Results for: Republican National Committee

Rock the Vote, Rock the Boat,_rock_the_boat
– Think, for instance, of Christine O'Donnell, the Republican nominee for Senate in Delaware. … How dare she argue on national television for sexual responsibility? … The SBA List, a pro-life political action committee that exists to elect anti-abortion candidates, has been campaigning in earnest…
A Closer Look at CAIR
– Pennsylvania Republican Rep. … Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee and/or its organizations.” … Virgil Goode, R-Va., Daniel Pipes, columnist Cal Thomas, talk show host Michael Graham, National Review magazine, Fox’s fictional drama…
NRCC Ad Hammers Phil Hare on "Debt Myth" Comments PLUS: A New Poll Shows Hare Trailing…re_on_debt_myth_comments_plus_a_new_poll_shows_hare_trailing
– Phil Hare's (D-IL) unbelievably ill-informed characterization of the national debt as a "myth."  … The National Republican Congressional Committee is hitting Hare on the gaffe, rolling out a new TV ad spotlighting the incumbent Democrat's … mind-bending denial on an issue that is, alas, all too real: A new poll from The Hill shows Hare's Republican challenger, Bobby Schilling…
2010 Race of the Day: The Newly-Vulnerable Arizona Dem
– Arizona, newly vulnerable Democrat incumbent Raúl Grijalva is locked in an unexpectedly tight race against rocket scientist and Republican … As Democrats across the country become increasingly vulnerable, and the national party abandons their own members who have little chance … of reelection, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has recently made a last-minute decision to swoop in to try…
2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: Open Seat in Arkansas
– Recent polling has shown Republican Rick Crawford with an edge over Democrat Chad Causey in the race for Arkansas’ First Congressional … The amount of national attention being paid to this race by Democrats shows just how troubling the playing field is for the DCCC.  … a seat on the Agriculture Committee, a plum assignment for a representative from this district.…
Advice to the GOP: No Compromise
– Or instead of refusing to raise the national debt ceiling another trillion dollars, they just might "compromise" with Democrats and … Indeed, even as voters were still heading to the polls on Tuesday, Michelle Malkin noted the Democratic National Committee had already … released talking points that attacked Republican leaders who "are not willing to compromise."…
Will Fiscally Conservative R's Stand Up to Establishment R's?
– It was open warfare, with DeMint, the Club for Growth, and Tea Party groups on one side, against the National Republican Senatorial … Committee, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and the GOP's K Street kingpins, such as former Majority Leaders Bob Dole and Trent Lott.Conservative…
Memo to GOP: Govern, Don't Goad,_dont_goad
– Just a few short months ago, no one but maybe an optimistic National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Pete Sessions could … And I've heard more than a handful of Republican friends and colleagues mutter to me, "Now what do we do if the prognosticators are … Why should Republicans respect the views of the minority by allowing them to offer amendments on the floor and in committee?…
Romney calls Palin presidential run 'great'
– "She would be a great thing for the Republican primary process," said Romney, a 2008 presidential candidate and a potential candidate … Romney, Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Steele and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) have all rallied…
Nevada Senate Race in Gridlock at Eleventh Hour
– Reid in his tight contest against Republican Sharron Angle. … Short of money, the Republican National Committee, which traditionally runs similar efforts, isn't paying for Capitol Hill aides and … Angle more reliant on untested operations run by a new political organization affiliated with Republican strategist Karl Rove.…
Preston on Politics: Steele finds future on the road
– Washington (CNN) -- Six weeks before Election Day, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele was high-tailing it out of…
Obama's Post-Election To-Do List
– The answer is simple if not so pleasing for Obama: He needs to turn from the domestic issues about which he cares deeply to the national … Lisa Murkowski (a Republican now running for re-election as an independent) and Sen. … Jeff Bingaman (Democratic Chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee). With White House support, it would pass.…
ABC News: Democrats Ask Pentagon for Information on Potential 2012 Obama Challengers…pentagon_for_information_on_potential_2012_obama_challengers
– margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; } The Democratic NationalCommittee formally has asked the Pentagon for reams of correspondence between military agencies and nine potential Republican presidential…
