Results for: Republican National Committee

Group: DADT repeal has harmed religious liberty
– In the House, many Republican lawmakers seem reluctant to continue fighting to overturn the repeal. … House Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard "Buck" McKeon, R-Calif., told reporters in June that he considered the matter settled … bisexuals make up an estimated 2 percent of the 2.2 million service members on active duty and serving in the reserves or the National
VIDEO: Obama Campaigns in Wisconsin…For the First Time in 220 Days
– Well, the latest web ad from the Republican National Committee provides some useful insight: Incidentally, in the October…
The 10 Commandments of Political Warfare for the Romney Campaign
– But this week, my fellow patriots, I come not bury the Republican presidential nominee, but rather to help him to drop the shovel and … Nevertheless, a general conversation about the out of control growth of the welfare state is one long overdue in a national election … Most of the Republican Convention was spent being hyper defensive about the phony “war on women” meme of the Left.…
CULTURE DIGEST: Gender-specific events banned by school district
– Cranston School Committee chairwoman Andrea Iannazzi said the committee soon will consider a resolution asking lawmakers to modify … Richards was one of 25 speakers at this month's Democratic National Convention who spoke in support of abortion rights. … 'VOTE PRO-LIFE FIRST INITIATIVE' SET THIS FALL -- Students for Life of America is leading a national campaign this fall to educate…
Useful Idiots
– If a Republican were in the Oval Office, the press would be calling it a cover-up.The failure of the media elites to ask questions … The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence is investigating the "discrepancies" between the O-Team's storyline and the events … If the vaunted Obama "national security team" didn't prepare adequately for the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks, the Congress and the American…
Misunderstanding 9/11
– I admire Condoleezza Rice and thought she gave a powerful speech at the recent Republican National Convention. … blackboard, albeit a familiar one: During the Bush administration, I was privileged to serve on a bipartisan democracy-promotion committee … Silly me, thinking this had something to do with national security.…
The Significance of Party Platforms
– A committee of one man and one woman from each state writes the Republican platform. … Most of the members of the 2012 Republican Platform Committee in Tampa had never served on a platform committee before, and many had … never before been to a Republican National Convention.…
Why This Ex-Libertarian is Voting Mitt Romney
– I was then elected Chairman of the Libertarian National Campaign Committee, and became the #1 vote-getter in the country for election … to the Libertarian National Committee. … And I am proud to once again call myself a Republican. God Bless America.…
The Worst May Be Yet To Come From Obama's Labor Board
– Under the Obama Administration, Big Labor has seized control of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB or Board) to drive its … The NLRB ignored the National Labor Relations Act (Act) it administers and overturned seventy years of Board precedent to allow a union … Republican members could issue dissents to the majority’s major decisions highlighting the radical changes it was making in American…
To Get Rich Is Glorious: Is the Gold Standard Emerging in China?
Republican National Convention that, ultimately, could reverberate around the world is a plan to study a possible return of the U.S … and a member of the People’s Bank of China Monetary Policy Committee. … Joint Economic Committee Vice Chairman Kevin Brady addressed the Prosperity Caucus on September 19th in Washington DC.…
Club for Growth Spending To Save Mourdock, Flake
– The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee signaled their optimism that Arizona is competitive with an ad buy of $526,000 Monday, … The National Republican Senatorial Committee has not reserved time there. Read more at Hotline On Call…
Bias: WaPo's Astounding Hit Piece on Paul Ryan
– Ryan loaned his budget committee staff director to Mr. Hensarling on the super committee. She doesn’t mention that Mr. … Ryan’s prediction that the super committee would fail came true, or that the Obama White House was AWOL during the super committee … As Budget Committee Chairman Mr.…
DNC Predicts: Romney Winning First Debate With Obama?
