Results for: Republican National Committee

Biden Picks Up As Obama Drops Off
– events range from $500 to $35,800, the legal limit an individual is allowed to contribute to a campaign per cycle and to a party committeeCommittee. … But Romney, who's making his second bid for the Republican presidential nomination, isn't expected to raise as much money for the third…
Obama Criticizes GOP Field at California Fundraiser
– President Obama took aim at the Republican presidential field on Sunday, telling attendees at a California fundraiser that the 2012 … Rick Perry, one of the leading Republican presidential candidates. … The Woodside event was one of four Democratic National Committee-organized fundraisers on the West Coast that Obama held on Sunday.…
Obama Criticizes GOP Field at California Fundraiser
– President Obama took aim at the Republican presidential field on Sunday, telling attendees at a California fundraiser that the 2012 … Rick Perry, one of the leading Republican presidential candidates. … The Woodside event was one of four Democratic National Committee-organized fundraisers on the West Coast that Obama held on Sunday.…
Meet the Woman Running to "Fire Debbie"
– Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s toxic brew of fierce partisanship and eyebrow-arching statements … Voter registration runs roughly 2-to-1 Democrat to Republican in the district. … The Republican has crisscrossed the state spreading that message, and has generated a steady stream of donations.…
Don't be Too Sure Ohio Leans Democrat
– When New York's District 9 went Republican, Rep. … Debbie Wasserman Schultz, chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, explained that the district, which has been in Democratic … By that standard, the entire nation may go Republican in 2012. Democrats hold a 3-seat majority in the U.S. Senate.…
The Muslim Brotherhood's American Defenders
– On February 10, 2011, Obama's Director of National Intelligence James Clapper made this position clear in testimony before the House … Select Committee on Intelligence. … Republican Senator John McCain denounced Bachmann from the floor of the Senate.…
Health Care Plan Makes the Economy Ill
– She expresses pride in Wisconsin's own Republican Rep. … Paul Ryan for his serious, sober and much-remarked-upon actions as chairman of the House Budget Committee. … She's deeply grateful for the trust of Wisconsin voters in the face of a national onslaught.…
Obama Promised Not to Raise Taxes on Middle Class; He Lied
– A caller to a national radio show recently said the proposal meant Obama was looking out for the middle class. … By sharp contrast, the Republican House majority has already passed the permanent extension of the Bush tax cuts for everyone. … Don't tell me about the CBO or Joint Tax Committee score of the Obama tax rate increases, because these august authorities failed to…
If You Can't Win on the Facts ...
– The national press corps - which has by no means given Obama a free ride - still buys into the Obama campaign's act. … The Republican National Committee has a YouTube video titled, "The More Context You Get, the Worse it Sounds."…
Burning Bridges
– Mayor Booker told NBC's "Meet the Press" that he was "very uncomfortable" with attacks on Republican Mitt Romney's tenure at Bain Capital … Feinstein, chairwoman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, transgressed last Monday when she was asked about leaks of highly … classified national security information.…
An Inside Look at How the RNC Chairman Plans to Help Fire Barack Obama…look_at_how_the_rnc_chairman_plans_to_help_fire_barack_obama
national bundlers to Washington for a three-day huddle. … In an especially wrenching episode, Priebus fired the entire Republican National Convention team in Tampa. … As the day wears on, Priebus welcomes a Republican U.S.…
Olympic Inspiration
– After a long Republican presidential primary soap opera, continuing mediocre economic news, ongoing information on the Greek crisis … Coubertin founded the International Olympic Committee in 1894, and the first modern Olympic Games were held in the Panathinaiko Stadium … At this year's summer Olympic Games, in London, England, more than 10,000 athletes will participate from 204 National Olympic Committees…
Gallup/USA Today Poll: Romney Leads on Economy, Jobs, Deficit
– Executive summary -- Romney leads on issues, Obama leads on personality:   The Republican holds double-digit leads … This isn’t a partisan issue; it’s a national security crisis.  … It betrays our national interest. It compromises our men and women in the field.  …
Surprise: 'Ann Romney Horse' Ad Still Active, Despite DNC Pledge to Pull It
– Seven days ago, the Democratic National Committee released a web video that needled Mitt Romney over his alleged "secrecy."  … National Committee spokesman Tim Miller is unimpressed.  … Is the Democratic National Committee demonstrating its ineptitude or its cynicism here? …
Deficit: Obama Campaign Takes In $46 Million in June, Spends $58 Million
– Obama and the Democratic National Committee spent $70.8 million in June, including about $38 million on television advertising, as … Romney and the Republican National Committee spent $38.8 million, including about $11 million on television advertising — more than … Still, as Kevin reported over the weekend, Obama's claim of being victimized by overwhelming Republican money isn't exactly accurate…
Ah, August!
– He headed for Crawford, Texas which meant the national press corps got to hang out in Waco for weeks at a time. … When the Republican Convention announced the prime time speakers list, reporters did the subtraction and decided that if someone were … For the third straight month the national Republican fund raising operation - the Republican National Committee the Romney campaign…
The Striking Disconnect of Clinton Democrats
– It marked the moment that the national party’s rules committee dealt a deathblow to Hillary Clinton’s bid to win the presidential nomination … The committee, weighted with Obama loyalists, issued a unanimous decision amid whispered back-door deals. … With Dean in charge of the Democratic National Committee, progressives worked to convince rank-and-file Democrats that victory required…
RNC Convention Speakers Feature Rice, Martinez, Haley in Star-Studded Lineup…n_speakers_feature_rice_martinez_haley_in_starstudded_lineup
– John McCain and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice are among seven headline speakers announced today for the Republican National … The keynote speaker and others will be named closer to the Aug. 27-30 event, Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus…
One Year Ago: President Downgrade's US Credit Slash
– One year ago today, President Obama presided over the first national credit downgrade in US history.  … The gross national debt reached 100 percent of the size of the US economy.  … In case you were curious, Harry Reid voted to confirm this man to run the national treasury. …
Big Wind Boondoggle by Big-Spending Republicans
– tax extenders bill through the Senate Finance Committee—which would keep the PTC alive. … As a member of the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Grassley is responsible to ALL Americans! … He is an establishment Republican, so his vote to extend the PTC should not be shocking—just disappointing.…
Israel: Obama's Wedge Issue
– Last week, the Emergency Committee for Israel released an ad titled, "O, Jerusalem." … He argued that in pursuit of these American Jewish dollars, Republican politicians have abandoned America's national interest. … Last year, Democratic National Committee chairwoman Rep.…
Pete Sessions: Don't Be a Dumb A-- in Tampa
– Pete Sessions, the National Republican Congressional Committee chairman, warned fellow Republicans at a Capitol Hill meeting Wednesday … Be careful,” the Texas Republican said at a conference committee meeting, according to several sources who attended. … “just be aware that even if you don’t think you are being a dumb a— and you are going to events, it can still look bad,” one Republican
Barack Obama’s Calculated Deception
– established that under President Obama America has suffered 41 straight months of unemployment over 8%, which the Joint Economic Committee … In that year, after 25 years of Reagan Republican tax policies, the top 1% paid 40% of federal individual income taxes. … That was 85% more than the share of national income they earned.…
Why Are We Handing Muslim Extremists the House Keys?
– the Muslim Brotherhood to the House Intelligence Committee last year as a "largely secular" organization? … Not one House member, Democrat, Republican or tea party, has come out in solidarity with the National Security Five. … She has become the human face used to distract from the overarching national security issue.…
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