Results for: Republican National Committee

BREAKING: Convention Delayed Until Tuesday Afternoon
National Journal has the details: Republican officials are "seriously considering" delaying the start of the convention due to … Our first priority is ensuring the safety of delegates, alternates, guests, members of the media attending the Republican National … The Republican National Convention will take place and officially nominate Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, and the Party has other necessary…
Cheer Up: Four Reasons Why Obama May Lose Big in November
– The joint fund-raising committee for Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, claimed cash on hand totaling $185.9 … million at the end of July, compared to $123.7 million for Obama’s joint committee. … National Convention.…
Breaking: Akin Confirms He Won't Drop Out
– Mike Huckabee, a Republican -- it seems odd that he'd throw one of his only allies under the bus like that. … in the race, even after scores of fellow Republicans (including both Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan) urged him to drop out, and the NationalRepublican Senatorial Committee and Crossroads GPS vowed to withdraw funding from his campaign.…
Akin's Circular Firing Squad
– The Tea Party Express, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, the RNC leadership, Ann Coulter, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, and the past five Republican … One of Akin’s primary opponents, John Brunner, was endorsed by Missouri Right to Life and the National Right to Life Committee. … Kit Bond, a potential write-in candidate, has a 100% pro-life rating from National Right to Life.…
– The Republican National Convention starts on Monday in Tampa, Florida. … National Committee, the cops, and some loose confederation of protester groups. … I was the communications director of the National Republican Congressional Committee and I convinced my boss, Joe Gaylord, that I could…
Todd Akin Was Never Accused of Rape -- Unlike Bill Clinton
– Akin is the Republican candidate for a crucial Senate seat in Missouri. … Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus urged him to "step aside" and "let someone else run, to actually give ourselves … John Cornyn, R-Texas, head of the National Republican Senate Committee, threatened to withhold $5 mil previously promised to the Akin…
Republicans, Don't Make Abortion an "Akin Pain" at Convention
– the head a Democratic vice president who says whacky and offensive stuff ("that's our crazy, loveable Joe") but tears apart a Republican … Quayle, who in person is a highly bright and very likable man, was given the same once as the equally bright Sarah Palin by the national … So, too, have the party elders and the Republican Senatorial Committee.…
Missouri: The 'Show Me Another G.O.P. Candidate' State
– Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, withdrew all funding from the Missouri race. … In the primary, John Brunner was endorsed by both Missouri Right to Life and the National Right to Life. … But this selfish man has decided to play a game of chicken with the Republican Party.…
Occupy Anarchists Coming to the RNC: Bricks, Pipes Found
– Law enforcement agencies have been gearing up for the Republican National Convention in Tampa to be held August 27th – August 30th. … In 2010, after it was first announced that Tampa would be the site of the 2012 Republican National Convention, published … the following letter from the Tampa Bay Action Group:     In August of 2012, the Republican National Convention will be held…
Joe Biden Taking a Field Trip to the RNC
– Joe Biden is reportedly planning a trip to the RNC, prompting the National Hurricane Center to change the name of Hurricane Isaac to … Biden will be in Florida  Monday and Tuesday, including a visit to the Tampa area, site of the 2012 Republican National Convention, … Committee announced.…
Paul Ryan Could Make History By Resolving Reagan's Regret
– Paul Ryan, rising to Congressional Budget Committee chairman and now Vice Presidential nominee-designate, took on as his Quest. … Ryan’s heroic efforts to balance the budget by 2015 without raising taxes will not end in success—even with a Republican majority in … both Houses and a Republican president in 2012…
Romney and Ryan Must Not Succumb to Democrats’ Medicare Reform Distortions…an_must_not_succumb_to_democrats_medicare_reform_distortions
– Paul Ryan as his running mate has been formalized at the Republican National Convention in Tampa next week, the Democrat drive to scare … Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Florida Congresswoman who chairs the Democratic National Committee. … Ryan’s presence on the Republican ticket puts entitlement reform front and center in this presidential campaign.…
