Results for: Republican National Committee

Battered By Change, Iraq May Prefer Sameness,_iraq_may_prefer_sameness
– Askari, who serves on parliament's foreign relations committee, has been outspoken in his criticism of the U.S. presence in Iraq. … But changing now from a Republican to a Democratic administration would be problematic, he says -- not least because Obama has said … Meanwhile, Iraqis have succeeded in building their national security forces and continue to make ruin of al-Qaeda.…
Hillary's Shadow
– Clinton's supporters indicated they would not vote for any Democratic ticket in November as a protest "against the Democratic NationalCommittee," which created further division within the party when it would not allow some states' votes to count in the primary. … — Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox, a former congressman from California, responding to fellow Republican
Thank You, Senator,_senator
– Johnny Isakson, Georgia Republican, accepting at least some of the blame for the current economic crisis The liberal Obama … Lamar Smith, Texas Republican? Bottom line, by a 5 to 1 ratio, Americans believe the media are trying to help Democrat Sen. … Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice-presidential nominee.…
NRSC Fundraising Picks Up
– The National Republican Senatorial Committee out-raised their Democratic equivalent in August. …
Obama Keeps Distorting "Born Alive" Vote
– “We have a smoking gun committee report,” said National Right to Life Committee Legislative Counsel Susan Muskett told Townhall last … Muskett’s “smoking gun” is a 2003 Health and Human Services Committee report recorded by Republican committee staff. … For those who may doubt partisan records, the Republican committee report is backed by an Associated Press article that documented…
Democratic Leaders to American Commuters: Ride a Bike
– buried on page 255 of a 290-page bill the Democratic leadership introduced at 9:45 p.m. on Monday night, forced through the Rules Committee … Meanwhile, the bill, as explained to me by Republican congressional sources who combed through it in the hours before and after it … Under this provision, the secretary would have to balance the national interest in drilling against the state's interest in not drilling…
Details in RNC Complaint on Obama's Foreign Money
– The Republican National Committee filed a 49-page complaint against Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s campaign Monday … Most of them, excluding Newsweek and Vanguard, were from right-leaning sources such as American Spectator, Human Events, National Review…
RNC: Obama Accepted Illegal, Foreign Campaign Cash,_foreign_campaign_cash
– The Republican National Committee is filing a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission over what they believe are illegal donations…
Grassley’s “Left Wing Pit Bull” Investigating Evangelicals’s_“left_wing_pit_bull”_investigating_evangelicals
– Grassley, the ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, wanted to probe the finances of several churches to see if they were … to leap to too many conclusions, I do think it is a little weird that this guy is being paid tens of thousands of dollars by a Republican … In fact, his current work for Senator Grassley is focused on the National Institutes of Health failing to safeguard $24 billion in…
Bonanza. Bailout. Bonanza.
– It was Senate Banking Committee Democrats who blocked GOP-backed reforms of Fannie and Freddie in 2003 and 2006 -- but that doesn't … I blame Democratic leaders for larding the Senate version of the bailout bill with what the national political news website … House Republicans didn't help themselves when they said that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's partisan pre-vote rant killed 10 Republican
RSC Not Changing Bailout Alternative
Republican Study Committee Chairman Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R. … Joe Barton (Tex.) is pushing a plan to permanently expand energy exploration offshore and in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge to…
Rush Limbaugh vs. Politico ...
– The story goes on to say: House GOP leadership mocked by Rush"Rush Limbaugh opened his show today by piling on top of House Republican … And he's also mocking conservative media for believing House Republican leadership. … Do you know that 12 members of Barney Frank's committee voted "no"?…
The Slippery Senator
– WASHINGTON -- How is it that Republican presidential candidate Sen. … Even before that, in the summer of 2005, Republican Sen. … blocked from getting to the Senate floor by a party-line vote, which kept it in committee.…
New Faces but Few Changes
– Forget an investigation; Frank is now the chairman of the Financial Services Committee. … You see, the legislator in charge of writing national tax code, Democratic Rep. … Both Democratic and Republican lawmakers have lined up to vouch for the unimpeachable honesty of Stevens.…
Prank or Crime?
– "Unfortunately many politicians today have ... become disconnected from the will of the people, and that goes for the Republican side … 'IDIOTIC' WAR Inside the Beltway caught up Tuesday with Noel Koch, a lifelong Republican and Ronald Reagan-appointed assistant … As for now supporting a Democrat for the White House, having been a registered Republican since the late 1950s, Mr.…
ACORN Downplays Fraud
– Both Republican presidential candidate John McCain and vice president Sarah Palin have called on Congress to investigate ACORN’s voter … ’s Honest and Open Elections Committee invited Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama to help them prevent voter fraud at the … ACORN endorsed Obama for president earlier this year and Obama was the first ever national candidate to contract ACORN workers for…
Obama's Infanticide Lie
– “We have a smoking gun committee report,” said National Right to Life Committee Legislative Counsel Susan Muskett. … Muskett’s “smoking gun” is a 2003 Health and Human Services Committee report recorded by Republican committee staff. … “There was some literature put out by the National Right to Life Committee,” Brody told Obama in an August interview.…
The Candidates In Fairyland
– On the other, you have a Republican who proposes to raise taxes. … His proposals would cost some $293 billion a year, according to the National Taxpayers Union Foundation -- compared to $92 billion … So would the national debt.…
Fail Me Once, Shame on You,_shame_on_you
– Yet, the next generation of left-wingers that national Democrats are trying to elect, including Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, Kay … No wonder the Union Leader said she, “sold out consumers in exchange for money and a cozy relationship with a major national bank,” … That is why this November the choice is clear, the choice is Republican.…
Team McCain/Palin Needs to Tell the Real Economy Narrative
– Case in point – muzzling Sarah Palin days after a mesmerizing performance at the Republican National Convention.  … the inexplicable conflicts of interest between Congressman Barney Frank’s position as Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee … The National Republican Congressional Committee has a powerful ad that shows the Dems in deep denial. …
The Speech
– Like the one Sarah Palin gave at the Republican National Convention in September. … When he shouted: “You shall not crucify mankind on a Cross of Gold” - he became a national figure. … The Republican National Committee – though initially reluctant about the project – paid to have it broadcast nationally two more times…
NRCC Changes Mind on Bachmann
– Remember how I told you last week the National Republican Congressional Committee was abandoning Michele Bachmann? … They are actually using HER to raise money now.Via The Hill:The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is rallying around … The committee on Thursday sent a fundraising e-mail critical of the media’s treatment of the Minnesota Republican, who suggested on…
They Play the Games, They Hold the Elections,_they_hold_the_elections
– If the constant, funereal drumbeat of the popular press declaring McCain's loss becomes an article of faith among Republican and conservative … The press corps wants voters asking themselves whether the Republican National Committee spent too much on Gov.…
Not Pillow Talk
– Hatch, Utah Republican, told a surprised MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell during an interview Wednesday afternoon on the pros and cons … of tax plans offered by the two leading presidential candidates, Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain. … Few are aware that the National Archives, charged among other vital tasks with preserving the Declaration of Independence, U.S.…
On meaning of a possible Obama presidency
– Robert McFarlane, National Security Adviser to Ronald Reagan: "In 2006, when conditions on the ground (in Iraq) were trending downward … The Journal's William McGurn: "Barring divine intervention, a President Obama would not have a Republican Congress to worry about. … troops; with a Democratic Senate majority leader who promised to change the way Congress spent but fought earmark reform; and with committee
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