many of them state party chairs and national committee
Confirmed: Federal Workers Earn More Than Private Sector Counterparts
– Here's Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid talking about the national employment picture in October:     "It's very clear … A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 41% of Likely U.S. … Looks like the "Republican Congress" Big Lie is working its magic.  Terrific.…
Grim Milestone: The Third Anniversary of Obama's Failed Stimulus
– Two years and hundreds of billions of dollars later, the national unemployment rate remains above eight percent, and isn't even close … As reported above, the national median income (a good measure of the middle class' collective financial standing) has dipped to its … The Republican Study Committee put together the following chart, which tracks America's shrinking workforce. …
Wagging Our Finger at Foreigners
– The President of the International Republican Institute, Lorne Craner, is a true patriot. … We have a national debt of about a jillion dollars. Forget about buying friendship. That never works. … Wagging our national finger under their noses doesn't appear to be the answer.…
Jerry McNerney's Uphill Battle for Re-election
– He has voted with Nancy Pelosi an astronomical 95 percent of the time, which likely explains why Pelosi and national Democrats have … (In fact, this is the subject of a National Republican Congressional Committee ad that is currently airing in the Ninth District.)…
Video: Is the GOP Establishment Listening to Conservatives?
– establishment: Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, and National Republican … Senatorial Committee Chairman, Sen. … Cornyn, who is heading up the NRSC's effort to elect a Republican Senate in 2012. …
Obama's ATF Director, Anti-Gun Zealot Andrew Traver Transferred Out of Chicago…ctor_antigun_zealot_andrew_traver_transferred_out_of_chicago
– The Senate Judiciary Committee refused to act on the original nomination last fall. … Liberal Republican Sen. Mark Kirk and rabid leftist Sen. Dick Durbin both support their home state bureaucrat. … As the National Rifle Association points out, Traver misled the public in a fear-mongering appearance on a Chicago NBC affiliate TV…
Obama's Fiscal Fakery: How Can You Pay Down the National Debt by Building It Up
– It is hard to see how that can be true, since his plan would add $6.7 trillion to the national debt during the next decade. … those things include not only "education, innovation and infrastructure," but also such seemingly noncritical programs as the National … Once such "gimmicks" are taken into account, the Republican-controlled House Budget Committee calculates, the $2 trillion in spending…
Chris Christie on Israel -- and What It Means to Be a Leader
– New Jersey Governor Chris Christie addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) last week. … the national security interests of the United States and the security interests of our friends in Israel." … This is a challenge to the Democratic president, Barack Obama, and to Republican Congressman Ron Paul and his supporters.…
Change: Rough Primary Season Has GOP Reconsidering Nomination Process
– The long and bruising primary contest -- which is far, far from over -- has the Republican National Committee rethinking the process … National Committee meeting and at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference last month. … “I think it comes up at almost every major Republican meeting across the country,” said one senior Republican, who requested anonymity…
5 Reasons to Support Rick Santorum
– The Republican Party is a three legged stool. … National security, fiscal conservatism, and social conservatism all hold the party together. … To the contrary, it's a core part of the Republican Party -- and it moves people to the polls.…
Arizona GOP Debate: Santorum Slips, Newt Rallies, Romney Benefits
– Tonight marked the 20th, and possibly last, televised debate among Republican candidates for president of the 2012 cycle.  … The former governor also missed a big opportunity on the very first question of the night, which was about the national debt.  … endorse Arlen Specter over Pat Toomey in 2004 (his justification delved into a discussion of the intricacies of Senate Judicial Committee
15 Questions The Mainstream Media Would Ask Barack Obama If He Were A Republican…nstream_media_would_ask_barack_obama_if_he_were_a_republican
– The only thing they don’t ask Republican candidates about much is economic questions and debt questions. … 5) When you took office, the national average for one gallon of gas was $1.89 per gallon. … Yet, you’ve worked to push bills through Congress with almost no Republican support, spent much less time negotiating with Congress…
Polls: Romney, Santorum Again Running Dead Even With Obama as Primary Race Tightens…_again_running_dead_even_with_obama_as_primary_race_tightens
– Rick Santorum holds a ten-point national lead over Gov. … :   Meanwhile, President Obama's standing against two potential Republican rivals has ebbed a bit. … Priorities USA, the political committee founded by former Obama aides, raised a grand total of $59,000 in January. …
Gen. Odierno: Cuts to U.S. Army Will Change How We Provide National Security…uts_to_military_will_change_how_we_provide_national_security
– Ray Odierno told members of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday. … “This would result in severe reductions in the National Guard, the Army Reserve and additional reductions in the active component and … “In my estimation, sequestration would require us to fundamentally relook how we provide national security.”…
The Boys and Girls on the Bus
– As an example each state gets three delegates (members of the Republican National Committee) who are free to vote for whomever they … writer for the Rolling Stone magazine, wrote a book titled, "The Boys on the Bus" which described life among the press corps on a national
Obama's Fair-Weathered Friendship With Israel
– President Obama's speech before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) last Sunday was an attempt at making an empty … In fact, it was protests by members like me and others - both Republican and Democrat-that forced Obama to beat a retreat and accommodate … Just last week, in discussing Obama's budget before the Senator Foreign Relations Committee, Secretary of State Clinton requested a…
Senate Shenanigans May Prevent GOP Takeover
– Second, Republican Sen. … the country rightfully feel toward those running Washington these days," said Rob Jesmer, executive director of the National Republican … Senatorial Committee.…
Good News/Bad News as GOP Seeks Senate Takeover
– Angus King into the race to succeed Republican Sen. … Senate race in Massachusetts, Republican Sen. … This seat is still on track to be a safe Republican pick-up.…
MI-01: Failed Career Politician Gary McDowell Tries Again
– The district has rarely lent support to Democrats at the national level. … Since then, the new district got about a point more Republican in redistricting with the addition of several right-leaning areas around … Dan has also worked tirelessly to address the needs of our nation's heroes on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee.…
Genius for Subject Changing
– The "Republican war on women." … Instead, a compliant media has peddled the narrative of a supposed Republican "war on women." … The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is encouraging signatures on a petition to fight back against Republican efforts "to…
BP Ledger, March 5 edition
– A national partner, M, was seeing dozens come to faith and was discpling them. … Another national partner started two new fellowships inside Bhutan. … A national woman partner, K, gathers a small group of her neighbors and has a henna party.…
Gay issues threaten domestic violence act
– -Iowa, the panel's lead Republican, said in a press release before the vote. … Leahy is the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. … The Senate Judiciary Committee vote was Feb. 16 Mark Norton is an intern with the Washington bureau of Baptist Press.…
Obama to Pelosi and Reid: No Campaign Cash for You
Committee, and as of now, will not be making any appearances at individual candidates' events. … National Committee and shadowy pro-GOP super PACs. … So far, Democrats, including Obama’s own super PAC allies, have been unable to match that flood of pro-Republican cash.…
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