Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

President Obama: Sexist in Chief
– "In what new ways," an "undecided voter" asked the presidential candidates during the second debate, "do you intend to rectify the … To this, Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz said, "Mitt Romney, on a point-blank question the other night … During his 2008 presidential campaign, Obama's 28 non-intern male Senate staffers, according to a report from the secretary of the…
My Interview With Former U.S. Senator and 1972 Presidential Nominee George McGovern (D-South Dakota)…_and_1972_presidential_nominee_george_mcgovern_dsouth_dakota
– I don't think a minister of the gospel should proclaim from the pulpit that we need a Democratic or Republican victory, or that we … It's the competition of ideas and the creative tension that moves our democratic society. That's what makes it move. … I think I underestimated that in my presidential race.…
The 113th Congress Will Decide Nation’s Fiscal Future, Not the President…congress_will_decide_nations_fiscal_future_not_the_president
– Mitt Romney certainly wasn’t the first choice to be the Republican presidential nominee for most limited government activists. … At the recent 2012 Democratic National Convention, Bill Clinton had the nerve to take credit for policy that he had virtually no part … Unlike presidential races, congressional elections typically come down to thousands or even hundreds of votes.…
Women Increasingly Look to Romney to Fix Economy
– After the first game-changing presidential debate, many women began moving away from Obama after watching his pitiful performance. … poll, we've seen a major surge among women in favorability for Romney" since his strong performance in the first debate, said Democratic … desperate Obama campaign is trying to make an issue out of Romney's story that as governor he asked aides to provide more women candidates
In debate, Obama promotes Planned Parenthood funding
– (BP) -- Planned Parenthood was among President Obama's buzzwords during the second presidential debate Oct. 16 as the incumbent mentioned … No previous Democratic nominee had ever made abortion a major general election theme in TV ads. … In the closing question, the candidates were given an opportunity to clear up misconceptions the American public may have about them…
Prima Donna Moderators and Shifting Formats Devalue Debates
– The moderator -- in last night's debate and in the first two between the presidential candidates and their running mates -- became … And if the candidates' spinmeisters don't like it, so what? … Presidential and vice-presidential debates are not about campaign staff or consultants, and it is high time we as a people took control…
FIRST-PERSON: A prayer for America on Election Day
Democratic systems inevitably reflect the electorate's decisions, and these decisions reveal underlying worldviews. … Marriage itself is on the ballot this year, both in the presidential election and in specific measures in four states. … Sixth, we should pray that God will protect these candidates and their families.…
Are Democrats Paying Attention to Trends in Illinois?
– So here are some related thoughts about what this year’s presidential election might presage in Illinois more generally. … candidates 24 times. … And a review of the past five presidential elections – as well as activity within the state this year – reveal some very interesting…
Ohio’s Faithful Chorus May Call the Tune on Election Day
– In the 2008 presidential vote, they were 30% of the vote in Ohio, 31% in Iowa and 26% in Wisconsin.” … Jackson’s video Exodus Now, which urges black Christians to leave the Democratic Party. … No matter how big the Democratic turnout, Burress says, “I tell our people, if you show up, you win. If you stay home, you lose.…
Six Reasons for Final Weekend Optimism
– reasons conservatives should feel downtrodden heading into Tuesday: The Obama campaign's balleyhooed turnout machine, heavily Democratic … This predicts a significantly more Democratic Ohio electorate this year than in 2008, with Republicans underperforming their paltry … One final fact:  Historically, Republican presidential candidates run ahead of their national percentage in Ohio.  …
Vote Count ‘Nightmare’ Possible in Ohio
– In a news release, Husted said the new system would “help reduce the chance of long lines at the polls during the presidential election … Bush carried the state by 118,775 votes over Democratic Sen. … 250,000 provisional ballots would amount to 4.8 percent of the entire vote — well over the current difference between the two candidates
Democratic/Media Axis again FURIOUS with Cuban-American Voters!
