Results for: white house debate response

At War or Not At War? That Is the Question
– uttered belatedly as our commander in chief transitioned from tropical sunsets on his "Hawaiian holiday" to klieg lights at the WhiteHouse in the aftermath of the Christmas Day "near-miss" terror attack aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 253 en route from Amsterdam … He then held a surreal debate with himself regarding the "difficult questions about the relationship between war and peace and our…
A Race—And Candidate—To Watch—and_candidate—to_watch
House of Representative from that state’s 12th district, 30-year old Christopher Cox has put his hat in the ring for the seat in New … Of course, those of us old enough to remember recall the images of a beautiful White House wedding back on June 12, 1971, as Ed took … Please air mail me your response if you are interested.”…
United in Outrage
House. … House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the protests “un-American” and accused some protestors of carrying Nazi symbols. … Glenn Beck called Obama a “racist” who harbors “a deep-seated hatred for white people or white culture.”…
Obama's Health Care Summit Sham
– "The proposal to televise a February 25 health-care summit with Republicans grew out of a conclusion by top White House advisers … that Obama had bested House GOP leaders during a 90-minute televised discussion in Baltimore last month," according to the Washington … So why are we going to continue the debate? And why are Republicans allowing it, enabling it.…
Breaking: Dems Admit Health Care Summit Just for Show; Dems-Only Plan on the Way…_health_care_summit_just_for_show;_dems-only_plan_on_the_way
– “The President walked into a room filled with the entire House Republican Conference. … “He answered every question with a thoughtful, comprehensive response. … Now we learn they have spent several weeks organizing a rapid response operation.”…
An Interview With Newt Gingrich
– Q: What about the tone of this debate? Some on the left claim the rhetoric is overheated, even hateful. … A: For people who are angry, the correct response is to beat them. … I think Marco Rubio is a good example of this because he's young and he's aggressive and was a very conservative speaker of the House
The Politics of Violence
– Democrats are aware that an angry public response is understandable considering the bitter, divisive manner in which the health care … Had there been contemplative, open debate, and true bipartisanship, the public reaction would have been quite different. … House.…
Over the Rainbows
– The White House desperately wants the story to be "Voters Mad at Washington," not "Voters Mad at Democrats" or, heaven forbid, "Voters … After the Scott Brown victory, the White House claimed that the Republican's win was a manifestation of the same political forces that … Because as far as this White House is concerned, nothing is ever Obama's fault and everything is proof of how much we need him.…
Home Mortgage Affirmative Action
– By a 237-192 margin, the House of Representatives on June 30 passed the 2,300-plus-page conference bill which is designed to protect … Yet elsewhere in her response, she implicitly contradicted herself. … Others were dependent on refinancing to keep their homes, an approach that worked only as house prices kept climbing.…
A Misguided Decision
– Across the country, the debate rages on over the Obama administration's decision to file suit against the state of Arizona over its … House and Justice Department. … And in response to Arizona's recent attempt to protect itself, these self-important, self-serving do-nothings are suing!…
Is It Enough for the GOP to Just Say No?
– But the Democrats seem to have stopped using that phrase in the past several weeks as, apparently, White House strategists have come … Nonetheless, there is an overwrought debate on whether the GOP should simply ride the public's negative passion or present a positive … Today in America, in appalled response to the excesses of Mr.…
'Bipartisan' Dems Go on the Attack
– In a campaign strategy that comes directly from the White House high command, Democrats are ditching President Obama's 2008 campaign … What the White House can't fathom is that many Americans agree with the tea party's message. … House is now letting them hang out to dry.…
If You Think Paul Ryan's Roadmap is a Sham, You Should Look at Obamacare…k_paul_ryans_roadmap_is_a_sham,_you_should_look_at_obamacare
– In his last speech as President Obama’s White House budget advisor, Peter Orszag also claimed that Ryan’s plan “mechanically cuts Medicare … Krugman’s response to Ryan’s proposal is hard to distinguish from hysteria. … The real and important debate is over who buys health-care coverage and how.…
Obama's Mosque Duty
– His first intervention, at a White House dinner for Ramadan on Friday, was an unqualified defense of both religious liberty and religious … The federal government has a response to American mosques taken over by advocates of violence. … Here again, this debate illustrates a gap in perspective.…
Everyone a Bigot?
– Californians took that step in response to the state Supreme Court's voiding of Proposition 22, a similar referendum on traditional … Charles Rangel, former chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, is facing charges of unethical conduct. … In response, Rangel has scoffed that a plea bargain offer was nothing more than an "English, Anglo-Saxon procedure."…
The Liberal Uniter's Lost Role
– With President Obama likely facing a political setback in November, what can we expect his response to be? … First, a Republican House, if it arrives, will be dedicated to the repeal of Democratic health reform. … His natural response is to bristle, not to bend. An adjustment will not come easy.…
Email, Hate Mail and Comments from Readers,_hate_mail_and_comments_from_readers
– . - in response to The Hypocrisy of Dopes Dear Robert, You guys use direct deposit? … –in response to More Than Ten Reason Americans Doesn’t Trust Obama Dear Gray, Nor will the House. … Ivan wrote: Resident Tantrum will be given the White house by Do-nothing Republican leadership, backed by a gullible Do-nothing Republican…
Commie Plot that Put Us in the Red
– President Obama demonstrated how this is done in January 2010 when, during an unusual White House meeting with congressional Republicans … House dealing with affairs of China." … As assistant research director for the Federal Reserve, his position before moving to the White House, "Currie provided an economic…
Ricky, Ricky, Ricky,_ricky,_ricky
– So, Perry can't debate. So what. … This was, I believe, Perry's fifth debate. He has been awful in all of them. But Wednesday night he totally collapsed. … But, I think he was finished before the CNBC debate.…
Incriminating Timeline: Democrats Punt on Fiscal Responsibility…criminating_timeline_democrats_punt_on_fiscal_responsibility
– Subsequent analysis revealed that, because the White House shifted and hid new spending, non-defense discretionary spending would actually … February 15 – The House of Representatives begins debate on a bill that would cut spending by $61 billion. … April 15 – The Republican-controlled House of Representatives passes its budget, which cuts $6 trillion in comparison to the President…
CNN Debate Preview: In Which Newt Gingrich Is Now a Frontrunner
– a self-induced Turkey-coma just two tantalizing days away, tonight’s foreign policy-focused extravaganza—the eleventh major GOP debate … The usual eight candidates will take to the stage at DAR Constitution Hall in D.C. at 8 PM, just blocks from the White House, and my … muddled response to the Arab Spring in general is arguably one of his greatest foreign-policy weaknesses.…
Pile On: National Review, George Will, Washington Examiner Pummel Newt
– We fear that to nominate former Speaker Newt Gingrich, the frontrunner in the polls, would be to blow [the opportunity to win the WhiteHouse]. … Paul Ryan’s response when Gingrich attacked his entitlement reform as “right-wing social engineering.”…
Loathing Conservative Christian Candidates
House hopefuls. … Shortly before announcing his candidacy for president, Perry held a rally in Houston called "The Response." … The media hyped that Republicans would accept a Mormon in the White House.…
Paul Ryan's Old-Fashioned American Vision
– In a White House meeting this year, Ryan's superior knowledge of health care baffled Obama and left him speechless. … How did the White House react? … No, Ryan's reforms didn't quite resonate in the White House.…
BP Ledger, December 19 edition
– No response had been received by the end of the working day in Kazakhstan on 13 December. … In response, the authorities give some short terms of imprisonment. … "In the On Mission magazine," was her response. Thus began the ministry project of my 9-year-old evangelist.…
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