Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Time To Run a 'Tebow' Media Option Play
candidates by ABC and NBC correspondents looked like a play designed by the left wing of the Democratic Party. … To the mainstream media, Republicans are pigheaded and unwilling to compromise with a Democratic president (or a Democratic Congress … If the "Miss America" contest could invite Limbaugh as a judge in 2010, why can't the Republican presidential candidates invite him…
'Tactical Voters' went to Romney in New Hampshire
– To win just under 40 percent of the vote in a primary with five active candidates is pretty impressive, even for a candidate like … Polling indicated that Romney voters were more firm in their support than backers for other candidates. … No nonincumbent Republican presidential candidate has won both the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary before.…
A Braying Ass Known by His Voice
– of the cartoon’s mockery, a donkey as the Democratic-sympathizing New York Herald.  … But at this stretch in the presidential primary, the lead Republican candidates are behaving more like Nast’s first use of animal symbols … The Democratic Party would have done well to seize Thomas Nast’s original characterization of them as a fox. …
40 Years After The 1972 Campaign, "Dirty Tricks" No Longer Matter To MSM…after_the_1972_campaign_dirty_tricks_no_longer_matter_to_msm
– It is the manipulation of the Tea Party by the hard-left activists of the ACORN-wing of the Democratic Party. … Traditional Democratic partners are jumping in, too. … We know the candidates cannot tell the "super PACs" what to do or say, but we know that what the candidates or their operatives do…
The Question Is Not 'Electability,' but 'Re-electability'
– Republican internecine squabbles this primary season seem to turn on the vying candidates' respective electability against incumbent … The Obamas, according to Dowd, are still convinced that presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett is correct that Obama is "just too talented … elections, Obama "did not seem to comprehend the anxiety that had spawned the Tea Party, or feel any regret," and that he told one Democratic
GOP Must Convince Young People It's the Party of Options
– The Republican presidential candidates, except for Ron Paul, haven't been paying much attention to young voters in the primaries and … clearly soured somewhat on Barack Obama -- the change they hoped for, whatever it was, hasn't arrived -- they are still the most Democratic-inclined…
Super PAC-Men: Obama Bundlers Gone Wild!
– That's the Democratic super PAC founded by former White House staffers Bill Burton and Sean Sweeney.Super PACs and campaigns are barred … When he announced his presidential intentions in 2007, candidate Obama decried "the cynics, the lobbyists, the special interests who've … But countless other Cabinet members and advisers, partying with Obama bundlers gone wild, will.In 2008, Obama lambasted rival Democratic
Russia and the United States: Pushing Tensions to the Limit?
– As Russia and the United States prepare for their respective presidential elections, tensions between the countries are growing. … Analysis Relations between the United States and Russia are incredibly tense as both countries prepare for their respective presidential … The Kremlin is unsure of future U.S. policy on Russia, since the U.S. presidential election is also on the horizon.…
Is a Long Primary Fight Good for the GOP?
– As she did before the South Carolina and Florida primaries, the former GOP vice-presidential candidate last week urged voters in Nevada … Yet if "nothing but good" includes winning presidential elections, Reed's history doesn't bear out his argument. … A string of competitive primary fights prods good candidates to sharpen their messaging, improve their debate skills, and assemble…
Russia's Shifting Political Landscape, Part 3: Rising Anti-Kremlin Movements…ting_political_landscape_part_3_rising_antikremlin_movements
– Notable leaders among these factions are Boris Nemtsov (Union of Right Forces), Mikhail Kasyanov (People's Democratic Union), Garry … Prokhorov wants to become the protesters' candidate in the upcoming presidential election. … Candidates who are not nominated by a party or who have not met with the president will have to collect signatures in order to run,…
Not So Fast: Trump to Endorse Romney, Not Newt
– and those likely to attend Saturday's statewide presidential caucuses. … Fellow Republican candidates Rick Santorum (10.9 percent) and Ron Paul (9.1 percent) also remained well behind. … New Mexico has been seen as a Democratic-leaning state because of its voting history and significant Hispanic population. …
Hamas and the Washington establishment
– Rather he has repeated it in two subsequent Republican candidates' debates. … The second important contribution that Republican presidential candidates have made to the discourse on the Middle East was undertaken … As she saw it, he was proof that Islamist parties could be democratic and moderate.…
Let's Honor, Not Stretch, the Buckley Rule
– When I've noted that this is the most important presidential election of our lifetimes, a few excitability-resistant conservative friends … Even current polls hypothetically matching Obama against different candidates tell us very little, because the Democratic attack machine … I have varying concerns about the other candidates, but I respect their respective supporters and realize that some of them even believe…
