Results for: Republican National Committee

Democrats' Spending and Power Addictions Prevent Debt Solutions
– The Republican-controlled House has done its part, but Obama and Senate Democrats continue to dither. … if they're either oblivious to the nation's looming bankruptcy or cynically unconcerned.The Examiner reveals that Senate Budget Committee … But Democrats know better than to blame our impending national bankruptcy on wars that Obama has continued, prescription drugs that…
NRCC "Young Guns" Locked and Loaded
– Yesterday Jillian and I attended an event hosted by the National Republican Campaign Committee featuring a number of Republican House … Adler narrowly won this Republican district in 2008 with Barack Obama at the top of the ticket, but Runyan predicts it won't happen…
The GOP's Mixed Outlook
– But particularly in smaller Republican electorates -- Delaware's 60,000 Republican primary voters or the few thousand Republican delegates … And DeMint's Republican colleagues in the Senate cannot be pleased that his passion for purity may have helped deprive them of committee … It will carry a Republican House and less Democratic Senate, but its energy will inevitably dissipate as national politics becomes…
Tax Hikes Are a Losing Bet
– After all, Democrats already voted for a government takeover of health care and a cap-and-trade national energy tax against the wishes … Price is Chairman of the Republican Study Committee
Delaware GOP Rumblings
– Her opponent, Mike Castle, is surely a prominent Delaware Republican. … Pro-lifer O’Donnell stressed her economic differences with liberal Republican Castle. … That bill muzzled conservative groups like the NRA, the National Right to Life Committee, and Family Research Council.…
Political Castles Clashing
– Mike Castle in the Delaware Republican Senate primary for Vice President Joe Biden’s former Senate seat. … Declaring that she is “in this to win,” O’Donnell joined with Tea Party Express in asking the National Republican Senatorial Committee … conservatives have been on the receiving end of this same kind of abuse by the know-it-all, big-money Rockefeller wing of the Republican
NRSC Now Supporting O'Donnell
– Senator John Cornyn, Chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee has issued a statement in support of Tea Party Candidate … Christine O'Donnell: “Let there be no mistake: The National Republican Senatorial Committee – and I personally as the committee’s … chairman – strongly stand by all of our Republican nominees, including Christine O’Donnell in Delaware.…
Place Your Bets...
– Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine plans to make what's being billed as a major announcement Wednesday about the future … jousting partner:The speech, scheduled for Wednesday afternoon at George Washington University, happens around the same time that RepublicanNational Committee Chairman Michael Steele kicks of a major bus tour in support of Republicans running in the midterm elections.…
Time and Tide
– The national Democrats, and their principal ally in the popular press, have signaled their plan for holding back the electoral tide … Maxine Waters (D-CA), both of whom are facing the equivalent of a trial before the House Ethics Committee this fall. … Waters is described by the LA Times as: "the senior black member on the House committee that oversees banking."…
NRCC Prepares Weekend Ad Blitz In Swing Districts
– The buy: The National Republican Congressional Committee is set to launch a major television ad blitz in 11 Congressional districts…
Joe Miller Dances Between GOP Establishment And The Tea Party
– He speaks about the National Republican Senatorial Committee, which endorsed Murkowski until he beat her, just as cautiously as he … he was with the national Party establishment. … “I expect that the Republican Party will embrace… the movement.…
Polls, Polls, Polls,_polls,_polls
– Here it is: "Among all voters, 47 percent say they would back the Republican in their congressional district if the election were … According to American Unversity's Curtis Gans, "Republican turnout in their statewide primaries exceeded Democratic turnout in theirs … They won't be allowed to replace those people until the national unemployment rate drops to under five percent.…
A New York Earthquake?
– It may elect a Republican governor, topple the Democratic majority in the U.S. … vote against incumbents -- Nevada looks to be a Republican pickup. … The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), the body charged with running the GOP House campaign, lists seven New York…
2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: SC-05
– Days to the 2010 Election: UPDATE Since we first covered the exciting race between Pelosi Budget Chairman John Spratt and Republican … As Chairman of the Budget Committee, Spratt is tasked with creating the entire federal spending plan – something he flat out refused … That means no long-term plan to cut spending, no long-term plan to decrease the national debt, no long-term plan to create jobs – and…
Heh: Manchin Cuts Ad Touting Mine Safety...At Unsafe Mine
– First, here's Manchin's attack ad against Republican John Raese: And here's the punchline: United Mine Workers of American President … The  National Republican Senatorial Committee is spending $1,199,420 on this ad against Gov.…
Senate Republicans on Castle's Possible Write-in Campaign: No Thanks
National Review's Jim Geraghty reports that his sources in Delaware believe Rep. … Cornyn, who chairs the National Republican Senatorial Committee, was not the only Republican leader to denounce the idea." … Well the position of the Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee is that when voters of the state have nominated a Republican nominee…
Race to 2010: Entering the Home Stretch
– Several months ago, we, here at the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), began an earnest effort to lay out our argument … As part of that effort, we have offered 96 race-specific columns about why the Republican candidate can win on November 2nd. … handicappers and pundits are proclaiming Nancy Pelosi’s majority is in jeopardy: ·          “We are revising our House forecast to a Republican
Checkers: The Moment Politics Met Television
– He was 39-years old and on the verge of national leadership — the junior United States Senator from California and the Republican nominee … The Republican National Committee put their Vice Presidential candidate on two radio networks (Mutual and Columbia; MBS, CBS), while … National Committee.…
Groan: Senate Republicans Allow Murkowski to Maintain Seniority on Energy Committee…ns_allow_murkowski_to_maintain_seniority_on_energy_committee
– which is still true), and Senate Republicans were planning to strip her of her of her seniority on a prestigious and influential committee … Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) from her top Republican role on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee. … National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman, John Cornyn, R-Texas, told CNN this is, "the appropriate thing to do.…
Time to Unite Around O'Donnell
– The National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman Senator John Cornyn came out  the day after the O’Donnell victory and not only … “Let there be no mistake: The National Republican Senatorial Committee – and I personally as the committee’s chairman – strongly stand … by all of our Republican nominees, including Christine O’Donnell in Delaware.…
Guess Who's Not Coming to Dinner
– What did Republican-turned-independent Crist ever do for the Democratic Party? … Republicans have appointed two African-Americans as secretary of state and two as national security adviser. … name the first black attorney general, the only place that black Democrats get preferential treatment is ... the House Ethics Committee
Politics & The Current Discontents: November And Beyond
– There seems to be no limit to the self-destructive nature of the modern Republican Party. … Perhaps it is time for the Republican National Committee chairman, the clueless Michael Steele, to step in and attempt to quell this … Even as the storm clouds gather on the horizon, however, the consensus holds that 2010 is a Republican year.…
D-Day for the US Military
– In this case, though, it is one of the most important national security votes of the year - and will be scored as such by the Center … As a proud alumnus of the staff of the Senate Armed Services Committee, it pains me to say that the Senate should not consider this … No Republican or Democrat who cares about national security should vote for this motion.…
Cut Taxes for the Rich -- Even for Obama
– "Millionaires and billionaires," he contends, are the main constituency of a boneheaded Republican Party and constitute a class of … Patty Murray, D-Wash., Obama said America had rejected what he characterized as the "philosophy" of the Republican Party. … "As CBO's reported before," CBO Director Doug Elmendorf told the Senate Budget Committee last week, "permanently or temporarily extending…
2011's Uncharted Political Waters
– The dates of those articles were November and December 1855 (See "The Origins of the Republican Party" by William E. … (2) Like the Whigs, they can't rely on the great national issues driving the public perceptions. … a Republican House.…
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