Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Obama to Pelosi and Reid: No Campaign Cash for You
– Obama will attend only one fundraiser each for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign … Committee, and as of now, will not be making any appearances at individual candidates' events. … candidates up and down the ballot.”…
The Future of Jewish Republicanism
– of the last 25 years providing explanations and excuses, one of which is that there typically have been few Jewish Republican candidates … Senate seat – because Ohio will also be a bloody battleground between the presidential candidates. … feels that his Jewish background and his name recognition in the county will help negate the strength Brown might expect in this Democratic
Is Rick Santorum Really the Most Conservative Presidential Candidate?…santorum_really_the_most_conservative_presidential_candidate
– Toomey went on to win the next election, as Specter switched parties and lost in the Democratic primary. … There is a reason why presidential candidates rarely come from Congress. … They were directed into Democratic households, urging Democrats to vote in the Republican primary against Romney since Romney opposed…
Lying When It Works Better Than Truth
– This year’s presidential election will be a contest between truth and lies. Don’t think it’s that stark? … Friess with the kid-glove treatment they gave North Carolina Democratic Gov. … Obama is counting on them to skate over his prevarications and instead apply a microscope to the Republican candidates, including jokes…
Should the GOP Hope For a Brokered Convention?
– As the Republican presidential primary drags on, 27 debates later, with no candidate yet obtaining 50% of the delegates, speculation … Delegates would be permitted to change their votes at the convention and support anyone, even new candidates. … Instead of a mostly democratic process of electing the nominee, the nominee would be chosen by political hacks.…
Redistricting Not a Big Story in 2012
– And voters in Democratic California approved a ballot measure turning redistricting over to a nonpartisan commission. … Big Hispanic population increases in Texas and Florida forced Republicans to create new Democratic districts. … candidates give parties different images.…
We Can't Separate Social Policy From Tax Law
– As a Democratic staffer explained to The Wall Street Journal reporter who questioned the marriage penalty written into Obamacare, " … Democratic consultant Tony Podesta has cooked up 83 bills to increase handing out more taxpayers' money to single moms. … Most Republican presidential candidates, as well as conservative think tanks, publications and PACs, have presented proposals to "reform…
Paul Ryan, Crusader
– No good idea ever made its way unimpeded and unscathed through the democratic political process. … voters, carried out from a leather chair on the Budget Committee, is easily greater than any performed to date by certain actual presidentialcandidates who shall be discreetly nameless.Just in case, though, let's remember the nature of great presidents, which is in part…
5 Reasons That Shouting "Racism" Doesn't Work Anymore
– Democrats did it), Jim Crow laws (Democrats did it) and other historic abuses heaped on black Americans in our country by the Democratic … Since its founding, the Democratic Party has always tried to generate racial strife; it just uses a little different strategy today … Herman Cain is not only wildly popular; for awhile he was the leading contender for the Republican presidential nomination.…
Ryan's Budget Kicks the Can at Timorous Democrats
– His Senate counterpart, Democratic Budget Chairman Kent Conrad, tends to agree. … The Republican presidential candidates seem more amenable. … Ryan knows far more about the budget than any of the presidential candidates.…
Obama's Algae Racket
– Sapphire's CEO, Jason Pyle, has donated exclusively to Democratic campaigns, candidates and committees -- and his company's website … Candidates." … Solazyme's ties to the White House and the Democratic establishment in Washington are myriad. As blogger J.E.…
Can Romney Show Voters That Obama Is Out of Date?
– Time for a postmortem on the race for the Republican presidential nomination. … They've voted increasingly Democratic over the past 20 years, turning target states into safely Democratic states. … Affluent voters like articulate candidates and dislike impulsive ones. George W.…
Is There a Republican Alternative to Obamacare?
