Results for: Republican National Committee

'If there were a Mount Rushmore for conservative leaders, Paul's face would have to be on it.'…_for_conservative_leaders,_pauls_face_would_have_to_be_on_it
– Study Committee      Senate Steering Committee                Council for National Policy      International Policy Forum      American … Key to that achievement was creation of the House Republican Study Committee and the Senate Steering Committee.  … Other conservatives have replicated Paul's model effectively for national coalition meetings. …
What Democrat Scandal?
– In October 2006, the national media projected Rep. … In a Republican scandal, the offending politician is usually described as a Republican in the very first sentence, and deservedly so … But that's not stopping the Republican National Committee from trying to tie the two men together."…
The Taint of Scandal Envelops Democrats
– But that got less attention from the national news media. … Charles Rangel of New York, the powerful chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, is being investigated for, among … A little-known Republican defeated Democratic Rep.…
The Scandal Is What's Legal
– He also "helped raise more than $120 million for the Democrats' Senate campaign committee, drawing nearly four times as much money … from Wall Street as the National Republican Senatorial Committee," said The Times.…
RNC Candidates Offer Competing Blueprints
– Two of the top candidates to become Chair of the Republican National Committee offered competing blueprints to explain their plans … Michigan Republican Party Chairman Saul Anuzis mailed all members of the Republican National Committee his 24-page vision and posted … The piece specifically mentioned the demise of Republican Rep.…
Those Shoes
– Charlie Norwood, Georgia Republican - Feb. 13, 2007 Rep. … Craig Thomas, Wyoming Republican - June 4, 2007 Rep. Paul E. Gillmor, Ohio Republican - Sept. 5, 2007 Rep. … Jo Ann Davis, Virginia Republican - Oct. 6, 2007 Rep. Julia Carson, Indiana Democrat - Dec. 15, 2007 Rep.…
Obama the Magic Negro-Gate
– Chip Saltsman, a candidate for chairman of the Republican National Committee, sent the song on a CD with 40 other songs, in a Christmas … mailer to committee members. … But what about the infamous Republican Southern strategy?…
– And the fact that Toussie's father recently and uncharacteristically donated $28,500 to the Republican National Committee would taint…
Obama's Bumpy Middle Road
Republican Ray LaHood was a surprising choice as Transportation secretary, too. … the Bush administration, has built a strong relationship with Obama in Congress as a major player on the House Appropriations Committee … This is about as far away from foreign policy and national-security issues as you can get, and that may be what Obama's inner circle…
RNC Member Tries to Sidestep GOP Activists
– At least one member of the Republican National Committee doesn't want to hear from the grassroots. … And, he only needs 16 more to shut them out.North Dakota Republican Party Chairman Gary Emineth is circulating a petition among RepublicanNational Committee members to hold an emergency meeting before a debate for RNC Chair candidates held by Americans for Tax Reform.The…
Resolutions ’09’09
– The first, GOP 5.0: Republican Renewal Under President Obama will be available shortly, and books on the fair tax and on Christians … I resolve to push the National Republican Congressional Committee led by Pete Sessions and the National Republican Senatorial Committee
American Czars
– president with a direct political connection to Franklin Roosevelt, was picked by FDR in 1935 to be Texas director of the New Deal's National … The 1996 Republican platform said: "The federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in school curricula. ... … Furthermore, Hess notes, there has been striking dissonance between Republican resistance to race-conscious government policies, and…
Newt! Newt! N--!_newt!_n--
– I have known Newt Gingrich since 1982 when I first went to work at the National Republican Congressional Committee and it was while … After a horrible argument at the Democratic National Convention in San Francisco in 1984 we didn't speak for five years, a drought … that ended when Newt was elected Republican Whip in 1989 and Lee Atwater decided that the new Whip needed a press secretary and that…
DNC Raised $12.4 Million in April$124_million_in_april
– The Democratic National Committee will report raising $12.4 million in April, according to a DNC official. … That’s about twice as much as the Republican National Committee’s $6 million haul last month.…
'Gender identity' repeal bill goes to Tenn. gov.; SBC leaders urge him to sign…y_repeal_bill_goes_to_tenn_gov;_sbc_leaders_urge_him_to_sign
– Tennessee law already prohibits employers from discriminating based on "race, creed, color, religion, sex, age, or national origin. … Land, Page and Davis told Haslam, a Republican, the measure would protect the religious liberty of Christian business owners in the … Land devoted part of his national weekend radio program to the importance of passing the state law.…
Throwing Out the Bums Before Election Day
– In Florida, tax-happy Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Alvarez, a Republican, was recalled on March 15 when 88 percent of voters gave him the … In Ohio, public employee unions are pushing a bill aimed at recalling Republican Gov. … It did not get a hearing in the Democrat-dominated Judiciary Committee before the session ended on May 5.…
Obama's Hypocritical Rhetoric on Immigration Reform
– In 2007, when such a bill was backed by a lame duck Republican president and had bipartisan backing from Senate heavyweights Edward … They can never pass the Republican House, where Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith is a longstanding opponent and Speaker John Boehner … will not schedule a bill not approved in committee.…
One Key to GOP Success in 2012
– Arriving in San Francisco that year for the Republican Convention, Mr. … In fact, historian Stephen Ambrose suggested that Richard Nixon’s speech at the 1964 Republican National Convention was the opening … National Committee.…
NEWS BRIEFS: Huckabee says 'very important announcement' coming Sat.
– Huckabee, who has performed well in Republican preference polls, said on his radio program Friday, "This weekend be sure to catch my … That could come in the formation of an exploratory committee. … Tennessee law already prohibits employers from discriminating based on "race, creed, color, religion, sex, age, or national origin.…
Another: Herb Kohl to Retire
– Russ Feingold lost his re-election bid that year to Republican Ron Johnson, as Scott Walker won the governorship. … On the Republican side of the aisle, many conservatives may hope that either Governor Walker or Rep. … "We thought he was going to run," Cecil said in an interview with National Journal on Friday.…
Joe Biden Stiff-Arms the Press
– The Democratic National Committee arranged all of the events for the Obama Victory Fund. … “Even before signing this act, Adams had Ben Franklin’s grandson, editor of a Republican newspaper, arrested on libel charges for writing…
The Scots-Irish Voting Bloc
– When national campaign strategists consider targeting an ethnic voting bloc to swing results in their direction, they typically consider … Yet, an ethnic group they often overlook -- the Scots-Irish -- are the voters the Republican Party convinced in 2010 to swing back … Committee from 2005 through 2009.…
Lessons of Netanyahu’s Triumph’s_triumph
– He has been lecturing the American people about the need to subordinate America’s national interests to global organizations like the … This point was also brought home with Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Rep. … In front of the Israeli leader, Wasserman Schultz asked her Republican counterparts not to use support for Israel as a campaign issue…
Spokesman: Palin's Presidential Decision Could Be "Months Away"
– According to Sarah Palin's spokesman, we probably won't know either way for quite some time:   The 2008 Republican vice … Crawford indicated to National Journal that any announcement about Palin’s plans may be months away. … Palin’s political action committee, SarahPAC, announced the bus tour Thursday. …
Getting to Know the Next DNC Chair Promises to Be Fun
– She throws this in with the cliche political barb of her opponents (the Republican party) being "anti-woman"...which is pretty laughable … This incident comes to you courtesy of The Hill: The chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) appears to drive … a foreign car, despite criticizing Republican presidential candidates for supposedly favoring foreign auto manufacturers.…
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