Results for: Barack Obama Website

Obama Adviser Met With Hamas
– And you thought the Ayers/Wright scandals couldn't be topped.From the Times of London:One of Barack Obama’s Middle East policy advisers … Obama and we hope he will win the election." … on Cavuto a few weeks ago comparing Obama to Carter I remember Obama's presidential website states Obama would "talk to our foes and…
Questions for McCain
– You would be superior to a President Barack Obama in protecting and defending America and promoting free market reforms and limited … You don't offer a section on your website dedicated to this issue, which continues to make national headlines. … Energy: Senator McCain, energy is not listed on your campaign website "issues page."…
Star Syle
Barack Obama's presidential campaign as a senior strategist and spokeswoman, getting her blond locks shortened yesterday by none other … Obama. So did he cut your hair, too? "I can afford Salon Christophe, but I can't afford Christophe," she said. … The Federal Election Commission's website ( has just posted a new version of a presidential campaign-finance map that now…
Windfall-Profit Nonsense
– Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama want to raise the price of oil, as well as most everything else, and lower the value of the pension … Do Clinton and Obama really want to tax these innocent people just to spite oil executives for high profits? … Obama says it's the profit made off oil that's priced above $80 a barrel. Why not $70? Or $90?…
The GOP Veep List: Pros and Cons
– Nothing in the Obama resume comes close to any of this. … Obama. … Republicans can't win merely by scaring people about Obama.…
A Vice President for Abortion
– conflict with a rising star of the Democratic Party, often described as a "moderate" and perhaps the leading prospect to become BarackObama, while asserting "nobody is pro-abortion," has said that if his two daughters "make a mistake, I don't want them punished with … An answer came from Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver, on his Website last week, by reproving "verbal gymnastics, good alibis and…
Girls, Girls, Girls,_girls,_girls
– Hillary Clinton split with Barack Obama last night in the Kentucky and Oregon primaries. That was not enough. … Absent some cataclysmic event within the Obama campaign, he will be the nominee. … But it might signal a bigger problem for the Obama campaign as it moves to consolidate power.…
Obama and the Convicted Felon
Barack Obama's disgraced friends, donors, and associates. … His campaign website devotes an entire page to ethics, boasting—somewhat disingenuously —that Obama is the only major candidate who … Experience is overrated, Obama tells us.…
Obama's Women Problem
– If Barack Obama wants to make inroads with Hillary Clinton’s disaffected female voters, he has work to do. … It found McCain had a 49 to 38 percent edge over Obama among white women nationwide. … Obama has periodically used language feminists found offensive.…
Obama-Clinton Ticket
– Also: She might overshadow Obama. Worse, he might overshadow Obama. … On his website, Rasmussen had written that while Obama led McCain with 43 percent to 41 percent of the vote, Democrats have a 63 percent … "Barack Obama needs those votes," Rasmussen said of the working-class and female Democrats who supported Clinton.…
Clinton VP Candidacy Looms
– Hillary Clinton refused to concede the Democratic primary to Barack Obama even after he effectively clinched the nomination, a tactic … She only congratulated Obama on the race he had “run” not “won.” … Or possibly force Obama to pay off her campaign’s multimillion dollar debts.…
Gore Endorses Obama: So What?
– The day after Al Gore endorsed Barack Obama in Detroit, MSNBC kept repeating the allegedly big news with the on-air question … Al Gore, one of the last big-name Democrats, getting behind Barack Obama in a big way, making a speech that could have won him the … NBC's Lee Cowan trumpeted Gore's nod live from the venue in Detroit: "He says he'll do whatever he can to make sure that Barack Obama
Who Needs Energy Independence?
– That fear is one reason almost every president and presidential candidate -- from Richard Nixon to Barack Obama -- promised to end … Pickens' website carries videos about how good government-subsidized windmills are for towns like Sweetwater, Texas.…
Haiti's Avoidable Death Toll
– President Barack Obama called the quake "especially cruel and incomprehensible." … Department of State website (, long before the earthquake, warned, "There are no "safe" areas in Haiti. ...…
Obama’s Amnesty Footnote.’s_amnesty_footnote
– At the very end of his State of the Union address, President Obama said, “we should continue the work of fixing our broken immigration … Like most Americans, I agree with those broad principles, and that is exactly why Obama was so vague in his speech. … By supporting Gutierrez’s amnesty, Barack Obama is making it clear he cares more about pleasing the Hispanic Caucus than protecting…
Am I Not Conservative Enough?
– Call me crazy but I don't think conservatives will regain power by telling the world that President Barack Obama is a "racist who hates … Conservatives will defeat Barack Obama in 2012 with this message: Barack Obama is a good father, a good husband and a good man. … If my grandmother could pray for Jimmy Carter, I can pray for Barack Obama.…
Obama Defeats FDR (in Spending Other People's Money)
– Treasury to borrow an additional $1.9 trillion, President Barack Obama delivered a characteristically sanctimonious speech. … Obama will run up a deficit this year of 10.6 percent of GDP. … The bottomline on Obama: He puts our money where his mouth is.…
National Suicide by Self Execution
– But Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama are doing their impression of the helpful Dr. … More information can be found at the American Civil Rights Union’s Website at…
The President and the Speaker of the House Are Lying to Us
– I am reading you something right now that says that the legislation that President Obama is pushing provides federal subsidies for … We have a “Say No to Obama” link on our website and we are trying to get emails to Congress because a lot of people feel powerless. … Obama are not standing up more and saying, “Wait, this isn’t what we voted for.”…
Beck Vs. Wallis
– Wallis, a religious adviser to Barack Obama, took on Beck last September after the FOX News and radio commentator criticized Democratic … This past month Beck advised listeners to "look for the word 'social justice' or 'economic justice' on your church website.…
Civil Disobedience
– Anyone not familiar with Michigan Right to Life should go to their website. They are a model for the nation as a whole. … Obama. … In the Obama administration, such extortion is a Daley occurrence, so to speak.…
It's Over -- The Fat Lady has Sung
Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid probably think of Donna Simpson as a victim of the American health insurance system … There's a reason that Obama, Biden, Pelosi and Reid don't use Simpson as one of their typical sob stories: Simpson weighs 604 pounds … She has a website where people can donate money to watch the hog feed herself. "I love eating and people love watching me eat.…
More Post Racial Hum-bug
– It was widely reported that for racial classification President Obama checked the box marked “African-American” as opposed to writing … Obama chose to shore up his street cred; I chose to give voice to the conviction that this country will never move beyond race so long … Thus she opened her sweater revealing her Barack Obama t-shirt.…
More Post Racial Hum-bug
– It was widely reported that for racial classification President Obama checked the box marked “African-American” as opposed to writing … Obama chose to shore up his street cred; I chose to give voice to the conviction that this country will never move beyond race so long … Thus she opened her sweater revealing her Barack Obama t-shirt.…
Opportunity or Fairness -- The Coming Choice
– Clegg spells out his version of fairness on his Website, focusing on outcome: "No tax system should try to create total equality of … Obama. … Based on their age, sex and race, which were determined by God, they were excluded by Obama.…
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