Obama ads' focus on abortion is unprecedented
– Obama campaign launched its third abortion-focused TV campaign ad in mid-August, criticizing the pro-life views of presumptive Republican … Right to Life Committee, told Baptist Press. … "All women are not pro-choice," Tobias of National Right to Life said.…
Heh: Obama Campaign, DNC Run Large Deficits in July
– spending pace at this stage of the 2008 contest as he expands his field operation and trades combative ads on the airwaves with Republican … As for the Democratic National Committee...   … Early reports showed the Democratic National Committee spent about $14 million in coordinated advertising with Obama.…
Pure Gold: Obama Blasts Medicare Cuts to Fund New Healthcare Program
– That reminder seems especially relevant this week, since we now find ourselves on the precipice of blowing past the $16 trillion national … Four years hence, the Republican ticket has managed to swipe this potent attack from Obama's arsenal because the president's own plan … National Republican Congressional Committee, obtained by National Journal, which suggest Republicans aren't as vulnerable on the Medicare…
Todd Akin: When Dumb Talk Is Inevitable
– When TV reporter Charles Jaco asked Akin whether abortion should be illegal if it is the result of rape, the Republican Party Missouri … (The Romney campaign says the ticket does not oppose abortion in cases of rape.)This is the Democratic National Committee playbook: … as a true conservative so that he would win the GOP primary and she would face the weakest candidate in November.The so-called Republican
Embattled Rep. Akin Stands Up Piers Morgan and CNN
– Earlier today, the National Republican Senatorial Committee announced that they would not be spending money to support Akin, and GOP…
Is There Anyone Obama Won't Betray?
– “Republican” ties, I’m thinking well thank God for Republicans in the military/intelligence community then. … China, Wolf charges, has also been involved in anti-American activities that have harmed national interests. … There is a growing unease amongst national security types that foreign policy and national security decisions are being made by the…
The Ryan Budget
– This is the proposal Ryan put forth as Chairman of the House Republican Budget Committee to deal with the nation's fiscal crisis. … Democratic National Committee Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, said it "would end Medicare as we know it."…
Gas Prices and Political Mythology
– During his acceptance speech at the Republican convention, Mitt Romney faulted President Barack Obama because "gasoline prices have … His line of attack sounds curiously similar to the complaints of Democrats when the last Republican was in office. In 2008, Rep. … But Wasserman Shultz, now head of the Democratic National Committee, is just one of many in her party who have been oddly quiet on…
Dems Ask, Where Are the Women?
– So reads the 2012 Democratic National Committee platform. … Dahlkemper doesn't want to be a Republican. She's highly critical of the GOP's proposed cuts in safety net programs.…
Obama Sells Old Ideas as New
– President Obama obviously deserves a second term because Americans are better off than they were four years ago, and that the Republican … Obama doesn't quite say it like that, but he's perfectly happy to have his subalterns -- some at the Democratic National Committee, … For instance, after letting it be known that he didn't watch the Republican convention, the president held a rally in Colorado over…
Matthews a Few Race Cards Short of a Full Deck
– Apparently, Monday, Aug. 27, was opening day for Hysterical Liberal Sanctimony About Imagined Republican Racism. … Appearing on "Morning Joe," Matthews exploded at Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus, alleging that Mitt Romney's…
DWS Attacks Conservative Newspaper for Quoting Her
– The Washington Examiner's Phil Klein reported it: Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz claimed on … The Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. has released a statement “categorically” denying Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman … “I categorically deny that I ever characterized Republican policies as harmful to Israel,” the statement reads.…
Democrats Drop God and Jerusalem from Party Platform
– Fresh off comments made by top Democrats like DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz last week during the Republican National … Convention in Florida that the Republican Party platform is "extreme," Democrats have dropped the acknowledgement of Jerusalem being … God’s name has been removed from the Democratic National Committee platform.…
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