– U.S. comes even close to matching Cuban-Americans in their level of disdain for President Barack Obama in particular and the Democratic … These insufferable political mavericks have often goaded the Democratic/Media axis to enraged sputterings against them. … Five years ago Georgetown professor Norman Birnbaum, an advisor to three Democratic presidential candidates and today a columnist for…
Vulgarizing Sexual Politics Down
– Women not only got the vote, but we've had three women as secretary of state, two who were candidates for vice president on a major … party ticket and a woman who almost won the Democratic Party nomination for president. … "John," age 85, warns the next generation against Democratic losses: "If you let the Republicans do this to you again, after we die…
Strategy, Political Philosophy and Luck to Be Tested in Tuesday's Vote…_political_philosophy_and_luck_to_be_tested_in_tuesdays_vote
– But in the meantime, here are some general issues related to the 2012 presidential cycle that deserve consideration. … And there are so many aspects of presidential efforts that don't come to light until months, if not years, after the vote. … So many factors in a presidential contest -- some choices of candidates and consultants, some choices made by primary and caucus voters…
The Final Week
– In less than a week, we will know the outcome of the presidential election (again, barring recounts). … Bush won the Electoral College, while Democratic nominee Al Gore won the popular vote nationwide. … This meant the House of Representatives would elect the president from the top three candidates.…
U.S. Presidential Elections in Perspective
Candidates who received less than 50 percent of the vote won 18 presidential elections. … Other than that, unrest hasn't followed presidential elections. … Presidential Elections in Perspective | Stratfor…
Pennsylvania Poll: Romney Within Four, Despite D+13 Sample
– In the past two decades, the suburbs have gone for Democratic presidential candidates. You can’t win without them. … A mix of educated middle-class, rural and blue-collar communities, it votes both ways in local elections—and always for the presidential … Toomey and other successful GOP candidates here two years ago: Talk about jobs and debt, appeal to bipartisanship, and avoid the subjects…
It’s the Values, Stupid!
– Had Democratic partisans or pundits from the mainstream media attended this event, they would have found it jarringly incongruent with … “I believe it is vitally important that we cast our ballots for candidates who base their decisions on biblical principles and support … Even before Mitt Romney secured the presidential nomination, religious conservatives felt comfortable with Republican congressional…
Voting is a Right, Not a Duty
– My candidates don't usually win, and even those who do routinely disappoint me in office. … Even when the outcome is a foregone conclusion, voting is an act of democratic self-government that many Americans enjoy being part … In a presidential election, the average voter's impact is even less significant.…
Changing Demographics Won't Mean the End of Republican Party
– Republican presidential candidates have won by bigger margins among whites only in 1920, 1972 and 1984. … But Asians aren't a single cohesive group and may not be reliably Democratic over time. … Nevada Filipinos will vote heavily Democratic.…
To Win, Obama Sacrifices House, State Legislatures
– Barack Obama attended more than 200 fundraisers for his presidential campaign, but he refrained from raising money for congressional … Democrats did gain two Senate seats thanks to clueless Republican candidates and Republicans' failure to produce better turnout.But … But the Democratic Party paid a price in 2010 -- and kept paying in 2012.Democrats have won or are currently leading in 201 seats in…
Electoral College Is Democratic, Not democratic
– Canada lacks the Electoral College, and its provinces enjoy more power than our states.Citizens cast presidential ballots according … "It forces candidates to pay attention to states they would otherwise ignore." True. … dangers, that violates basic democratic principles for no good reason.…
Is Demography Destiny?
– Meanwhile, moderate Republican presidential candidate after moderate Republican presidential candidate has gone down to defeat, even … against Democratic presidential candidates who were unpopular (Harry Truman), previously unknown (Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton) or who … So long as that remains the case, demography may indeed be destiny-- and that destiny could be Democratic administrations as far out…
Celebrating Food Stamps for Mexico
– Four years into the Obama Administration, Democratic Party leadership realized that it needed Republicans; not for their ideas or even … Neither of the two presidential candidates attempted to appeal to broad america. …
Obama Likely Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud
– There were many factors that hurt Mitt Romney and favored Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election. … Videographer James O'Keefe, known for his undercover videos exposing left wing fraud, caught a Virginia Democratic Congressman's son … People do not choose to vote because they are uninformed about the issues and candidates, are lazy, cynical, or are content with the…
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