Results for: Republican National Committee

2011's Uncharted Political Waters
– The dates of those articles were November and December 1855 (See "The Origins of the Republican Party" by William E. … (2) Like the Whigs, they can't rely on the great national issues driving the public perceptions. … a Republican House.…
Who Rules the Tea Party?
– Jim Bunning, a Republican, the Left went out of its way to link Mr. Paul as the puppet behind a larger Republican machine. … The political cheap shot was an easy one for the likes of Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine. … Is the tea party stationed off First Street in the Republican National Committee headquarters?…
Liberal Republican Primary Losers Better not Spoil the Elections…ral_republican_primary_losers_better_not_spoil_the_elections
Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) backed and nine-term liberal Republican Congressman Mike Castle in the Republican Senate primary … In May, Tea Party favorite Rand Paul beat liberal Republican Trey Grayson in the Kentucky Republican Senate primary. … With the emergence of the Tea Parties, the NSRC and its equivalent on the Congressional side, the National Republican Congressional…
Questions for Congressional Candidates
– Will you vote to extend all the Republican tax cuts? … Will you oppose any and all proposals for a national Constitutional Convention (known as a Con Con)? … Will you oppose any attempt to bypass the Electoral College by a vote-transfer deceit called National Popular Vote?…
2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: North Carolina Blues
Committee Chairman Tim Kaine – is running away from who he is. … Showing a Republican voting trend in both of the last two presidential elections, George W. … Republican Congressional Committee.…
New GOP Border Security Bill Coming Today
– Ted Poe (R-Texas), a member of the conservative Republican Study Committee in the U.S. … House, is planning to file a border security bill later today that could bring 10,000 National Guard troops to the U.S. border.  … The bill is different from current legislation in that it requires the federal government to send 10,000 National Guard troops to the…
2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: Obey Follower Julie Lassa On Shaky Ground…_of_the_day_update_obey_follower_julie_lassa_on_shaky_ground
– 7th District, Democrats knew they were in for a tough election this fall as liberal state senator Julie Lassa competes against Republican … This father of six, District Attorney and national lumberjack sports champion proved that he wasn’t a candidate to be taken lightly … By April, Duffy had raised over half-a-million dollars, making him the most well-funded Republican ever to challenge Obey.…
The Obliteration of a Generation of Democrats
– Attorney General Holder is re-evaluating Internet national security taps. … The Republican answers are simple. … with the new Republican majority will fill their shoes.…
Harmer Tries To Re-Swing McNerney's House Seat
– He apparently didn't care how it looked that his wife and brother worked for his campaign committee. … He's not a lefty -- and has strong Republican support" at home. … Granted, it's easy for any Republican to support a commission to cut federal spending.…
Obama and the US-Israel alliance
– The Emergency Committee for Israel and the Republican Jewish Coalition are running ads against members of Congress supported by J Street … Her unabashedly pro-Israel Republican opponent Joel Pollak is making Schakowsky's record on Israel a pillar of his campaign. … For his efforts Pollak was the recipient of Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz's first ever endorsement of a Republican.…
2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: The Races in Kentucky
– Falling into the same category of many of his fellow incumbents, Chandler has taken to distorting his Republican challenger’s record … Come November, it will take on an added significance – one of the destinations through which a Republican House majority ran.  … Andy Barr, a Republican attorney from Lexington, fits that bill perfectly. …
Fiorina Hits Boxer on Jobs & Environment
– has not acted, and Fiorina believes that failure lies at the feet of the Chairwoman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee … “She is the chairwoman of the committee that could address this sort of issue, as it did in under then-chairman Pete Domenici,” Fiorina … The same applies to questions of national security and trade, if you look at their voting records. …
Foreign Money?
– Thus, readers of the Review all happily anticipate further ruin to the Republican Party this fall. … Then, too, they will claim the huge Republican vote was bought. The groundwork for this whopper already is being laid. … Committee.…
2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: Colorado's Third Congressional District
– Recent polling show Republican Scott Tipton leading incumbent Democrat John Salazar by eight points, and Tipton’s conservative message … Prior to John Salazar, Republican Scott McInnis held this seat for over 10 years. … , Livestock Committee, Natural Resources Committee and Local Government Committee.…
Turnout, Not Polling, Will Determine 2010 Outcome,_not_polling,_will_determine_2010_outcome
– While groups like Karl Rove's American Crossroads, Americans for Prosperity, 60+ and the National Republican Congressional Committee … South Carolina's John Spratt, chairman of the House Budget Committee and Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman John Dingell are both … trailing their Republican challengers.…
AT THE RACES: Rossi Sets Budget-Cutting Sights on DC
– It’s a savvy message because it addresses the economic concerns that permeate the national debate, and it underscores Rossi’s established … “People don’t know she’s number four in the Democratic senate leadership, or that National Journal rated her the most liberal Senator … The last three polls show the Republican pulling ahead, presenting Team Rossi with a major opportunity to solidify its lead.…
2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: Fake Tea Partiers Bankrolled by Dems
– It also appears that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee may have had a hand as one of the “masterminds” behind this fraud … Republican Governor Chris Christie won easily here by a margin of 17 percent.  … Jon Runyan is best known for his time spent in the National Football League as an offensive tackle. …
The Forgotten Lesson Of 1964
– In fact, historian Stephen Ambrose suggested that Richard Nixon’s speech at the 1964 Republican National Convention was the opening … National Committee. … But in doing so they miss one obvious political aphorism: Republican conservatives can win without moderates; but Republican moderates…
Left Threatened by Conservative Women Candidates
– After Obama's recent attempts to demonize the pro-life Republican Ohio congressman -- and presumptive House Speaker, after the midterms … Marsha Blackburn, a Republican congresswoman from Tennessee, throws cold water on EMILY's shrieks of horror. … In 1994, another record-breaking year, 91 Republican women ran in the House and 13 in the Senate.…
Murkowski's Brass Knuckles
– She's put on the brass knuckles when dealing with other GOP colleagues, as well:Murkowski’s relationship with national Republicans … Her colleagues also debated ejecting her from her post as ranking Republican on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, but eventually … committee leadership spot – next year.…
2010 Race of the Day: Obamacare Traitor John Boccieri
– In Ohio’s 16th Congressional Democrat, freshman Democrat John Boccieri is locked in a tough race with Republican small businessman … In contrast, Republican businessman Jim Renacci’s work demonstrates his commitment to core Republican values. … Boccieri has been identified by the National Republican Congressional Committee as a top target for congressional election this fall…
NRSC Goes All In for Fiorina
National Republicans are apparently just as dismissive of the latest LA Times poll in California's Senate race as Team Carly is.  … pour another $3 Million into the race for a final ad buy, ballooning its total commitment against Barbara Boxer to $8 Million:The NationalRepublican Senatorial Committee is dropping a massive $3 million TV ad buy in California this week, committee sources tell Hotline…
2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: Perriello Peril in Virginia
– Several liberal entities – including Pelosi’s Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), the Service Employees International … Union (SEIU), the National Education Association (NEA), the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) & the Sierra Club, and … Republican candidate Rob Hurt stands for fiscal responsibility and strong conservative values.…
College Republicans Eye Wisconsin
– The College Republican National Committee is launching its second-ever television ad Monday, and the GOP group is zeroing in on the…
The Road to Serfdom
– Contrast that with what was said in the debate between Democrat Richard Blumenthal and Republican Linda McMahon, candidates for the … This is truly a national election -- a historic election. … That we don’t accept their backroom deals that have put our national government and more than half our states on the fast track to…
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