Results for: Republican National Committee

Analysis: The Utah Senate Seat is Mitt Romney's To Lose
– As Cortney relayed yesterday, venerable Republican Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah announced his decision not to seek re-election in 2018 … of a massive legislative accomplishment in tax reform, passage of which he helped quarterback as chairman of the Senate Finance Committee … “I think he’s going to welch on Romney,” one prominent Republican in the state griped to me.…
An Unfond Farewell to Un-statesman Orrin Hatch
– The longest-serving Republican senator in U.S. history announced this week that he will finally, finally, finally, finally, finally … during election cycles and then throwing constitutional conservatives under the bus once comfortably back in his well-worn Senate committee … Hatch joined with his old pal Teddy Kennedy to create the $6 billion national service boondoggle and the $8 billion-a-year CHIP health…
Joe Scarborough Goes off the Deep End
– Joe Scarborough showily announced on Stephen Colbert's CBS show that he was leaving the Republican Party. … No one on the Republican National Committee flew a flag at half-mast. The announcement was at least a decade behind the reality. … In the early days of the Republican primary race, from mid-2015 into the early contests, Scarborough was a Trumper.…
Maybe Obama Should Have a Beer Summit With George W.
– The president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, has asked the Norwegian Nobel Committee to take back President Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize … Certainly, a community leader from Chicago, Barack Obama, could, and he only had four years' experience in national politics, two of … I think Richard Lugar, the ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, had a very good thought on this.…
Prosperity: Party, Principle and Politics,_principle_and_politics
– Unless you’ve been living in Abbottabad, you’ve probably noticed the price of gasoline is rising almost as fast as our national … Nonetheless, the bill has 180 co-sponsors, split between Republican and Democrat. … During a committee hearing last week, Congressman Mike Pompeo (R-KS) said he wants natural gas to succeed, but the “NAT GAS Act is…
GOP Foolishly Ignores Recall Battle in Wisconsin
– For weeks the national media focused on union protests in Wisconsin. … The only Republican strategy- and money-machine that really seems to understand the potential effect is the Republican State Leadership … Committee (RSLC), headed by former national GOP chairman Ed Gillespie.…
Land: Obama needs congressional approval
– Speaking from the National Defense University in Washington, D.C., to a national television audience, the president said he was seeking … A Republican leader in the House of Representatives said after the speech he "still did not hear a clearly defined goal for how long … McKeon is chairman of the Armed Services Committee.…
Major pro-life legislation sweeping S.D., nation,_nation
– measure is one of many pro-life proposals that have received action this year in state legislative sessions in what has become a national … Dennis Daugaard, a Republican, signed into law March 22 legislation that not only mandates counseling about alternatives to abortion … The bill goes to Republican Gov.…
Memo to Chairman Priebus
– Congratulations on a great start to your term as chair of the Republican National Committee. … a debate moderated by Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos on the weekend of December 10, a debate co-sponsored by the Iowa Republican … Building up the credibility and visibility of the Obama-loving MSM is not the job of the national or state parties.…
Why the Wisconsin Fight Isn't Over, And How the Left Could Win,_and_how_the_left_could_win
– conservatives are getting out-hustled on the ground, perhaps lulled into complacency by their recent legislative triumph:Both national … and Wisconsin-based Republican operatives tell the Huffington Post the party is being dramatically outworked and out-organized by … The high court, he worries, has a long history of activism, especially when liberals hold the majority.The Greater Wisconsin Committee
Winning the Trust of the Independent Vote
– It's no accident that the NRA is holding its national convention in Pittsburgh. … Former Vermont governor and Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean said those same rural voters - whether Democrats, Republicans … "It's not so much a Democrat-versus-Republican thing ... as a rural versus urban thing," he said.…
Who's Bringing the Heat?
– “Republicans Get Grilled at Town Hall Meetings Over Budget Plan,” read the headline on a page National Journal, an inside-the-beltway … news source that put up with video clips of Republican lawmakers at town hall meetings during the April recess. … And, perhaps most importantly, a Washington Post/Pew poll reveals that 81% of Americans believe we must address our national budget…
Fight Over Florida Early Primary More Important Than Most Realize
– In my day I was very active in GOP politics, even at the national level. … committee. … Now some GOP party-types are asking the national committee to consider moving the GOP's convention, scheduled for Tampa, to another…
Obama’s Oily View of America’s_oily_view_of_america
– When Barack Obama is in flyover country, if you close your eyes, you can almost hear a moderate Republican on the stump. … And it was in San Francisco on April 20, 2011 that he told a Democratic National Committee audience that America’s greatness comes…
Finally: Drilling Wars Begin Again
– pushing three drilling bills in the House right now -- two of which, H.R. 1229 and 1230, have already been taken up by the Rules committee … According to the Republican House Natural Resources Committee press release, the administration allowed one of the lease sale in the … Gulf of Mexico to progress after HR 1230 was passed out of committee.…
– Governor race for Republican Rebecca Kleefisch.  … As Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said, this election was a ‘dry run’ for the presidential election…
Darrell Issa's Discovery Summer
– The Republican National Committee (RNC) yesterday released a devastating 22-page report on the green company scam formerly known as … Finance Committee, or large donors to the Democratic Party. … The letter gives a clue as to where the committee will concentrate its fire.…
Alabama Fights a UN Land Grab
– Enter Agenda 21, the 40 chapter document from the United Nations that establishes environmental “principles” at local, national, regional … Why would a Republican governor consider rejecting a bill that has drawn overwhelming support from the RNC, State Legislature, AND … of the Alabama Republican Party, said in a phone interview with Townhall.…
President Bill Clinton vs. Gov. Scott Walker and Me
– Walker, I knew I had to enter the ring, too.The Los Angeles Times reported last Thursday: "Democratic National Committee Chairwoman … Abuse Commission, which was intent on curtailing wasteful spending at all levels of state government.Walker is not a RINO, or Republican … sent across our land about the type of government we the people want.Walker's recall is not just about Wisconsin; it is about national
What Happens to Democrats If Obama Loses
– Much has been made about the in-fighting and feuding within the Republican Party, and not only is it accurate but if anything it’s … , strong national defense, etc. … In a nut-shell, the leadership of the Republican Party is more moderate-to-liberal culturally than the base of the Republican Party…
Allen West: True Racism Lies With White Liberals
– Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, has such a dirty job that it's a wonder the Discovery Channel's…
Democrats: Wisconsin's Recall Election Doesn't Really Matter, You Know
– week away, and liberals are already explaining why whatever happens won't really matter all that much:   Democratic NationalCommittee Chairwoman Rep.  … They're not bashful about making this a national issue and linking it directly to the presidential race:   Before the 2012…
2012: Good Money (And Jobs) vs. Easy Money (And Stagnation)
– Nixon defended his action on national television, “Let me lay to rest the bugaboo of what is called devaluation,” and promising the … The Republican Party, as noted above, has been complicit in the monetary debauch that began under Johnson and Nixon. … Kevin Brady, vice-chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, and, in the Senate, Utah’s Mike Lee are starting the fight against devaluation…
A Battleground Leader for 2012?
– Pawlenty assembled the Freedom First political action committee (PAC) to raise and dole out money to Republican candidates in 2010, … “If you’re going to make a national run, this is one of the things you have to take care of.” … tone by trying to make the Republican Party more appealing to blue-collar voters with the term “Sam’s Club Republican,” a counterweight…
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