Brown is Back: Elizabeth Warren Trails by 9 Points in MA Senate Race…s_back_elizabeth_warren_trails_by_9_points_in_ma_senate_race
– only the second survey conducted since Christmas concerning the Massachusetts Senate race), Republican Scott Brown leads the Democratic … Scott Brown with a 9-point lead over Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren, a strong showing for the senator in what is expected to … In some ways, however, the Massachusetts Senate race will be similar to the 2012 presidential election – namely, independent voters…
A Tea Party Senate Takeover
– While fiscal conservatives remain split over the GOP presidential candidates, grassroots activists are coalescing around a stellar … slate of limited-government candidates looking to reinforce and reenergize the right in Washington.And in the spirit of the modern-day … He slobbered over corruptocrat Democratic Sen.…
Chris Christie on Israel -- and What It Means to Be a Leader
– Israel; about America and Israel; and about American political leadership: "America should stand by its friends and its democratic … Let's review: 1) America should stand by its friends and democratic allies, especially when it is unpopular to do so. … This is a challenge to the Democratic president, Barack Obama, and to Republican Congressman Ron Paul and his supporters.…
Smears at CPAC
– Citizens Senator are Senators Strom Thurmond, Trent Lott, Jesse Helms, Governor Haley Barbour, Senator Roger Wicker, and even former Democratic … They are only being made because three of the four major GOP presidential candidates—Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich—are…
Weighed Down By Healthcare Law, Obama Trails Challengers in Swing States…n_by_healthcare_law_obama_trails_challengers_in_swing_states
– to convince most Americans that it was the right thing to do.Though the law has avid supporters, especially in the president's Democratic … What's more, the issue unites the GOP when the party is fractured among competing presidential contenders. … But let's dispense with the notion that Obama is unbeatable, and that none of the GOP candidates have what it takes to supplant him…
Legendary Dem House Seat May Go Down on Sloppiness
– congressman Charlie Wilson of Ohio failed to make the ballot for lack of signatures and “had to run a write-in campaign to win the Democratic … Obama won just 45 percent of the vote in Altmire’s old district and less than 50 percent in Critz’s, so both candidates are capable … Even without this party spat, or even in a non-presidential year, this Western Pennsylvania House seat would be front and center in…
For GOP Contenders, Out of Office Means Out of Touch
– It's more than a coincidence that the only people to actually win Presidential nominations of either party since 1984 (when former … The current candidates rail endlessly against a mythical "out-of-touch GOP establishment." … candidates who have been years away from meaningful electoral accountability.…
"If Romney Loses Michigan, All Hell Breaks Loose"
– CNN says party elders are growing increasingly skittish over the state of the Republican presidential primary:   In a whispering … Although few conservatives are genuinely thrilled with the field as it stands, they at least appreciate that the remaining candidatesCandidates' instincts and character are often exposed by the unforgiving glare of the national spotlight. …
Prudence Is Key to Reversing Obama's 'Soft Despotism'
– of Representatives 100 percent of whose members were elected in a historic Republican year, a president elected in a historic Democratic … year, and a Senate two-thirds of whose members were elected in historic Democratic years and one-third in a historic Republican year … With their presidential candidates at odds, with mainstream media disparaging them at every turn, they need to exercise prudence and…
The Left's War on Christianity
– If liberals started living up to the religious beliefs they claim to have, then they'd upset the general philosophy of the Democratic … Then, Democratic candidates engage in pandering that liberals forgive them for, because they know they don't really believe it. … Literally every Catholic bishop in America has spoken out against the policy, but of course, the Democratic Party is unmoved.…
Romney Campaign Dragged Down By Huge Haul of Delegates
– To explain the widening gulf in delegates won by Romney compared to the others -- he now has more delegates than all other candidates … In open primaries in Michigan and Ohio, Obama's Democratic supporters came out to vote for Santorum or Gingrich. … Presidential candidates: Leave the name-calling to professionals.…
Get Off Your Gas! Drill and Vote (Part 1)
– Obama's Democratic cronies and his mainstream media minions are trying to come to his aid by saying that the rise in gas prices is … And that is exactly what former speaker of the House and current GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich is proposing.Gingrich's plan … But Sowell and I (and many other conservatives, including former GOP presidential candidates Rick Perry and Herman Cain) also believe…
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