Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Biden and Obama Run a Campaign Fit for the 1980s
– That's what seems to have happened to the Democratic ticket after Barack Obama's disastrous performance in the Denver debate Oct. 3 … So Obama on the campaign trail and Joe Biden in the vice presidential debate fell back on what they know from their formative political … On the campaign trail in the week after the presidential debate, Obama mentioned Big Bird 13 times -- 13 times more than he mentioned…
Polls: Romney Ahead 49-47 Percent
– Rasmussen and Gallup show Romney’s up 49 to 47 percent heading into the second presidential debate.  … Obama had the advantage just once, and the candidates were tied twice. … Those numbers reflect the state of the race after the first presidential debate.…
10 Most Vulnerable House Seats
– Last week, the Miami Herald ran a story naming the GOP candidates looking to try to win the seat back in 2014. … He faces Republican Richard Tisei in a comfortably Democratic district. … In a presidential year, Tisei will have to outperform GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney by a big margin.…
ERLC releases party platform voter guide
– "There is no excuse for any voter willingly forfeiting their right to vote because they don't know the candidates' positions on the … candidates. … The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission has published a similar guide in every presidential election since 1992.…
Candidates' abortion divide highlighted at VP debate
– Congressman Ryan, the Republican candidate, and Vice President Biden, the Democratic candidate, met for their only debate this year … For the first time in history, both vice presidential candidates are Catholic, leading Raddatz to ask the men to explain what role … "And with respect to abortion, the Democratic Party used to say they wanted it to be safe, legal and rare," Ryan said.…
Las Vegas Oddsmaker Explains Why He Predicts Romney Landslide
– Vice Presidential nominee. … Newsmax called it the most accurate prediction of the 2004 Presidential election. … He won by exactly 7 (despite reported Democratic voter irregularities).…
Is Pennsylvania In Play?
– Pennsylvania has not voted for a Republican presidential nominee in 24 years, when George H.W. … And, crucially, the majority of the survey was conducted before last week's presidential debate.   … Lee's latest figures peg Casey's lead at just two points, closely mirroring the presidential contest. …
Needed: A New Foreign Policy
– On Monday, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney delivered a foreign policy speech to cadets at the Virginia Military Institute … Eleven years later as America was being torn apart by the Vietnam War, Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern said the United … The presidential candidates should be asked about it. We can't afford to go everywhere and do everything.…
Romney Revival May Be Lifting All GOP Boats
– Mitt Romney and the complete flop of President Barack Obama in the first presidential debate has either propelled Romney to frontrunner … at least made him competitive in critical swing states -- and it also appears to be improving the chances of other Republican candidates … And if history is any indicator, the vice presidential debate will have little impact regardless of who wins.…
How Low Will Joe Go?
– In his feeble, distracted debate performance against Mitt Romney, President Obama all but ignored the major Democratic lines of attack … against the Republican nominee, forcing Joe Biden to consider an effort to renew those forgotten narratives when the vice-presidentialcandidates face one another Thursday night.…
Advantage Ryan
– Biden and Ryan are set to go the distance in a vice presidential debate tomorrow night at Centre College in Danville, Kentucky. … Four years later, the vice presidential debate had far less lasting impact. … Both candidates are energetic and experienced public speakers.…
Biden's 10 Biggest Gaffes
– Biden, who lost presidential primaries in 1988 and 2008, was depicted in the campaign as the epitome of working-class values and a … Politico reported the quote was made at a closed-door meeting with the Democratic caucus. … See the remaining six candidates who made our list by ordering the October issue of Townhall Magazine.  …
Why Romney Won the First Debate
– Jim Lehrer was effective in one area as the moderator of the first Presidential Debate of 2012.  … While he was not very effective in controlling the candidates, Lehrer’s style seemed to work out well in facilitating his primary goal … Even staunch Barack Obama disciples evaluate the first presidential debate as a solid win for Mitt Romney. …
Romney poised for N.H. victory as he fends off rival attacks
– The former House speaker said he expected to finish in the top three or four among the field of six serious candidates, but predicted … The Democratic National Committee immediately sent out a video showing the comment and Romney's GOP rivals jumped on it. "Gov. … Under the law, they cannot coordinate their activities with the candidates they support.…
GOP War of All Against All?
