Results for: Barack Obama Website

The Verdict of Super Tuesday
– She was not looking after Hillary Clinton's or Barack Obama's, though. … The races in the next two weeks favor Obama, and the Texas and Ohio contests on March 4 favor Clinton. … Barack Obama, with his soaring rhetoric about what unites Americans, has a higher upside potential but also, with his lack of experience…
Move On, Obama,_obama
Obama landed a major victory in the who's-more-liberal sweepstakes. … Not only did endorse Obama, but Obama endorsed radioactive MoveOn, in glowing terms. … That's because Obama's hard-left base is one of those uncomfortable facts that ruins the long-standing narrative that Barack Obama
Delusional Democrats: The Warm Fuzzies of Infanticide
– Are you enamored by the thought of a President Obama, or a President Hillary Clinton? … Barack had this to say (found on Obama’s campaign website) following the Supreme Court’s decision: “I strongly disagree with today … Did you know that Hillary Clinton believes that Barack Obama is not “pro-abortion” enough, and that if Barack Obama is elected, abortion…
Obama, Hillary, Dems Take FISA Trial Lawyer Cash,_hillary,_dems_take_fisa_trial_lawyer_cash
– Bergman’s law firm’s website says he also specializes in “identifying viable asbestos defendants, locating evidence and developing … Barack Obama (D.…
Obama Has Spent Only Two Days in Iraq
– Senator Barack Obama (D. … Obama was part of a congressional delegation, called a CODEL, led by Sen. Evan Bayh (D. … In August 2007, Obama confirmed with The Hill he had only been to Iraq once.…
How to Beat Barack Obama
Barack Obama, D-Ill. is the presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party; Sen. … "That is why I am here, because Barack Obama is the only person in this race who understands that. … It allows Barack Obama to run for president; it allows his wife to attend Princeton University and Harvard Law School.…
Isn't Self-Defense Common Sense?
– Under the Second Amendment, Barack Obama says, "There is an individual right to bear arms, but it is subject to common-sense … "As a former constitutional law professor, Barack Obama understands and believes in the constitutional right of Americans to bear arms … ," his website claims.…
Three Big Problems With Barack's Speech
– To TV producer Norman Lear, “Obama reached for the stars. And he found them.” … Does Obama decry, or encourage, that segregation? … For more than a year, Obama has been offering a weary nation an irresistible deal.…
Barack and the Bigot
– In his several explanations and denunciations of his longtime pastor, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama asks us … Other church members must have told Obama what Rev. Wright said, or he could have viewed the sermon on the church's Website. … But not for Barack Obama, he says.…
Pork Three Ways
– On Friday [March 21], a House Appropriations Committee website was so overwhelmed by legislators' wish lists that it crashed, … , the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, John McCain, and the two remaining contenders for the Democratic nomination, Barack … By contrast, Obama seems to think the main problem with earmarks is a lack of visibility.…
Signs That "Operation Chaos" is Working
– Republicans to do the unthinkable and vote for Hillary Clinton in their state’s primary to prolong the bitter battle between her and BarackObama for the Democratic nomination. … She only beat Obama by 101,000 votes in the Lone Star state.…
Will Wright Damage Obama's Millennial Support?
– That was the theme of Barack Obama's speech last Tuesday, in which he both failed to renounce and at the same time separated himself … The Wright videos -- angry when Obama is soothing, racially divisive when Obama is inclusive, anti-American when Obama proclaims a … So is Obama a transcendent leader or just another politician?…
The Wright Questions For Obama
Barack Obama continues to face controversy over his association with Rev. … Here are some of the Wright (and right) questions for Obama to address: 1. … Questions like those listed above could help Obama come to terms with the core of the controversy he continues to face.…
American Politics, Christianity, and the Pursuit of the Eco-Friendly Mom…itics,_christianity,_and_the_pursuit_of_the_eco-friendly_mom
– These directives were listed in a recent editorial appearing on the website of the Evangelical Christian publication, “Christianity … I would guess that many of them are Barack Obama supporters, but I don’t ask…The mainstream secular media, as usual, ignores this story … Presidential candidates Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama have grand visions of a more environmentally friendly and more socially…
Olympian Problems
– runners carry a torch who's flame was lit in a ceremony in Greece on March 24, as the official International Olympic Committee (IOC) websiteBarack Obama skated on the issue first saying, according to the Agence France-Presse (AFP), "he was of 'two-minds' over whether the…
Rino Rage
– But usually I can tell in which newspaper or on which website the email senders have read the column. … So it appears the RINO-haters may be willing to sit on the sidelines and watch as the Democrat -- likely Barack Obama -- wins in November … Consider the irony: Most media talk is about how the Obama-Clinton battle may have split the Democratic Party and improved McCain's…
RNC Says DNC Ad Is Illegal
Obama. … A link provided in the email went to a DNC website with an embedded video. Click here to watch. … The RNC says the ad is an “in-kind” contribution to Clinton and Obama and it exceeds a $5,000 contribution limit.…
Obama And The Hip-Hop Problem
– Young black activists roared their approval when Barack Obama recently greeted criticism on the trail by dusting off his shoulders … So Barack Obama is feeling like a pimp? … And Barack Obama is dusting off his shoulders to the applause of the crowd. Food for thought.…
Media Jumps the Gun for Barack
Barack Obama? Funny you should ask.  Let me give you a couple of glaring examples.  … Remember, this is the same man who described getting a “thrill up (his) leg” whenever Barack Obama speaks.  … Every time she does this I shout at the TV, "Say it, Obama!…
Former Lobbyist Holding Obama Fundraiser Tonight
– Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has promised he would not accept campaign donations from lobbyists, but apparently former … According to Obama’s campaign website, the minimum donation to attend is $1,000 and donations are encouraged up to $10,000. … Thos who raised at least $10,000 are given access to a “special pre-reception” with Obama. …
Former Lobbyist Holds Obama Fundraiser
– Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has promised he would not accept campaign donations from lobbyists, but apparently … Those who raised at least $10,000 are given access to a “special pre-reception” with Obama. … Lackman worked with Obama to make the “Health Care Justice Act” more acceptable to insurance companies.…
Elite in Indiana
– I know you think I have been hitting this Obama-as-Elitist thing too hard, but here's the lead paragraph from Reuters' Caren Bohan … writing from Fort Wayne, Indiana: "Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama sought to convince Americans he is not elitist … More: According to the website, a New York Times/CBS poll shows that 51% [of Democratic voters] now say they expect Obama to…
You Say You Want a Coronation
Barack Obama as the Nominee for President of the Democratic Party after the primaries in Kentucky and Oregon. … Assuming Obama and Clinton split them about evenly, that will give Obama 62-or-so more delegates meaning he will be only about 53 delegates … How Barack decided that the President was talking about him, still mystifies me.…
Assimilation of Immigrants and the Imperative of Pride in America
– McCain III (R-AZ), Barack H. … Obama (D-IL) and Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) - support a general amnesty for illegal immigrants. … McCain pays lip-service to border security and assimilation on his campaign website.…
McCain, Huckabee and the Evangelicals,_huckabee_and_the_evangelicals
– An element of the Christian community is not reconciled to McCain's candidacy but instead regards the prospective presidency of BarackObama in the nature of a Biblical plague visited upon a sinful people. … He is reported in evangelical circles to promote the Biblical justification for an Obama plague-like presidency.…
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