Results for: Republican National Committee

Rendell, blunt to the end,_blunt_to_the_end
– Alan Simpson, the former Republican U.S. … Along the way, he lost a mayor’s race and a gubernatorial primary, and he served as chairman of the Democratic National Committee and … National Governors Association.…
Why the Lame Duck Session of Congress is So Dangerous
– One of the most passionate speeches I heard was Orrin Hatch in the Judiciary Committee." … Mark Krikorian, writing for National Review Online, gives us two important reasons to oppose the Dream Act. … The false Dream Act (back-door amnesty for millions of illegal aliens,) can only pass the US Senate with Republican support.…
Cultivating Homegrown Terror
– Pete Hoekstra of Michigan, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee. … magazine will reach kids who have never really been very interested in violent jihad before," a counter-terrorist official tells National … Peter King, New York Republican, who will regain the chairmanship of the House Committee on Homeland Security in January, will hold…
Energetic Infighting for Energy and Commerce Chair
– Upton is vying for chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, the powerful Congressional cabal in charge of everything from … Joe Barton, voted for cash-for-clunkers, too, and used his Congressional stump to lobby for the frivolous cause of reforming the national … The GOP doesn’t have a coherent energy policy, and Barton’s six-years of leading the minority on the Committee hasn’t helped.…
Michael Steele's Challengers State Their Case
– More Freedom,” held the first debate among new RNC National Chairman candidates competing for Michael Steele’s current position. … Candidates were reminded that 2010 republican success was a direct result of tea party activism, not RNC efforts. … The next chairman will be elected by 168 RNC committee members in mid-January.…
Watch Live: RNC Candidate Forum
– FreedomWorks is hosting an event this afternoon for candidates vying to be the next chairman of the Republican National Committee.  … Watch a live stream of the event here: The full national committee with select a 2011-2012 chairman in mid January.  … Townhall will have full coverage of an ATR-sponsored debate featuring all announced candidates at the National Press Club on January…
They Just Don't Get It
– Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Majority Whip and Appropriations Committee member. … This week alone, for example, the federally-funded Smithsonian Institution spent cash stocking its National Portrait Gallery with pictures … of Americans want to cut government services to bring that debt under control.This puts the Democratic Party and its squishy Republican
In Defense of Obama's Federal Pay Freeze
– Ted Kaufman (D-DE) whacked a Republican amendment that would have frozen federal pay as an "assault" against "those who choose to serve … The same week, Senate Finance Committee chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) called the GOP proposal "arbitrary and restrictive." … and it's incumbent upon conservatives to explain why it's not nearly enough, and to advance and support steps that deal with the national
New Competition for Steele in RNC Hunt
– another name to the growing list of (announced and rumored) challengers to RNC Chairman Michael Steele:Former ambassador and Republican … official Ann Wagner announced Monday she will mount a bid to chair the Republican National Committee, becoming the second candidate … GOP chairman Chris Healy and former RNC chairman Mike Duncan.The Republican National Committee will make its selection in mid-January…
Quotables on WikiLeaks, Leadership, Iran, National Responsibility, Etc.…on_wikileaks,_leadership,_iran,_national_responsibility,_etc
– ***** Tim Kaine, current Democratic National Committee chairman and former Virginia governor -- in August: "I want to be measured … faith, and confidence that Americans have always warmly given to the right person -- someone they can trust." ***** Republican
– New Topic Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele provided great holiday party conversation when he defied logic … The National Committees (RNC and DNC) are largely transfer engines: They transfer knowledge (lists, research, etc.), talent (field … The fact that Republican candidates did as well as they did while the RNC was as useless as it was, tells us that the days of the National
Steele to Seek Second Term as RNC Chairman
– From the National Journal: Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele will seek a second two-year term, he told committee … major gains Republicans made in the midterm elections, Steele will have to answer other questions.Steele has faced grumbling from committee
Cornyn: It will be a "disappointment" if R's don't take Senate in 2012.
