Results for: Republican National Committee

Newt, the Democratic Mole
– re-election ticket, but a better, likelier choice by far is available -- one Newton Leroy Gingrich, reputedly a candidate for the Republican … Beneath the Republican ruins, we'll lie and sigh while the proud van of the Obama campaign sweeps past to victory. … The day before the New Hampshire primary, the Democratic National Committee released a web video making essentially the same charges…
Downgrade: Meet Obama's New Chief of Staff
– say we're not adding to the debt anymore; we're spending money that we have each year, and then we can work on bringing down our national … Obama's unanimously-defeated 2012 budget would have added nearly $10 trillion to the national debt over the next decade, and at no … Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.), the ranking Republican on the committee, who has made it his mission to challenge the breathtaking array…
Palin: Democrats "Want to Face Romney In The General Election"
– Another consideration is which Republican campaign will be most adept at anticipating and countering attacks.  … The Obama campaign and Democratic National Committee have almost exclusively punched at Romney throughout this process, and the much-lampooned … , but hammering a Republican for the wealth he's earned is very ugly. …
Mitt, We Have a Problem
– I know you have worked long and hard for the Republican Presidential Nomination. … On the night of the caucuses, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chair, Rep. … If you are to be the candidate who unites the Republican Party, you are going to have to differentiate yourself from President Obama…
Ron Paul's Army Won't Be Easily Broken
– Walk the halls of the Republican National Committee in DC and you will find preppy ladder climbers that shift political philosophy … And even the State Party Chairman is now elected by the much more controllable "state central committee". … This body is about as democratic as the "central committee of the Communist Party" in China.…
Obama Appoints a Guy From....Bain Capital
– Obama's new acting director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), but the president's decision might undercut attacks on Republican … The Democratic National Committee has joined the fray, releasing a web video highlighting criticisms of Romney's dealings with the…
People Inc.
– gaffes Democrats will use to hang around Romney's neck in the less than certain but more than likely eventuality that he is the Republican … I don't care if the full sentence is "I like to fire people who hurt puppies," you know which snippet the Democratic National Committee
How To Fight Money in Politics: Free Will
– Our unsullied national conversation is about to be defiled by a carpet-bombing of television ads and radio spots. … presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich was miffed when a Mitt Romney-friendly super political action committee started recklessly pointing … out the former House speaker's record to Republican primary voters.…
Time to Purge the Republican Party
– That blonde now runs the Republican Party. … Call them the Paper Republicans.Mitt Romney is a Paper Republican. … Committee.…
Good News: Egoist-In-Chief to Deliver 2012 Acceptance Speech in Football Stadium…nchief_to_deliver_2012_acceptance_speech_in_football_stadium
– No, sir:   Hoping to summon the energy surrounding his 2008 speech at the Democratic National Convention, President Obama … his acceptance speech at Bank of America Stadium - home of the Carolina Panthers - in Charlotte, North Carolina, the Democratic National … Convention Committee announced Tuesday.…
Video: Obama Denounces His Re-Election Strategy
– The Republican National Committee dug that gem up, and I hear there's a lot more material where it came from.  …
Vulture Capitalism or Populist Demagoguery?
– Behind this depiction is a 28-minute documentary, "King of Bain," being aired in South Carolina by a super political action committee … "Our national life is on every side distinctly poorer, uglier, meaner, for the kind of influence he exercises." … He went on to crush and almost wipe out the Republican Party in 1936.…
Liberal Science: Oil Extraction Could Cause the Globe to Deflate
– Unfortunately I have not heard one idea from the Republican side that is any better. – in response to Obama Can’t See Unemployed from … I will go out and campaign for whoever gets the Republican nomination. … Only the Peace Prize committee is in Norway.…
Transcending the Gaffe
– The other Republican candidates offered only big talk in the substantive debate on foreign policy in November. … wise men spent the rest of the week backpedaling, trying to limit damage, but it was another example of Perry's inexperience on a national … Rick Santorum has foreign policy smarts -- he served on the Senate Armed Services Committee for eight years and wrote the legislation…
Beyond the Beltway: A Big Stick President
– The Republican nomination process, presently venued in New Hampshire, comes during a perilous chapter in the nation’s foreign policy … Santorum was a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee for eight years, was notable for his early recognition of the Iranian … No American president, Republican or Democrat, has ever defined America’s greatness by its outward focus on the improvement of “the…
Presidential Candidates Seek Latino Support in Florida
– Luis Fortuno, a member of the Republican National Committee, endorsed Romney on Friday. … Puerto Rico, which holds its primary in mid-March, will send delegates to the national GOP convention. … Yet nationally, she says, the Republican Party needs to firm up its standing with Latino voters. She points to Arizona Sen.…
Obama's Promises
– Just as it took a Republican to thaw our relationship with China, it will probably take a Democrat to reform our entitlement programs … When House Budget Committee Chairman, Republican Paul Ryan, made proposals similar to Bowles and Simpson, the president invited him … Tragically, the person the president was insulting on national TV was the very person he must negotiate with if entitlement reform…
Sigh: Waxman Likens GOP to Terrorists Over Keystone
– Yesterday the ranking Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee was muttering about issuing Keystone-related subpoenas for … New tone:   A senior Democratic congressman likened Republican lawmakers to terrorists on Thursday for their insistence … Republicans forced the president to determine if the project is in the national interest. …
OR-01: President Obama Dragging Down Democrats Across the Country
–   Democrat Susan Bonamici is such an embarrassment to her party, that national Democrats have been forced to dump at least … But what has really made national Democrats sweat in a district that would otherwise be considered non-competitive is a strong Republican … The Democratic National Congressional Committee has reserved nearly $1.3 million in ad time.…
40 Years After The 1972 Campaign, "Dirty Tricks" No Longer Matter To MSM…after_the_1972_campaign_dirty_tricks_no_longer_matter_to_msm
– It is the attempt by President Obama and his allies to pick the Republican nominee. … has an unlikely ally this week in his Florida primary battle against Mitt Romney: the Democratic National Committee. … Gingrich and the other two Republican candidates, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and Texas U.S.Rep.…
Senate Democrats: 1,000 Days of Pure Fail
– But even after the Republican takeover of the House in 2010, the GOP still couldn't have blocked the Democratic Senate from introducing … Couldn't the increased ranks of the Republican Senate minority have filibustered an unpalatable budget proposal, you ask?  … Both the Heritage Foundation and the National Republican Senatorial Committee have produced videos shredding Reid/Durbin/Schumer, Inc…
Aren't Republicans Supposed to Be Colorblind?
– A woman attending the last Republican debate in Florida asked this of the four Republican rivals. Oh, for crying out loud! … The perception of Republicans as racist is joyfully promoted by Democrats like Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman … A Republican elected official once asked me what he could do to improve his poll numbers in the black community.…
Inevitable No More: "Everything's In Play"
– With a surprising sweep last night, Rick Santorum has jumped into second place in the race for Republican delegates and put substantial … Overall, Romney has 112 delegates, including endorsements from members of the Republican National Committee who automatically attend … the party's national convention and can support any candidate they choose.…
Republicans Can't Run a Caucus
– If I were the Democratic National Committee I would be running an ad saying: Republicans tell you they want to run the country … Obama 2012 I believe the only reason in federal law for the two national committees - The Democratic National Committee and the … Republican National Committee - to exist is to choose their respective candidates for President.…
Nearing a decision on Iran
– One of several casualties of the vitriolic name-calling between Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich is … James Clapper, director of National Intelligence, testified Tuesday before the Senate Intelligence Committee.…
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