– Democratic National Committee spokesman Brad Woodhouse tells Fox News he thinks Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney will win…
DeMint: Let's Face it, It's Time to Support Todd Akin
– What should be a likely Republican pick-up is now a long shot, especially since national Republicans and top SuperPACs have pledged … Here's National Journal explaining how Republicans can still win back the Senate, er, without Missouri. … Party Chairman Reince Priebus and National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman John Cornyn — all of whom called on Akin to end…
The Kryptonite Questions
– According to the Senate Budget Committee, close to 110 million Americans now live in households getting federal money–and that doesn … How would you alter his policies, and why would those changes enhance our national security? … As a partisan Republican, I can imagine (or even compose) stronger, more adequate answers for the Romney questions listed above than…
Fast and Furious: DOJ Wants Executive Privilege Lawsuit Dropped
– over Fast and Furious documents just moments before Attorney General Eric Holder was voted in contempt by the House Oversight Committee … The House Oversight Committee then filed a lawsuit to challenge the executive privilege. … The Justice Department on Monday night sought dismissal of a lawsuit by a Republican-led House of Representatives committee demanding…
Did the GOP Throw Away a Pro-Life Senate Seat?
– The pro-abortion ranks were absolutely jubilant about the mega-gaff made by Congressman Todd Akin, the Republican senate hopeful that … But the Democratic National Convention was little more than an abortion palooza and the Obama campaign has put together a cabal of … Republican Senatorial Committee seem to be still sitting on the sidelines.…
Bonanza: Romney Raises $170 Million in September
– Mitt Romney's presidential campaign and the Republican National Committee brought in more than $170 million in September, coming … USA Today has more:   Mitt Romney and the Republican National Committee raised nearly $170.5 million last month, about … Guiliani, former mayor of New York City; Reince Preibus, the Republican National Committee chairman, Donald Trump; and Mr. Zwick.…
Obama's Green Jobs Promise: 355 Jobs and Counting
– Had Biden answered, he might have tried the same line Obama used in the 60 Minutes interview clip that didn’t air on national television … The House Oversight Committee wondered, just what are those jobs that are “associated with the production of green goods and services … During the May 16, 2012 House Oversight Committee hearing, Issa surmised that First Solar is “not an American company.”…
Video: Super Serious President Talks About Super Serious Things
– We've got 23 million Americans out of work, a national debt charging toward $17 trillion, poverty rates and food stamp usage at all-time … Also, the Republican is absolutely correct that Sesame Street is more than capable of thriving without taxpayer dollars -- which, if … The childish Big Bird ad is something that a SuperPAC or committee might run as a throwaway in July.  …
Corruption: Exposing Barack Obama’s Illegal Foreign Campaign Money Loophole
– It is also illegal for a campaign or committee to “solicit, accept, or receive a contribution from a foreign national." … reports to regularly receive from the Obama campaign.127 “We as Arabs and Muslims” support the “Democratic party, compared to the Republican … Senate, then Republican candidate Marco Rubio’s campaign donation website didn’t have CVV protection.…
The IRS Has Gone Rogue
– The Supreme Court explained in Connecticut National Bank v. … Finance Committee chairman Max Baucus (D., Mont.) was the chief sponsor and lead author of the Finance bill. … This article appeared in National Review (Online) on September 26, 2012.…
Romney to Obama: “You Pick the Losers”
– The House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform’s March 20, 2012 report says: “To expedite site approval, NextEra opted for … National Renewable Energy Lab* -- $200 million The Daily Caller reports: “The Obama administration supported the NREL in 2009 with … The Iowa Republican closes its report with this: “It is also frustrating to see large companies like Schneider receive millions in…
LIVE OPEN THREAD: New Hampshire Votes
– Here's the Republican National Committee whacking the president for his evident failure to deliver on his lofty, "change we can believe…
Romney poised for N.H. victory as he fends off rival attacks
– . – Mitt Romney was poised to capture the nation's first primary election Tuesday, despite stepped-up attacks by his Republican opponents … As a Republican, she feels "it's time to band together and pick someone." … The Democratic National Committee immediately sent out a video showing the comment and Romney's GOP rivals jumped on it. "Gov.…
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