Results for: Republican National Committee

Pile On: National Review, George Will, Washington Examiner Pummel Newt
– Today, another center-right triumverate unloaded on the Republican frontrunner: National Review -   We fear that … Gingrich himself has never run for a statewide office, let alone a national one, and has not run for anything since 1998. … Republican voters seem to be engaging in willful amnesia about what is euphemistically called Gingrich's "baggage."…
Newt: Speak Bombastically and Carry a Tiny Stick
– After becoming the first Republican speaker of the House in nearly half a century, for example, Newt promptly proposed orphanages and … By the time of the 1996 Republican National Convention, Gingrich was so widely reviled that the Democrats' main campaign strategy against … all Republican candidates for office was to link them with Gingrich.…
Surprise: Eric Holder to Challenge Voter ID Laws
– Obama/Holder Department of Justice:   The Obama administration on Tuesday will wade into the increasingly divisive national … I suppose it's a remarkable coincidence that the Democratic National Committee also announced a major series of initiatives to combat … (you guessed it) voter ID laws earlier this month:   The Democratic National Committee announced new initiatives today…
Romney Out in Front
– For weeks the media has complained that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has been shielded from probing interviews. … The criticism and Romney's failure to break away from the crowded Republican field has prompted him to do more interviews. … Last week, Rachel Rose Hartman, a journalist for, reported on a conference call with members of the Republican National Committee
Earmarks By Any Other Name Still Stink
– Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee chairman, gave the eulogy. … Among McCaskill's findings was a $2.5 million line item inserted into the House bill by Republican Rep. Robert T. … John Brunner, one of her Republican opponents in next year's election, accuses her of hypocrisy, and is running an online video attacking…
Harry Reid: Wealthy Job-Creators "Are Like Unicorns...They Don't Exist"
– Crossroads GPS, the outside group founded by former Republican National Committee chairman Mike Duncan and top GOP strategist Karl … has reserved about $130,000 in broadcast and cable television time in Omaha and Lincoln over the next two weeks, according to a Republican … But one year out from the election, Nelson hasn't announced a decision, and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee says he hasn't…
Obama, Romney Change Tacks in Week of Political Risks
– On the Republican side, the oft-proclaimed and oft-dislodged frontrunner Mitt Romney moved from running a risk-averse campaign to a … Romney did not see fit to do this when Rick Perry zoomed to a lead in national polls in August or when Herman Cain did so in October … But Gingrich clearly has posed a greater threat since he took the lead in national polls in Thanksgiving week.…
The Truth About the National Defense Authorization Act
– Last week, the Senate voted 93-7 to pass S 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act. … The Senate Foreign Service Committee leadership asserts that the controversial provision merely codifies existing law. … Senators Rand Paul (R-TX) and Mark Kirk (R-IL) were the only Republican Senators to vote against it.…
Exclusive One-on-One with Newt Gingrich
– The latest in national Gallop poll shows former House Speaker Newt Gingrich soaring to a 15 point lead over Mitt Romney, 37-to-22. … GINGRICH: Well, first of all, it tells you how political she was on the ethics committee. … KUDLOW: ...former speaker of the House, Republican front-runner. We appreciate you're here... Mr. GINGRICH: Thank you.…
– When the Super Committee was struggling to find any common ground to reduce deficits by just $120 billion per year, President Obama … The Washington Post, not exactly a house organ for the Republican National Committee, took exception to Obama's blaming the deficit…
Obama vs. Capitalism
– Hey, Dwight Eisenhower (a Republican!) built the interstate highway system, for goodness' sake. … The president -- with the Democratic National Committee -- has hauled in more cash from rent-seeking financial-sector companies than … all Republican candidates combined.…
Kagan: Mesmerized by Rock Star Barack Obama
– So much so that she attended every session of the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston where she was "mesmerized" when Obama … Republican Senators McConnell, Grassley, Kyl, and Lee in a November 18, 2011 letter to Attorney General Eric Holder pointed out that … Republican House and Senate Judiciary Committee Members have repeatedly requested for months that the Justice Department provide information…