– It's the health reform John McCain proposed during the last presidential election. … Just as most Democratic candidates don't want to talk about ObamaCare, Republicans don't want to talk about the McCain plan either.…
And They Wonder Why Voters Are Angry
– Typically, both candidates poll in the mid-40s, while 10 to 12 percent remain uncommitted to either side. … Romney has struggled to win over these voters in his primary contests, and Obama lost them to Hillary Clinton in the 2008 Democratic … Given the public mood, it is almost beyond comprehension that neither party could come up with a presidential candidate opposed to…
Analysis: Obama's Worst Speech Yet
– The presidential "education" goes on:   They keep telling us that if we convert more of our investment in education, research … But here's the solution proposed by Republicans in Washington and embraced by most of their candidates for president. … *UPDATE - A thoughtful reader suggests that if it's fair to blame irresponsible Democratic excesses for contributing to the housing…
4 Indiana Dems charged with election fraud in 2008 presidential race…a_dems_charged_with_election_fraud_in_2008_presidential_race
– Joseph County Democratic officials and deputies as part of a multiple-felony case involving the alleged forging of Democratic presidential … primary petitions in the 2008 election, which put then-candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on the Indiana ballot. … Court papers say the plan was hatched by local Democratic Party officials inside the local party headquarters.…
'Mommy Wars' a Trigger Issue With Women
– As the White House scrambled Thursday to prevent "mommy wars" damage done by a Democratic advisor, one expert cautioned that politicians … need to learn to communicate with women voters, who factor strongly in this presidential election. … "I don't have a lot of patience for commentary about the spouses of political candidates," Obama said.…
The Right Running Mate
– Vice presidential candidates, though commonly thought to be politically important, rarely make a discernible difference.Dan Quayle … In 2000, when Al Gore picked Joe Lieberman to be the first Jewish running mate, the Democratic share of the Jewish vote soared to 79 … Who fares best among the possible candidates according to these criteria?…
The Truth About France's 'Far-Right' Electoral Surge
– That's what an outsider looking at the country's first-round presidential voting results might have been led to believe. … The weekend vote knocked out all but the two candidates long expected to square off in the May 6 final: Socialist Francois Hollande … marginalize people who don't adhere to the increasingly prevalent culturally Marxist views that drives them to seek out and support democratic
Romney Should Choose Bold Colors, Not Pale Pastels
– whether the GOP presidential nominee should run as a conservative or more of a centrist.How often have we heard both Democratic and … The first problem with this is that it implicitly suggests that all presidential candidates are first and foremost politicians who … Yes, that was three decades ago, but Republican presidential candidates can still successfully run as mainstream conservatives; they…
As France Goes, so Goes Europe?
– By that standard, what do the people of France, in the final weeks of their presidential election, wish to hear from their candidates … She calls for an "Arab Spring" in France, a democratic revolution, yet sounds statist with her pledge to force down oil and gas prices…
How Romney and Our Republic Can Win (Part 2)
– Last week, I showed how the Republican Party likely would lose the presidential election in November if it were to use conventional … The past GOP presidential competitors were and are a unique blend of gifted and talented people. … For too long, too many of our politicians (especially presidential candidates) have expected us to sacrifice our political preferences…
'The Defining Issue of Our Time'? Hardly
– Indeed, presidential candidates have been picking at the income-inequality scab since at least 1840. … "In a democratic, capitalist society, gaps in income are inevitable," write Peter Wehner and Robert Beschel Jr. in the current issue … "Yet it is worth noting that democratic capitalism has done far more to create wealth, advance human flourishing, and lift people out…
Bad to Worst
– For, you see, most of these candidates were not and are not “good.” They may be “better” in some sense than the Democratic alternative … Indeed, bad Republican candidates — “big-government”/neo-conservative/made-on-Wall Street/“compassionate conservative” candidates — … The best candidates for our attention do not scuttle the good. They scuttle the bad. That is our history.…
Panetta Beats War Drums on Climate Change
– is doubtful that President Obama can take any credit for it since his promised cap-and-trade plan did not make it through the Democratic … The issue of costly climate change mitigation schemes is about more than just our presidential candidates. … than a carnival fortune teller, scientific misconduct, and harsh economic impacts don’t add up to a strong foundation for a presidential
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