– Roll Call interviews the National Republican Senatorial Committee chairman:I think we’ve got very good opportunities for pickups in … Last cycle, the DSCC outraised the NRSC by $15 million because the DSCC asked its candidates to donate personal money to the national
Team Reagan vs. the Establishment
– In recent days, however, the real Reaganauts on national security - the ones that supported the President in developing and executing … Tom Price, the incoming chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee and Trent Franks of the House Armed Services Committee, in … Their strong opposition to the New START Treaty is mirrored by other prospective candidates polled recently by National Review.…
Palestinian “Martyrdom” Culture the Real Obstacle to Middle East Peace…n_“martyrdom”_culture_the_real_obstacle_to_middle_east_peace
– Among the other examples in the report, prepared by a committee headed by Ya'acov Amidror and including PMW's founder, Itamar Marcus … Committee on Summer Camps telling local media that Palestinian summer camps instill in kids the Palestinian culture, "which unites … If that doesn't happen, however, it is a safe bet that the incoming Republican-controlled House will take the lead — and it controls…
NRSC Learns its Charlie Crist Lesson
– Now, Whispers hears, the National Republican Senatorial Committee won’t endorse any 2012 candidate during the primaries. … Committee Chairman Sen. … Charlie Crist, who later left the Republican Party and lost to Rubio as an independent.…
The Republican Senate
– Republicans gnashed their teeth in frustration as the national tide of GOP resurgence washed up against the massive Democratic … When they neither toppled nor faltered, most conservatives resigned themselves to a divided Congress with the Republican House and … What is clear is that they are not going to block the Republican bills coming over from the House.…
WI GOP Chair Reince Priebus Enters RNC Sweepstakes
– A third candidate has officially entered the race for the RNC's top spot: Wisconsin Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus entered … the race to lead the Republican National Committee on Monday morning with a letter and a video to committee members... … According to CNN, outgoing RGA Chairman Haley Barbour's nephew, Henry (a Mississippi committee member), is in the 'Pribus for RNC chair…
A New Year of Republican Mistakes
– Incumbent leaders returned to the head of Republican caucuses in the House and Senate. … She is the best spokesman for Tea Party ideas on the national landscape. … The National Republican Senatorial Committee saw to it that at least three leading lights of the Tea Party Movement, Christine O'Donnell…
Which Republicans Sold Out?
– With the new Republican power in Washington, it is doubly important to keep a close eye on the doings of GOP senators … Johnny Isakson of Georgia, who also voted for START, sits alongside him on the Republican minority on the committee. … In a previous column, we called attention to the defections of Republican Sens.…
The Change We've Been Waiting For
– Bush years the national economy was booming, but so was federal spending. … Finally, the Republican Study Committee in the House also has a plan that would balance the budget.…
Should Michael Steele Stay as RNC Chairman?
– Next month the Republican National Committee will elect a chairman to lead their party into the 2012 presidential election. … new love affair between voters and the Republican Party. … Similarly, although Florida elected an Hispanic Republican Senator, and New Mexico and Nevada Hispanic Republican governors, Hispanic…
Angle's Divided House Aided Her Fall
– Grassroots conservatives across the country gleefully regarded her campaign as reflective of the national mood and expected it to represent … On the other was a small handful of professional Republican operatives who were hired to help run the general election effort. … A GOP strategist close to the National Republican Senatorial Committee and a number of prominent 2010 candidates, concurred with Steinhauser…
RNC Watch: Mike Duncan Won't Run For A New Term
– to reclaim his old job in January: After careful deliberation, I have concluded that I will not seek the chairmanship of the RepublicanNational Committee. … Senate, retain Republican control of the U.S. House, and conduct a successful decennial redistricting.…
Is This Our America Anymore?
– If no action is taken, the Republican Party will soon be unable, even in wave elections, to win the presidency, as it won nothing and … Though the nation has awakened to the threat to social cohesion and national solvency, Harry Reid is still attempting to ram through … According to Alabama's Jeff Sessions, ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee:"Aliens granted amnesty by the DREAM Act…
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