Results for: Republican National Committee

Investigate This!!
– In 2003, Republicans on the Senate Banking Committee wrote a bill to tighten the lending regulation of Fannie and Freddie. … Every single Democrat on the committee voted against it. … He accused Republican opponents of his suicidal bill of being against affordable housing.…
Cantor Won't Rule Out Cuts to National Security Budgets
– Cantor’s comments represented a departure from previous Republican claims that their efforts to return the federal budget to fiscal … He did emphasize that the Republican majority, “as you would expect, is going to be a majority focused on national security as far … on what are the things that are a priority to ensure our national security,” Cantor said.…
Amid Criticism, Steele Defends Record at RNC Debate,_steele_defends_record_at_rnc_debate
Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele defended his track record and fended off attacks from four challengers vying … for his position in a debate held at the National Press Club on Monday afternoon. … Members of the Republicans National Committee are expected to elect the next chairman by January 14th.…
Double Dose of Bad News for Steele Ahead of RNC Debate
– Two pieces of unwelcome news have emerged just hours before the six candidates take the stage at the National Press Club, and each … Steele's Budget Committee. … It seems committee members are taking notice, which brings us to blow #2:Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele faces…
2011: The Republican Congressional Agenda
– WASHINGTON -- The new Republican-leaning Congress will get down to business in a few days to deal with the concerns of voters who were … "Republican-leaning" may be an insufficient term for the incoming Congress. … The incoming Republican-leaning Congress is already at work on these and other issues.…
To the Victor Belong the Spoils
– census figures showed that close to a dozen seats will be shifting mostly from the heavily Democratic Northern states to the more Republican-leaning … so, the population shifts open up a number of opportunities to add some new "safe" seats to the GOP's forces, and a number of Republican … Jean Lemire Dahlman, the state's Democratic national committee chair, says, "He's alienated his base in the progressive Democratic…
Issa Subpoenas Government Documents in the Preposterous Yet Ongoing NLRB-Boeing Case…t_documents_in_the_preposterous_yet_ongoing_nlrb-boeing_case
– consumed by the debt ceiling and credit downgrade, Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Cali) of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee … Ever-vigilant, Representative Issa has subpoenaed the National Labor Relations Board over their ridiculous farce of a lawsuit against … Last week, the Democrats on the House Oversight Committee acknowledged that Rep.…
Their Ways on the Airways
– million of funding from a pork-rich rural-airport subsidy program.The news conference was meant to prompt the media to blame Republican … much of an appetite for more "savings" when Congress reconvenes.The irony here is that House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee … (After President Barack Obama named two former union officials to the three-member National Mediation Board, the labor panel changed…
Pro-life state laws shatter record in 2011
– Right to Life Committee (NRLC) considers a potential loophole. … Passage of some of the new laws was based not just on the size of a Republican majority, however, she said. … The override required Republican and Democratic votes.…
Clueless Obama is Still Flailing Away
– nonexistent job creation, and an economy that all but stopped breathing in the first half of this year now constitute a full-blown national … John Cornyn of Texas, who chairs the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said that "instead of new jobs and renewed economic…
Fiscal Hawks Vs. Security Hawks
– The Republican Party is a stool that stands on three legs: social conservatives, economic conservatives and foreign policy conservatives … Some in Washington are saying the super-committee was set up to fail. Sen. … Mitch McConnell has already said no Republican open to higher taxes will be named to the GOP's six-member slate.…
An Appeal for GOP Unity
– We don't know for sure that they lost the tax issue, because if the economy keeps going south, the bipartisan super-committee could … It's not likely they'd pass, given the Republican majority in the House, but possible. … those defense cuts are triggered upon a committee deadlock.…
A Conservative Case for the Debt Deal -- Plus: Does Boehner Have the Votes?…e_case_for_the_debt_deal_--_plus_does_boehner_have_the_votes
– Some worry this committee could fast-track tax increases.  … I think these concerns are exaggerated for three reasons: (1) At least one of the six Republican members would have to sign off on …   (3) There's an in-the-weeds budget baseline explanation for why the committee would probably leave taxes alone. …
Doing in defense
– One thing is clear, unfortunately: The national security of the United States is going to suffer greatly. … Put simply, these initiatives will treat national and homeland security as a bill-payer for deficit reduction. … For example, last week the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Rep.…
Right, Left Despise Debt Compromise,_left_despise_debt_compromise
– In addition to the $1 trillion, the framework sets up a “special” congressional committee that would seek $1.4 trillion in “deficit … Republican presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney has announced he "cannot support" the product of negotiations about which he's been … On the other hand, “I appreciate the extraordinarily difficult situation President Obama’s lack of leadership has placed Republican
The Union Job Security Act Equals Endless Road Construction
– Representative John Mica (R-FL), chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, has criticized the federal Department … The National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission claims that the states have a long-term national shortfall … The most realistic solution lies in either electing a Republican president and Senate, or undergoing another “Big Dig” on a national
Poll: Obama Losing Some Support Amongst Democrats
Committee (DNC) asserted on Sunday. … -- the Republican recession that he inherited. … If anyone is in trouble, it's the Republican Party," she said.…
What Will the 2012 Election Look Like?