The EPA to Oil- and Coal-Fired Plants: Cut Down or Shut Down
– At a news conference Wednesday at Children's National Medical Center in Washington, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson said the regulation … James Inhofe, the top Republican on the Senate's environment committee, said he would file a joint resolution, a rarely used Congressional…
Newt Helped Formulate Christmas
– Gingrich is credited -- mostly by himself -- for single-handedly engineering the 1994 Republican takeover of Congress. … In November 1994, a majority of Americans didn't know Newt's name; they voted Republican in reaction to two years of Clinton's liberal … Before angry rebels foist another Sharron Angle on the national party and turn a likely win into a landslide defeat, consider that…
Obama and Holder Should Put the Race Card back in the Deck
– earlier played the race card regarding Fast and Furious, calling it "another manufactured controversy by the Second Amendment, NRA Republican … In a Democratic National Committee video in April 2010, he urged "young people, African-Americans, Latinos and women ... to stand together…
Holder Plays the Race Card Even Before Election Day
– Butterfield of North Carolina called the new laws “a cynical and malicious Republican attempt to suppress minority and elderly voters … Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said that “Republicans across the country have engaged in a full-scale … Keep this in mind as Wisconsin public employee unions collect signatures to recall reformist Republican Gov. Scott Walker.…
House Republicans to Reject Payroll Tax Compromise?…icans_preparing_to_reject_the_senates_payroll_tax_compromise
–   (2) To refer the disparate bills to a conference committee to hash out differences. … A conference committee convenes to iron out discrepancies and craft compromise language.  … If not, the conference committee reconvenes and tries again. …
A Democrat Reaches Across the Aisle on Medicare
–   It's highly unusual in a presidential debate for two Republican candidates -- the two leading in current national polls … subject was the Medicare reform plan put forward in a Wall Street Journal opinion article that morning by Wyden and House Budget Committee … And in 2008, he and Republican Sen.…
Planned Parenthood abortions dip below previous years
– Previously, Planned Parenthood's abortion total had increased for 15 consecutive years, according to the National Right to Life Committee … and federal leaders to defund them, a wave of former employees willing to testify against them, and uniform agreement amongst Republican
Obama's 2012 Reelection Excuse: Don't Blame Me, Blame Congress
– For months now, an army of opposition researchers at the Republican National Committee have been digging up every exuberant, exaggerated … Internal government documents obtained by a House oversight committee found that the program was heavily politicized, and included … But official government data draws a starkly different picture: A nearly 9 percent national unemployment rate; a weak economic growth…
Iowa caucuses will feature video conference with President Obama…_caucuses_will_feature_video_conference_with_president_obama
– As all 50 States hold Republican primaries or caucuses to determine a Republican winner over the next few months, the Democratic Party … nominee, they have been promised by the Republican National Committee (RNC) good seats and good hotel arrangements for the RepublicanNational Convention to be held in Tampa Bay, FL, in August.…
On Eve of Iowa Contest, Romney Focuses on Obama
– DAVENPORT, Iowa — A day before Iowans hold the first-in-the-nation nominating contest, Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney … The Democratic National Committee has already taken aim at Mr.…
Mitt Romney Was 'Below the Surface' All Along
– purposeful strategy to campaign aggressively below the surface in Iowa while pretending it was all about New Hampshire,” Boston Republican … “The truth is, he’s been playing in Iowa all along, but the national media has let him get away with pretending that he’s not. … Meanwhile, the Restore Our Future super PAC, a political action committee backing Romney, has spent nearly $3 million in ads hammering…
RNC Chair Reminds Iowans: Obama Must Go
– As the GOP primary officially kicks off tonight, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus offers a timely remember…
Obama Gives Gambling a Christmas Present
– the man who invented the instant scratch-off lottery ticket is funding the campaign to replace our Electoral College with his "national … with testimony by gambling supporters such as Frank Fahrenkopf, CEO of the American Gaming (Gambling) Association and former RepublicanNational Committee chairman and Rep.…
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