Closing in California
– The inevitable blown call gets forgotten or explained away when the result comes in with the Republican winning or losing by a far … Fiorina is also surging, assisted by a $3 million ad buy from the National Republican Senatorial Committee and even more by the deeply … If one or more of these Republican challengers win, much less all three, it is hard to imagine Boxer or Brown surviving the red tide…
RNC Political Director Quits, Slams Steele in Letter,_slams_steele_in_letter
– A top Republican National Committee aide resigned today, penning an unflattering letter about current RNC chairman, Michael Steele, … on his way out the door: In a four-page letter to Steele and the RNC’s executive committee obtained by POLITICO, [Gentry] Collins … He asserts that the RNC’s financial shortcomings limited GOP gains this year and reveals that the committee is deeply in debt entering…
Our New RNC Resource Office
National Committee. … Last week, the Republican Party took over both houses of the North Carolina General Assembly for the first time since 1898. … This center will focus on advancing Republican efforts to eliminate affirmative action.…
"Not It" -- Democrats Avoiding 2012 DSCC Chairmanship Like the Plague
– I spent some time chatting with Republican operatives this afternoon, and they were chuckling about the schoolyard-style game of "not … Mark Warner (Va.), who has a national profile and fundraising base because of his 2008 presidential ambitions, would take the job.  … Michael Bennet has decided against chairing the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee in the 2012 election cycle, according to sources…
House's shift encourages pro-lifers
– 77 of the more than 90 new members of the House "are committed to defending the unborn," said the chamber's pro-life leader, Republican … direction in the House of 40 to 55 votes, depending on the issue," said Douglas Johnson, longtime legislative director of the National … Right to Life Committee.…
Michael Steele's RNC Coalition "In Danger of Collapse"?
– That's the scuttlebutt Hotline is hearing: As he contemplates running for a second term, Republican National Committee chairman Michael … Prominent RNC members have approached Wisconsin Republican Party chairman Reince Priebus about the possibility of running for national … It is that hope, that necessity, that challenge, that draws me to announce my candidacy for the Chairmanship of the Republican National
GOP Freshmen Will Hold Boehner to His Big Promises
– The Republicans won a majority in the House in 1994 and held on until 2006, the third longest period of Republican control in history … committee in Congress) earmark projects for their districts. … But Boehner will have his headaches when he has to rally votes to raise the national debt ceiling early next year.…
Do You Hear What I Hear? Part 3
– In my second article, I attempted to show that the Republican Party also needs to adjust its ability to hear. … Christie’s success shows that a Republican can compete against a Democratic opponent, if he is on his game. … The current national security debate has the potential to strike at the very heart of the Jewish community.…
Ways to Come to Grips With American's Fiscal Mess
– Another came from an initiative from Clinton budget director Alice Rivlin and former longtime Senate Budget Committee Chairman Pete … Domenici that would similarly stabilize the national debt and would cut the budget deficit to 1 percent. … It was hammered out in tough and protracted bargaining by House Democrat Dan Rostenkowski, Republican Sen.…
Just Say No to START
– nuclear arms treaty with Russia, when the sole urgency is the upcoming change in the Senate's partisan composition.To his credit, Republican … Attending were Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry, Sen. … final push for Obamacare.No matter how many heavyweights Obama trots out to support his plan, it will still be contrary to the national
Is a Slow START Good or Bad?
– Let me nominate Marco Rubio, a Republican from Florida, Mark Kirk, a Republican from Illinois, and Joe Manchin, a Democrat from West … Nevertheless, those congressmen most concerned with national security -- for example, Armed Services Committee members Buck McKeon,…
Obamaganda: Campaigning on Your Tax Dollars
– But propaganda has spread throughout federal agencies, notably the National Endowment for the Arts, where a bona fide scandal led to … Darrell Issa, R-Calif., the ranking member of the House Oversight and Government Reform committee told me. … But even without a Justice Department to investigate, Congress could soon look into this Obamaganda with a new Republican majority…
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