– Pete Sessions, the Texas congressman charged with retaining today’s Republican majority, says he will not repeat that mistake. … As chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, Sessions plans to hold the seats that Republicans won in 2010 and to … The next election could produce a Democrat House, a Republican Senate and, possibly, a second Obama term, according to Purdue University…
Exclusive Video: Wasserman Schultz Explains Democrats' Medicare "Plan"
– New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; } Aside from every imaginable form of deep-fried food product on a stick, Republican … Ever since her elevation to her new perch atop the Democratic National Committee, DWS has generated a great deal of attention for her … GOP of seeking to "literally drag" the country back to the Jim Crow era, to labeling the Tea Party "tyrants," to conjuring a Republican
The CIA Should Be A Bit More CAIRless
– It revealed that CAIR national executive director Nihad Awad wrote a letter to now-former CIA director Leon Panetta to that effect. … Louis Gohmert (Texas Republican) before the House Judiciary Oversight Committee, FBI director Robert Mueller confirmed, albeit grudgingly … , that "we" -- the FBI -- "have no formal relationship with CAIR because of concerns with regard to the national leadership."…
A Pyrrhic 'Victory'
– Because of runaway spending that sent the national debt up against the legal limit. … Is that because of the national debt ceiling or because of the likelihood of continued runaway spending? … The national debt ceiling has never actually stopped the spending that causes the national debt to rise to the point where it is getting…
Breaking: Senator Reid Appoints Democrats Murray, Baucus, and Kerry to Super Committee…oints_democrats_murray,_baucus,_and_kerry_to_super_committee
– According to National Journal, Senator Harry Reid has made his decision regarding who he will appoint to the "super committee" … committee. … Following the announcement, Republican National Committee(RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus released the following statement urging Senator…
Debbie Wasserman Schultz: We Must Vanquish These Tea Party "Tyrants"
– none other than our lying, venemous old friend, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz: The head of the Democratic NationalCommittee joined Sen. … Kerry, commenting Sunday on Standard & Poor’s downgrade of the national credit rating from AAA to AA+ on Friday, cast the downgrade…
Pride vs. Patriotism
– To the modern Democratic National Committee, the mainstream media and other “progressive” outfits such as the American Civil Liberties … “[T]here is a political congruence between the patriotism promoted on Fourth of July and the values associated with the Republican … United States shape the nation’s political landscape by forming beliefs and increasing participation, primarily in favor of the Republican
Romney, Perry Blast Biden's One-Child Policy Comments,_perry_blast_bidens_one-child_policy_comments
– Two major Republican presidential candidates issued blistering statements earlier today, in response to Vice President Biden's … Excuse me, but wasn't Joe Biden a mainstay on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for years?  … Meanwhile, I'm trying to picture the magnitude of national outcry if, say, Vice President Nixon had met with Soviet Apparatchiks circa…
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