Results for: Republican National Committee

Of Course: OMB Director Blames Sequestration on the Rich Not Paying Their Fair Share…blames_sequestration_on_the_rich_not_paying_their_fair_share
– ’s acting director of the Office of Management and Budget launched a predictable partisan attack during a House Armed Services Committee … Jeffrey Zients blamed the looming defense sequestration on “Republican refusal to have the top two percent pay their fair share.” … Below is a video from the above mentioned Committee hearing, courtesy of the Washington Free Beacon.…
House Democrats Vote Down Late-Term Abortion Ban
– The bill, sponsored by Congressman Trent Franks, an Arizona Republican, was approved by the House Judiciary Committee In the bill, … The vote follows a new poll released by the National Right to Life Committee and commissioned by the Polling Company.…
Obama in 2007: I'll Fire Anyone Who Conducts Oppo Research on Personal Matters…7_ill_fire_anyone_who_does_oppo_research_on_personal_matters
– One of President Obama's deputy campaign managers, Stephanie Cutter, suggested that his Republican rival Mitt Romney might be a felon … Barack Obama has total operational control of the Democratic National Committee, which effectively serves at his pleasure.  … Another ad uses a clip of the Republican singing an off-key rendition of "America the Beautiful" to ding him for having overseas bank…
Boom: Cruz Wins Texas Run-off
– Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and has been lauded by national conservative political pundits and groups for over a year. … His victory is a major blow to the Republican establishment in Texas, which lined up squarely behind Dewhurst. … National Republican Senatorial Committee chairman John Cornyn -- a fellow Texan -- is joining the chorus of congratulations for Cruz…
Liberal Media: Michelle Obama Is Totally Not Out of Touch in that $6,800 Shirt…ichelle_obama_is_totally_not_out_of_touch_in_that_6000_shirt
– A spokeswoman for Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin says the campaign will donate to charity some $150,000 in clothing … and accessories the Republican National Committee has purchased for the Alaska governor.…
Third Largest Power Company in the World is the Third Largest Recipient of Risky Loans…y_in_the_world_is_the_third_largest_recipient_of_risky_loans
– The House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform’s March 20, 2012 report says, “To expedite site approval, NextEra opted for … The small environmental groups are trying to fight utility-scale solar projects while the big national groups, such as the Sierra Club … A national office directive instructed local chapters to “fall in line.”…
Recruit George McGovern to Speak -- at the REPUBLICAN Convention!
– Shrewd move in choosing House Budget Committee Chairman Rep. …  National Convention. … For the sake of the country, McGovern should share his hard-earned wisdom -- at the Republican National Convention.…
Paul Ryan Is Not Freddy Krueger
– Then came ABC's David Kerley, unloading all the Democratic-National-Committee talking points: "Sen. … But in every election cycle, our so-called mediators in the press make sure the Republican road to victory is "harsh," "steep" and…
Confirmed: Chris Christie to Keynote RNC
– Straight-talking New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will deliver the keynote address at the Republican National Convention:   … In a statement obtained by The Star-Ledger, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said the brash governor, an early … Chris Christie will deliver the keynote address at the Republican National Convention in Tampa later this month, while Sen.…
Why Did Ted Cruz Win the Texas Primary?