Democratic hopes for 2012 hence hinge on that party's ability to portray the Republican alternative as unacceptable if not intolerable … The GOP field of candidates suddenly seems headed to a finale that will call to mind the last scene of Hamlet, the dead and dying everywhere … The Republican candidates have gone beyond challenging each other's records and positions to impugning their character.…
This Week's MSM Bias Award Goes to George Stephanopoulos
– We've been dealing with liberal media bias for years, but George Stephanopoulos' performance in the Republican presidential debate … particularly egregious.In many of these MSM-moderated debates, liberal moderators have tried to stir up personal fights between candidates … This kind of baiting would never happen in a Democratic debate, even if Fox News furnished the moderators.…
Newt, the Democratic Mole
– Gingrich as a vice presidential nominee? Why not? … Very presidential. … Even without Newton Leroy, the GOP presidential quest, with its mostly B-list roster of candidates, would have been less than inspirational…
Republican Voters Show Growing Enthusiasm
– In January of that year, just 47% of Democratic voters felt the field of candidates was excellent or good; as many (47%) said the candidates … In the current survey, conservative Republicans and GOP-leaning independents express more positive opinions of the presidential field … These don't seem to be good numbers for Republican candidates.…
Gingrich, Romney warn of gay marriage impact
– Redefining marriage to include gay couples has negative consequences that rarely are discussed in the news media, Republican presidentialcandidates Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney say. … After several minutes of watching the back-and-forth between the ABC News moderators and the candidates, Gingrich pushed back.…
The GOP Choice: New Cast, Old Script
– soil, still trying out the catch phrases that presidential candidates use as a substitute for thought. … Guess which of the Republican presidential candidates is playing the all too familiar role of Old Man in Dark Shop this year. … But to those seeing their first presidential campaign and rodeo, the old man's oddments of cloth are raiments of glory.…
Fight Night: New Hampshire
– The real action tonight is taking place inside Saint Anselm College's Sullivan Arena, where the remaining six Republican presidentialcandidates will square off in a primetime, blockbuster debate -- roughly 60 hours before the Granite State's primary polls open.  … blunting Barack Obama's seemingly unstoppable momentum coming out of Iowa, and setting up a bruising six month clash over the Democratic
MSM and the 13 State Election
– This is why primaries help prepare GOP candidates prepare for the general election, by flushing out most or all the issues that MSM … Just like we will never get a former senior staffer in the Bush White House asking would-be Democratic presidents about whatever is … January 31rst in Florida (or indeed today in Florida where hundreds of absentee ballots are being cast): Which of the three GOP candidates
South Carolina Hoping to Pick Next President
– But it wasn't nearly as feisty as the crowd that forced the shutdown of the 1860 Democratic National Convention in Charleston before … it could choose a nominee, after which the party split into two conventions elsewhere and nominated Northern and Southern candidates … Nixon and other Republicans won five of the next six presidential elections.…
The Huckabee Campaign That Might-Have Been
– Huckabee, affable host at this weekend’s Republican debate in South Carolina, occasionally (and effortlessly) upstaged the five presidentialcandidates who participated. … these questions deserves serious attention as a means to clear away confusion concerning the past, present and future state of presidential
Report: Democrats Pretty Excited to Bludgeon Romney on Bain, Too
– The Wall Street Journal editorial board may have said it best: Perhaps the only positive element of certain Republican presidentialcandidates' scurrilous, Left-wing attacks on Mitt Romney's tenure at Bain Capital is that they are forcing Team Romney to address … They say the theme will be revisited with a vengeance in the general election:   [Democratic strategists] acknowledge that…
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