– The Republican National Committee voted unanimously to oppose Agenda 21 because it is a dangerous encroachment on U.S. freedoms and … The American people support English as our national language and don't want politicians seeking our votes in any foreign language. … The mainstream media have been trying to pigeonhole the tea party crowd as people who are not smart enough to play on the national
When 1,099 Felons Vote In A Race Won By 312 Ballots
– In the '08 campaign, Republican Sen. Norm Coleman was running for re-election against Democrat Al Franken. … health care proposal -- the deciding vote to overcome a Republican filibuster. … Debbie Wasserman Schultz, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, denounced "the gauzy accusation that voter fraud is somehow…
Pro-life leaders welcome Paul Ryan choice
– BP) -- Pro-life advocates and social conservatives have enthusiastically greeted the selection of Congressman Paul Ryan as the Republican … Chairman of the House Budget Committee, Ryan has gained a reputation for a willingness to put forth bold ideas addressing the country's … The 42-year-old Roman Catholic has compiled a 100 percent pro-life voting record, according to the National Right to Life Committee
Romney-Ryan Ticket Puts Entitlement Crisis at Center of Campaign
– anyone else, more even (as impolite as it is to say) than the putative presidential nominee, Ryan has set the course for the Republican … From his post as chairman of the House Budget Committee, he has made himself not just a plausible national nominee but a formidable…
Townhall Exclusive: Rep. Raul Labrador Weighs in on Paul Ryan Pick
– Raúl Labrador about Mitt Romney’s decision to pick Wisconsin Congressman and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan as his running … , Congressman Labrador has also been a long-time advocate for putting Paul Ryan on the 2012 Republican ticket. … Still, choosing Paul Ryan as the Republican vice presidential nominee doesn’t come without risks.…
"Restore the Greatness"
– Elected to Congress in 1998, Ryan is the leading Republican voice on fiscal policy. … He chairs the influential House Budget Committee and is a senior member of the Ways and Means Committee, which writes federal tax, … National Democrats dismissed Romney’s choice.…
Flashback: Paul Ryan Outlines Path to Economic Prosperity
– As Chairman of the House Budget Committee and one of the youngest members of the House Republican leadership, he has boldly advocated … president hasn’t even pretended, let alone demonstrated, he is the least bit concerned about addressing the long-term drivers of our national … By choosing Paul Ryan as his running mate, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has sent an unmistakable message to voters…
Paul Ryan as VP: The Explainer, or Top 'Mediscare' Target?
– There's significant "Veepstakes" buzz building around Paul Ryan, reports National Review's Robert Costa:   These days … , you hear it everywhere — from Republican donors and veteran operatives, and at Capitol Hill watering holes. … And earlier this year, with Ryan’s blessing, Romney hired three of Ryan’s Budget Committee advisers to help him in Boston.…
The Grumpy Economist, Meets The Gold Standard
– Kevin Brady and Jim Jordan are leading figures among the rising stars on whom may depend the future of the Republican Party and, maybe … Brady, as vice chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, and Jordan, chairman of the Republican Study Committee, are beginning to take … Another species of chalk-dust was neatly disposed of by Opinions editor John Tamny in an devastating analysis, National
Hostility to religion in U.S. at 'all-time high'
– The organizations released the document Aug. 17 and held an Aug. 20 news conference at Tampa, Fla., during the Republican National … Convention's platform committee meeting in that city. … Senate committee about hostility toward religion.…
The Debt Clock Officially Starts
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus officially gaveled in the Republican convention's beginning at 2 p.m.…
Truth Shall Make You Free
– you don’t have the facts on an issue, one is likely to deflect attention from your weak hand by using the techniques mastered by National … This is obviously an emotional issue, but it is more “inside baseball” than a fundamental national policy issue over which we should … Let’s just take one issue: Medicare and National Health Insurance.…
The New Breed of Republican: Artur Davis
– Davis will be speaking tonight at the Republican National Convention. Don’t miss him. … Obama – in fact, the first Congressman outside of Illinois to endorse Obama for president – and then change parties to become a Republican … After a period of reflection, Davis became a Republican.…
GOP Convention: Repudiating the Past
– Although Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus has been emphatic that it is “the platform of the Republican Party [ … Interestingly though, North Dakota Senator and platform committee co-chair John Hoeven defended the new language, saying we are “trying…
UPDATE: RNC Announces Modified Three-Day Convention Schedule
– On a press call moments ago, GOP officials confirmed that the 2012 Republican National Convention will primarily take place Tuesday …                         Republican National Committee auxiliaries             Consideration of convention committee reports … National Anthem sung by Ayla Brown Invocation by Ishwar Singh Ron Paul Video Remarks by Senate Republican Leader and…
Democrats: 154 Years of Progress Uninterrupted by Common Decency
– The once-every-four-years national convention season begins this week with the Republican Party finalizing the nomination of Mitt … In the meetings this week leading up to the official kickoff of the Republican National Convention, the GOP Platform Committee reaffirmed … The Republican heart sees the unborn in a similar light as their predecessors saw American slaves.  …
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